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Challenge for those that believe in billions of years for the age of things. Give anything that is more than 6000 years old. NO ASSUMPTIONS ALLOWED.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You might look into it. Apologist sources try to make excuses, but they have no valid arguments.

It is an error to make a false idol of the Bible. You should be reading it for its lessons and not for history or science.
I will try, I know there is a discussion, shall we say, among some about the dates. I believe Jesus was not born in the year 1 CE . And of course there is no 0 year between 1 BCE and 1 CE. (I also realize that December 25th is a contrived date claiming it is Jesus' birthday.) But yes, there are details involved and I guess I'll start with the year of Jesus' birth. Really not the time to go into its "lessons," but I am inclined to ask what lessons you think there are in the Bible? (Maybe that's a myth, too? -- ok, just a little joke there...) Probably I should stick to the subject of the time of Jesus' birth. OK.
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I will try, I know there is a discussion, shall we say, among some about the dates. I believe Jesus was not born in the year 1 CE . And of course there is no 0 year between 1 BCE and 1 CE. (I also realize that December 25th is a contrived date claiming it is Jesus' birthday.) But yes, there are details involved and I guess I'll start with the year of Jesus' birth. Really not the time to go into its "lessons," but I am inclined to ask what lessons you think there are in the Bible? (Maybe that's a myth, too? -- ok, just a little joke there...) Probably I should stick to the subject of the time of Jesus' birth. OK.
Why that date? You refute both narratives. It is long after Herod died which ruins Matthew's story and it is before the Census of Quirinius which ruins Luke's story. Yes, they probably both are made3 up. And it does have the advantage of being the average of the two dates.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Why that date? You refute both narratives. It is long after Herod died which ruins Matthew's story and it is before the Census of Quirinius which ruins Luke's story. Yes, they probably both are made3 up. And it does have the advantage of being the average of the two dates.
You asked why that date? What date? Are you referring to something I said in the post you are responding to? I was going to get started with my reasoning on the subject, but now you have me stymied because I don't know what date you are referring to in your question. I'll rewrite the post again for reference:
"I will try, I know there is a discussion, shall we say, among some about the dates. I believe Jesus was not born in the year 1 CE . And of course there is no 0 year between 1 BCE and 1 CE. (I also realize that December 25th is a contrived date claiming it is Jesus' birthday.) But yes, there are details involved and I guess I'll start with the year of Jesus' birth. Really not the time to go into its "lessons," but I am inclined to ask what lessons you think there are in the Bible? (Maybe that's a myth, too? -- ok, just a little joke there...) Probably I should stick to the subject of the time of Jesus' birth. OK."
So when you ask Why that date, what date are you referring to? Thanks.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You asked why that date? What date? Are you referring to something I said in the post you are responding to? I was going to get started with my reasoning on the subject, but now you have me stymied because I don't know what date you are referring to in your question. I'll rewrite the post again for reference:
"I will try, I know there is a discussion, shall we say, among some about the dates. I believe Jesus was not born in the year 1 CE . And of course there is no 0 year between 1 BCE and 1 CE. (I also realize that December 25th is a contrived date claiming it is Jesus' birthday.) But yes, there are details involved and I guess I'll start with the year of Jesus' birth. Really not the time to go into its "lessons," but I am inclined to ask what lessons you think there are in the Bible? (Maybe that's a myth, too? -- ok, just a little joke there...) Probably I should stick to the subject of the time of Jesus' birth. OK."
So when you ask Why that date, what date are you referring to? Thanks.
My mistake, I misread your post. I thought that you proposed that Jesus was born in 1 CE. You did not so you might as well ignore that post.

As to the lessons in the Bible, there are quite a few. Here is a rather important one: “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you”


Well-Known Member
My mistake, I misread your post. I thought that you proposed that Jesus was born in 1 CE. You did not so you might as well ignore that post.

As to the lessons in the Bible, there are quite a few. Here is a rather important one: “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you”
Telling the truth is loving, lies are not.
And evolution and billions of years are lies. And that is the truth,


Well-Known Member
No by your definition you just hated.

Why are you so afraid?
What was the first living creature and what features did it possess?

Was it DNA? Was it RNA? Was it just proteins? Was it some mix?

What was its code? How many amino acids did it have? When did it come into being?

How many kinds of proteins did it have? How many of each?

Where did it come into being? In space? In the atmosphere? In the ocean? In a tide pool?

