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Challenge for those that believe in billions of years for the age of things. Give anything that is more than 6000 years old. NO ASSUMPTIONS ALLOWED.


Well-Known Member
Older than 6,000 years -> Dinosaurs

God did Not make a young Earth look old.
If He did then God would be a deceitful liar.
Who says the earth looks billions old?
No one looks at the earth and says it looks billions of years old.
And 6000 years is old.
God told the truth in the word of God,
if someone does not believe the word of God then Satan will deceive them into believing crazy things like evolution and billions of years.
Creation, the fall and the worldwide flood where miraculous events from God so scientists can be fooled into thinking things are billions of years old.

Dinos are not older than 6000 years old.
It is just an assumption.
Did you find a Dino who said they were over 6000 years old?
Did you find a Dino with a stamp on it saying it was from 100 million years BC?
Did you find a Dino newspaper with the date 100 million years BC?
No to all 3.
Just an assumption and a false one at that.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Who says the earth looks billions old?
The evidence from multiple different and independent scientific fields, such as evolution, cosmology, physics, astrophysics, astronomy, geology, palaeontology, archaeology, genetics, and statistics. Even some ice cores go back millions of years.

The only people that think the earth is only 6000 years old are religious cultists, who can offer nothing but blind faith, misrepresentation, ignoring obvious evidence, general scientific ignorance, and blatant falsehoods.

Dinos are not older than 6000 years old.
It is just an assumption.
No it isn't. It's become pointless giving you the science yet again because you just run away or post nonsense or change the subject.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Who says the earth looks billions old?
No one looks at the earth and says it looks billions of years old.
And 6000 years is old.
God told the truth in the word of God,
if someone does not believe the word of God then Satan will deceive them into believing crazy things like evolution and billions of years.
Creation, the fall and the worldwide flood where miraculous events from God so scientists can be fooled into thinking things are billions of years old.

Dinos are not older than 6000 years old.
It is just an assumption.
Did you find a Dino who said they were over 6000 years old?
Did you find a Dino with a stamp on it saying it was from 100 million years BC?
Did you find a Dino newspaper with the date 100 million years BC?
No to all 3.
Just an assumption and a false one
Hello, SavedBytheLord. I appreciate your questions in many respects. But it is a misconception for several reasons that God created the material universe a few thousand years ago.
First the Bible does not indicate when the universe was created. It says at Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
The statement does not conflict with modern estimates that the universe is billions of years old.


Well-Known Member
Hello, SavedBytheLord. I appreciate your questions in many respects. But it is a misconception for several reasons that God created the material universe a few thousand years ago.
First the Bible does not indicate when the universe was created. It says at Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
The statement does not conflict with modern estimates that the universe is billions of years old.
I do not agree. The earth’s age is determined completely by scripture starting with Genesis 1. The earth is created on day 1 and that is clear from exodus 20:11 and exodus 31:17. The words were written by God 2x with His own finger and spoken 2x with His own voice. Adam and Eve are then created on day 6. Then just read the genealogies noting the age at which someone begets a particular son and add up the years. The tie to our time comes from noting that Christ was crucified circa 30 AD.
The moon, sun, and the stars were created on day 4. Light was created on day 1. The heavens created on day 1 do mean all space.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I do not agree. The earth’s age is determined completely by scripture starting with Genesis 1. The earth is created on day 1 and that is clear from exodus 20:11 and exodus 31:17. The words were written by God 2x with His own finger and spoken 2x with His own voice. Adam and Eve are then created on day 6. Then just read the genealogies noting the age at which someone begets a particular son and add up the years. The tie to our time comes from noting that Christ was crucified circa 30 AD.
The moon, sun, and the stars were created on day 4. Light was created on day 1. The heavens created on day 1 do mean all space.
Looking at Genesis 1:1, it says "in the beginning," right? What was it the beginning of? Perhaps we can examine this a bit. (At the beginning.) The beginning of what? Further, I believe I have asked you in the past as to which Bible you use. I forget, being imperfect as I am. :) Maybe you did not say. So do you use the King James Version, old or new? Because -- interestingly enough, the old says In the beginning, God created the HEAVEN and the earth, but many other translations say HEAVENS and earth. It's important to understand this.


