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Cartoons Under Fire


Veteran Member
For the record Jamaesi,

I have noted the hard work and dedication you have shown over the last couple of days to point out that not all Muslims are extremists and that the average Muslim needs to do more.

You have done a good job for your people using this platform and you deserve frubals for your good work. :)


To Save A Lamb
Thank you so very much for the kind words. It breaks my heart to see Islam hijacked by these lowlifes and tarnishing the name of the religion.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
jamaesi said:
Jayhawker Soule said:
jamaesi said:
I'm also getting the feeling that no matter that Muslims say or do to try to stop and protest the violence and spread peace, it's just never going to be enough for some of you...
Is it enough for you?

It will never be enough until all terrorism and hate and violence is gone from this world.

But to have our efforts belittled and diminished and pushed aside and ignored in the meantime? That's harsh.
Whine to some someone else. If by "our efforts" you mean the brave opposition of a tiny minority, I applaud them. If by "our efforts" you mean those of the organized Muslim community, you tell us if they should be seen as adequate.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
jamaesi said:
Thank you so very much for the kind words. It breaks my heart to see Islam hijacked by these lowlifes and tarnishing the name of the religion.
In that case, would it not be a good idea to try and rally the 'moderates' together, to petition the fundamentalists not to keep burning and pillaging and threatening the West ?


Done here.
Jayhawker Soule said:
Yes, and one can only applaud when one reads ...
[J]ordanian independent tabloid al-Shihan reprinted three of the cartoons on Thursday, saying people should know what they were protesting about, AFP news agency reports.
"Muslims of the world be reasonable," wrote editor Jihad Momani.

"What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?" [ibid]

Momani was fired on Friday and arrested on Saturday: Cartoon row: Jordanian editor arrested


jayhawker said:
If by "our efforts" you mean those of the organized Muslim community, you tell us if they should be seen as adequate.
Particularly in the face of muslim theocracy; one has to admit, it a huge part of what makes this scary.


To Save A Lamb
A few thousand people do this out of 1.3 billion Muslims and we all need to raked over the coals.

This is getting as ridiculous as the violent reaction.


Well-Known Member
I`m reading over at IIDB that Danish Imams went to Palestine after these cartoons were published and inflamed Muslims with cartoons that weren`t even ever published.
cartoons depicting their prophet in sexual positions engaging in pedophilia and such.

I can`t confirm this however because all the links I can find to anything like this at IIDB or in a google search or down due to servers being overtaxed.
Guess this is a popular subject here lately.

Has anyone else heard of this or have a link I might be able to open?


Well-Known Member
I think Simpson gave a very good view on this event, very neutral and provided some insight:

His pointing out of the similarity between Rushdie Satanic versus to the current Danish cartoon is so vivid.

I just like to point out that please note both event did not flare up to that extent immediately, but suddenly with some publicity or some one with special agenda, caused hatred to grow to uncontrollable situation.

Do not fall into the trap of these people with special agenda. One conspiracy theory I can think of is some one purposely want to made the Muslim community look bad, and look like uncivilized hooligans and crooks and terrorists.....Poor Muslim fell for the trap.

Some readers' comment:
I find it interesting that Mr Simpson mentions the Satanic Verses. He also mentions the West's offence at anti-Semitic comic strips in Islamic nations. However he never mentions the continual offence caused to Christians in this country by the media. Rushdie may well have treated Muhammad badly in his book but Christ has been treated awfully in the Da Vinci Code, Jerry Springer's Opera, Rowan Atkinson sketches, etc, and most people think that this is fine. This, I do not understand.
What appalls me is the desire on the part of some to insists on promoting 'free speech' at the expense of other people, in this case the Muslims. How does that help? In a 'civilized society' emphasis has been and should be to respect each others religion and their cultural sensitivities. Going out of ones way to incite Muslims, by exercising free speech is unhelpful.
The sick people who thought up the cartoon are nothing but cowardly hypocrites who hide behind the banner of 'freedom of speech' in order to disrespect, disregard and insult the belief of millions. It is the same people who categorise Muslims into boxes of 'extremist' and 'terrorist' if they speak out against the West. I don't agree with the threatening slogans that displayed in London, but if I was an ardent supporter of freedom of speech I might say that those people were doing exactly that
For once, somebody has the courage and sense of professionalism as a journalist to disassociate from the blatant and disgraceful bias of certain Western media institutions and individuals for that matter since these provocations came to light. May God bless him and I hope and pray his views would make the difference.
greatcalgarian said:
One conspiracy theory I can think of is some one purposely want to made the Muslim community look bad, and look like uncivilized hooligans and crooks and terrorists.....Poor Muslim fell for the trap.
It seems to me that you just won't accept the fact that a segment of the Muslim community is, in fact, composed of crooks and terrorists...you're always trying to scapegoat the West for the problems and faults of Muslim countries.

