Paintings and other Images of Muhammed (Mohammed) from Muslim Countries or Cultures
In any case, the
Quran is silent on the question of whether it is appropriate to paint a picture of Muhammed. There are, however, specific texts within the Hadith (collections of stories and sayings of Muhammed which have been passed down by others but which Muslims accept as authoritative). These sayings have been interpreted differently and applied inconsistently within the several branches of Islam. Within some Muslim communities images of Muhammed have proliferated, while in other Muslim communities figurative art of any kind has been prohibited.
Persian or central Asian illustration showing Muhammed teaching.
Don't you find it strange that Christians and atheists know more about the religion you are defending than you do?
There are two groups of people who espouse that argument:
- Conspiracy nut jobs.
- Muslims who must deny that their fellow Muslims did it.
You didn't know the Quran has no prohibitions regarding the printing of Muhammad.
You hadn't ever seen a painting of Muhammed.
You deny that Osama Bin Laded, a devout Muslim, planned the 9/11 attack.
Willful ignorance is not bliss. You should consider educating yourself on actual facts before posting on a forum.