Well-Known Member
Looking at Genesis 1:1, it says "in the beginning," right? What was it the beginning of? Perhaps we can examine this a bit. (At the beginning.) The beginning of what? Further, I believe I have asked you in the past as to which Bible you use. I forget, being imperfect as I am. :) Maybe you did not say. So do you use the King James Version, old or new? Because -- interestingly enough, the old says In the beginning, God created the HEAVEN and the earth, but many other translations say HEAVENS and earth. It's important to understand this.
I do use the King James Bible. And you are correct it does say heaven not heavens in Gen 1:1. I should check first and not rely on my memory so much. However it does say heavens in Gen 2:1 and 2:4 in the KJB. Thus singular refers to all space as does the plural.

The earth’s age is determined completely by scripture starting with Genesis 1. The earth is created on day 1 and that is clear from exodus 20:11 and exodus 31:17. The words were written by God 2x with His own finger and spoken 2x with His own voice. Adam and Eve are then created on day 6. Then just read the genealogies noting the age at which someone begets a particular son and add up the years. The tie to our time comes from noting that Christ was crucified circa 30 AD.
The moon, sun, and the stars were created on day 4. Light was created on day 1. The heavens created on day 1 do mean all space.

Now based on this, what could have been created prior to the first day?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Who says the earth looks billions old?

Scientists do. Or at the very least hundreds of millions. And astronomers will tell you that the universe definitely looks billions of years old.
No one looks at the earth and says it looks billions of years old.
Wrong, just because you may be totally scientifically illiterate does not mean that everyone else
And 6000 years is old.

Not when the Earth looks to be hundreds of millions of years old
God told the truth in the word of God,

So now you are claiming that God is a liar again. You keep forgetting that for the myths of Genesis to be true God has to be a liar.
if someone does not believe the word of God then Satan will deceive them into believing crazy things like evolution and billions of years.

No, that would be God. Satan does not have that much creative power. Is your DNA from Satan?
Creation, the fall and the worldwide flood where miraculous events from God so scientists can be fooled into thinking things are billions of years old.

Wait, I do not understand? Are you now saying that God is not omniscient? That he is no omnipotent? And no, the flood would have done all sorts of things that we do not see. Are you trying to claim that God lied by covering up his evil deed? You seem to be going all over the place again.
Dinos are not older than 6000 years old.
It is just an assumption.

No, that is based on evidence. There you go claiming that God is liar again.
Did you find a Dino who said they were over 6000 years old?
Did you find a Dino with a stamp on it saying it was from 100 million years BC?
Did you find a Dino newspaper with the date 100 million years BC?
No to all 3.
Just an assumption and a false one at that.

Nope, all based upon evidence. And you keep claiming that God is a liar. Please make up your mind.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I do use the King James Bible. And you are correct it does say heaven not heavens in Gen 1:1. I should check first and not rely on my memory so much. However it does say heavens in Gen 2:1 and 2:4 in the KJB. Thus singular refers to all space as does the plural.

The earth’s age is determined completely by scripture starting with Genesis 1. The earth is created on day 1 and that is clear from exodus 20:11 and exodus 31:17. The words were written by God 2x with His own finger and spoken 2x with His own voice. Adam and Eve are then created on day 6. Then just read the genealogies noting the age at which someone begets a particular son and add up the years. The tie to our time comes from noting that Christ was crucified circa 30 AD.
The moon, sun, and the stars were created on day 4. Light was created on day 1. The heavens created on day 1 do mean all space.

Now based on this, what could have been created prior to the first day?
But since the evidence tells us that it is all a fairy tale what does it matter what the Bible says? Or are you going to call God a liar again?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I do use the King James Bible. And you are correct it does say heaven not heavens in Gen 1:1. I should check first and not rely on my memory so much. However it does say heavens in Gen 2:1 and 2:4 in the KJB. Thus singular refers to all space as does the plural.