No offense intended, just an observation.


To Save A Lamb
But there are efforts to make that segment seem larger and more representative of Islam than that segement really is.
jamaesi said:
But there are efforts to make that segment seem larger and more representative of Islam than that segement really is.
Who is putting forth all this effort? The media? I don't think anyone is trying to shed a negative light on Muslims....journalists simply go where the story is. Muslims torching an embassy is a story. Muslims protesting peacefully isn't as much of a story. Pat Robertson offending everyone he refers to is a story. Christian preachers calling for peace and tolerance isn't as much of a story. See what I mean?


Well-Known Member
This has sunk to a new low.

IRAN'S largest selling newspaper announced today it was holding a contest on cartoons of the Holocaust in response to the publishing in European papers of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.

"It will be an international cartoon contest about the Holocaust," said Farid Mortazavi, the graphics editor for Hamshahri newspaper - which is published by Teheran's conservative municipality.



Well-Known Member
Mr Spinkles said:

Will Western newspapers print the anti-semetic cartoons? Should they?
I think some will and some won`t.

No, I don`t think they should unless they have a valid reason for doing so.
I don`t think the organized efforts of European press should have published the Mohammed cartoons either.

It`s kind of like two kids bickering on a playground to me, only there are explosives on the playground.


Done here.
Mr Spinkles said:
Will Western newspapers print the anti-semetic cartoons? Should they?
The question was addressed to linwood, but I think they should print at least a representative sampling. If it were my newspaper, I'd also try to get some discussion going about why, in the Muslim world, anti-Western sentiment is vented in this way. We're mad at the Europeans; let's go kick some Jews.

See, I think a lot of the protesters have a lot be angry about. There's the usual oppression of the poor by the rich, which happens almost everywhere, but isn't less oppressive for being common. There's Israeli oppression of Palestinians. There's Western -- and especially American -- imperialism. However, I don't think some cartoons in a Danish paper would normally get them this stirred up. How many of them ever read Danish papers in the first place? How many of us do? Muslim religious leaders in Denmark deliberately stirred up this controversy, even traveling to the Middle East for the purpose.

Sadly, religious fundamentalism gives people the illusion of purpose and vindication. We see the same thing in the U.S., where millions support the very right-wing politicians and religious leaders who are screwing them over, because the religious leaders have convinced them that their real enemies are feminists and homosexuals.

What it basically comes down to is corrupt politicians and business leaders who give people reasons to feel off balance, and corrupt religious leaders who exploit those feelings and puff up their own position by stirring up hatred and focusing it on some scapegoat.

None of it is any excuse for violence, though.


Well-Known Member
MidnightBlue said:
The question was addressed to linwood, but I think they should print at least a representative sampling. If it were my newspaper, I'd also try to get some discussion going about why, in the Muslim world, anti-Western sentiment is vented in this way. We're mad at the Europeans; let's go kick some Jews.

I would consider that a valid reason presented in a responsible manner.
Muslim religious leaders in Denmark deliberately stirred up this controversy, even traveling to the Middle East for the purpose.
This is what I`ve heard elsewhere yet I haven`t been able to find anything about it other than a couple of reputable blogs.
Have you a link to something about this?


Done here.
linwood said:
[/i]This is what I`ve heard elsewhere yet I haven`t been able to find anything about it other than a couple of reputable blogs.
Have you a link to something about this?
Bloomberg news had a story on 2 February that said, "Tensions escalated after a Danish Muslim delegation went to the Middle East in December to rally support against the cartoons."


World Leader Pretend
jamaesi said:
But there are efforts to make that segment seem larger and more representative of Islam than that segement really is.

I think we have kept a rather objective perspective on the actual number of violent radicals. I think what we are seeing, is that as those numbers become more and more visible, and greater in quantity, people are truly beginning to wonder... where are the peaceful muslims? Why aren't they in the streets? Why don't they care?

The answer is, many of them sympathize with the terrorists. They don't agree with them... but they can see why they do what they do and they are "understanding". So they wait quietly to see what happens next, hoping with a naive hope that the conflict between free peoples and violent fundamentalists won't come home and hit them where it hurts.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Darkdale said:
If you love Iraqis, but just hate Americans - and want to use the victims of war as a reason to enforce that hate, then I have no interest in talking to you.
I don't hate americans, why should i?

I just hate the irresponsible government of the US.

Americans died in Iraq to set a people free and make the world a more peaceful place,
ya sure, :rolleyes: Bush said first we found it, we found the evidence that they have a nuclear bomb but what happnned after that?

They decieved the puplic by sending thier sons and daughters to unfair war for the "so called" peace.

to make America more secure.


There is no relationship between Saddam and bin Ladin.