In clay or mud? What protected it from UV rays? What was the composition of the atmosphere at that time?

If it was in water, how did the amino acids keep from being dissipated by the water?

What was the energy source for these reactions?

Where there any enzymes in it? Which ones? Certain required reactions need enzymes as catalysts. If not, the reaction may take a vast number of years. Surely the primitive thing could not last more than a minute much less than many years.

How did it survive? Where did the protective layer come from? What was the protected layer? How did that part get reproduced?

How was it able to divide itself? The protective layer must also divide and then close.

What was its food source? How did it remove waste? How did it repair itself? How did these things move in and out of the protective layer since they must be gated.

Please explain how it was ever able to reproduce itself.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What was the first living creature and what features did it possess?

Was it DNA? Was it RNA? Was it just proteins? Was it some mix?

What was its code? How many amino acids did it have? When did it come into being?

How many kinds of proteins did it have? How many of each?

Where did it come into being? In space? In the atmosphere? In the ocean? In a tide pool?

In clay or mud? What protected it from UV rays? What was the composition of the atmosphere at that time?

If it was in water, how did the amino acids keep from being dissipated by the water?

What was the energy source for these reactions?

Where there any enzymes in it? Which ones? Certain required reactions need enzymes as catalysts. If not, the reaction may take a vast number of years. Surely the primitive thing could not last more than a minute much less than many years.

How did it survive? Where did the protective layer come from? What was the protected layer? How did that part get reproduced?

How was it able to divide itself? The protective layer must also divide and then close.

What was its food source? How did it remove waste? How did it repair itself? How did these things move in and out of the protective layer since they must be gated.

Please explain how it was ever able to reproduce itself.
You were told already many times that it was RNA.

And until you change your behavior you do not get to make demands when it comes to answering questions.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Circa now is the last days.
About 6000 years since the 6 day creation and 2000 years since the resurrection of Christ
Hello there. The Bible does not say when God began to create the universe or how long this took. It simply states: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (KJV) The Bible does not state when “the beginning” occurred. But the sequence of events recorded in Genesis places it before the six periods, (or days) of creation, that is, in the beginning. That beginning was before the first day of creation. The sun, moon, and stars already existed as part of “the heaven" (KJV) created in “the beginning.” Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.


Premium Member
Not to quibble but this is not precise. All sciences have base predicate axioms which are assumed, ergo assumptions.
Science is not based on axioms is falsifying hypotheses based on objectively verifiable evidence through Methodological Naturalism, Math is based on axioms used to prove Theorems.


Premium Member
Here is simple challenge for those that believe in billions of years for the age of things. Give anything that is more than 6000 years old. NO ASSUMPTIONS ALLOWED.

I will soon post a thread that will refute billions of years and evolution.
From your perspective like that of AIG and Discovery Institute consider all scientific evidence as ASSUMPTIONS. No physical evidence that is the foundation of science is considered evidence.

You do not accept any evidence for the billions of years of our physical existence nor the evolution of life, therefore your argument cannot refute anything you do not believe in concerning scientific evolution.

Is all physical evidence ASSUMPTIONS?

For example: Sediment deposits in lakes are called varves and have seasonal properties of deposition today and throughout the history of the lakes. Each varve contains the pollen layer for each spring We can observe evidence for significant events in human history like the Volcanic eruptions, Industrial Revolution, and Nuclear bombs and testing. All these events in history are recorded in individual varves that actually year the events occurred.

One place where varves have been studied for decades is below a deep lake in Japan: Lake Suigetsu. Here a varve chronology stretching back well over 50,000 years has been established.

Recent research has documented more than 150,000 years of varves.

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Premium Member
"An "axiom", in classical terminology, referred to a self-evident assumption common to many branches of science."
Axiom - Wikipedia.
The reference you provided and the examples provided refer to axioms as they relate to math and logic proofs. Also in logic arguments in classic philosophy.

The axioms, postulates, proofs, and Theorems of math then become part of the toolbox for scientists to propose falsifying hypotheses and theories
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Well-Known Member
Check your nose you qualify as a Pinocchio candidate. wooden head and all.

Your nose is getting longer.
Not me.

Why is the sea urchin being called the cousin of people? Why that particular species?
Please give the blow by blow account through all the intermediary species with all the genes and with special attention to how this happened with sexual reproduction. I want times, places and names.
