If even a fraction of the things priests are accused of are true then they are more like demons than humans.
Would you say the same thing about families?
According to studies, about 1/5 of all girls are abused by a relative or an acquaitance in their home, and about 1/12 of boys are. The estimate of how many of the priests are pedophiles is about 2% from what I've seen.
My point is not that what the priests and bishops that didn't report or committed these sex crimes themselves is somehow excusable, as it certainly is not, but that we do need to put things into perspective. Also that rate has significantly dropped over the years with 1367 known cases 1970-74 to 22 known cases 2015-17, although it's possible that latter figure may go up somewhat as investigations continue.
At our church, at least about every other week or so, including in our church paper, there are requests for people to come forward to the
civil authorities if they were abused or know of anyone that was abused, and bishops and priests are required both by law and the Church that they
must report such cases if they're aware or suspicious of anyone being abused.
It's absolutely terrible that this has been happening, and the Church deserves much of the blame for trying to sweep these under the rug, but there have been some significant changes that seem to be working.