The earth’s age is determined completely by scripture starting with Genesis 1. The earth is created on day 1 and that is clear from exodus 20:11 and exodus 31:17. The words were written by God 2x with His own finger and spoken 2x with His own voice. Adam and Eve are then created on day 6. Then just read the genealogies noting the age at which someone begets a particular son and add up the years. The tie to our time comes from noting that Christ was crucified circa 30 AD.
The moon, sun, and the stars were created on day 4. Light was created on day 1. The heavens created on day 1 do mean all space.

Now based on this, what could have been created prior to the first day?
We all make mistakes. (We're imperfect...)

Going back to Genesis, it says in the first chapter: (King James Version)
"1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."
So the earth was there in the beginning, how do you feel about that? As well as the heaven (or heavens). The version of the King James Bible I use at www.bible.cc actually denotes that on the first day light came to be.

"The First Day: Light
3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."

Your comments are welcome.


Well-Known Member
We all make mistakes. (We're imperfect...)

Going back to Genesis, it says in the first chapter: (King James Version)
"1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."
So the earth was there in the beginning, how do you feel about that? As well as the heaven (or heavens). The version of the King James Bible I use at www.bible.cc actually denotes that on the first day light came to be.

"The First Day: Light
3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."

Your comments are welcome.
The key is the 4th commandment. The creation of the earth is also within the 6 days.

For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. - Exo 20:11

Also note what Christ said. Adam and Eve were created at the beginning of creation not billions of years after.

4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. - Matt 19:4-6
Last edited:


Veteran Member
Who says the earth looks billions old?

Literally everyone who bothers to actually look at some of the evidence, instead of merely parrotting what their pastors scream at them in church, or what their favorite televangelist tells them on TV

No one looks at the earth and says it looks billions of years old.

Except everybody does.

And 6000 years is old.
God told the truth in the word of God,
if someone does not believe the word of God then Satan will deceive them into believing crazy things like evolution and billions of years.
Creation, the fall and the worldwide flood where miraculous events from God so scientists can be fooled into thinking things are billions of years old.

There you go again, calling your god a deceptive liar.

Dinos are not older than 6000 years old.
It is just an assumption.

Not an assumption. Instead, proven demonstrable and independently verifiable fact.

Did you find a Dino who said they were over 6000 years old?
Did you find a Dino with a stamp on it saying it was from 100 million years BC?
Did you find a Dino newspaper with the date 100 million years BC?
No to all 3.

Idd no to all tree.
Instead, we know how atoms work and that includes atomic decay.
This is knowledge that can be used to determine the age of stuff.

Regardless of your irrationaly denial, which your religion literally requires you to engage in.

Just an assumption and a false one at that.


Veteran Member
The key is the 4th commandment. The creation of the earth is also within the 6 days.

For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. - Exo 20:11

Also note what Christ said. Adam and Eve were created at the beginning of creation not billions of years after.

4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. - Matt 19:4-6
I always chuckle when I see creationists argue against eachother over their ancient book of choice.

It's like watching people fight out a war with GI Joe action figures.


Well-Known Member
I always chuckle when I see creationists argue against eachother over their ancient book of choice.

It's like watching people fight out a war with GI Joe action figures.
The King James Bible is the word of God without error.
The new versions are corrupted but that was predictEd by the word of God.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
The King James Bible is the word of God without error.
That's funny. You do realise that the original texts weren't written in English at all? And that all English versions are therefore riddled with the translator's subjective opinions about the exact way to express the ideas in English. Translation in not an exact science, especially on ancient texts, because every language changes over time anyway.


Well-Known Member
The King James Bible is the word of God without error.
The new versions are corrupted but that was predictEd by the word of God.

What was the name of the decepticon told you the KJV is God's word without error friend ? Where is the support for your claim that the KJV corrected all the errors in the Bibles that came prior.. Bibles from which the KJV was compiled -- and how did the 47 scholars who were involved in the writing of the KJV know where the errors were in the Bibles that came before ?

This is another crucified position friend .. and we havn't even started .. Where did you hear this falsehood .. where are you getting this demonstrably false story from .. claiming all Bibles prior to the KJV had errors -- but these were identified and corrected by the 47 Bible Scholars and Clergy who compiled the KJV.

Do you have a single example of an error that was corrected friend ?


Veteran Member
The King James Bible is the word of God without error.
The new versions are corrupted but that was predictEd by the word of God.


Pew pew!