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Choodianism: an introduction


Glass half Panda'd
"In the Book of Choodle, there are many pages, and on those pages are many paragraphs, and in those paragraphs, there are many sentences, and in those sentences, there are many words, and in those words, there are letters.... and occational punctuation!" -- Book of Choodle, original translation

It's not easy being the leader of a New Religous faith. (the ONLY TRUE faith, that is) Everything I, the Almighty Poowawa, will say, is directly from the God Choodle! He has a son: Jesus the Indifferent.

The Book of Choodle was found in a tree! Yes, this particular text was found in the tree tops. Made of the hide of twenty two and 1/2 people, the texts are sacred and holy. Choodle directed me to these texts by way of the Panda. I saw a panda, and it said, "come, follow me" and it led me to a tree. The panda dissapeared, but I happened to look up and see this magical book in the tree tops!

The Book of Choodle contains revelation of the end times and conduct for generations until that end time. There are 17 signs of the end of the world before Jesus comes for his "4th roaming." So it is said in the Book of Choodle. I am the only one who can touch it, because I'm just that holy!

There exists a hierarchy within this establishment:

1) Almighty Poowawa - the holy of holies, able to recieve revelation from Choodle... (like the Pope sorta!)
2) Rook ... special advisor to the Poowawa, capable of powers the Poowawa cannot perform, and works out most doctrine.
3) Higher Bluejay - high advisor to the Poowawa
4) Lower Bluejay - advisor to the Rook
5) Treasurer -- Keeps the money we tithe, and gives it to organizations like the national "center for kids who want to learn to read good."

We also have knights Poobwar, which act like the knights templar, in charge of keeping safe our "holy grail" which is actually ....something you cant know about unless you're a member! :p

The symbol for Choodle followers is a Cupcake. Why? Because our SOUL is like a cupcake! Here's the explination:

"It's fluffy, warm, light, and sweet, with unique icing! So in this way, we will always have a cupcake! It's within us!"

Common prayers: (more to come)

"cupcakes a plenty,
Depp runs through our heads,
Poowawa is leader,
and we're excited cultists!"

... it rhyms in the original Greek....

Anyway, this is our brief introduction... which should be moved to a sticky... any questions? Feel free to ask any of the Orthodox Choodle members. :D (preferrably me though, since i'm the Poowawa)


Glass half Panda'd
(continued) On Hell...

We have our own version of Hell... but we say it in the context of "the flames of Chapultapec and Guadalajara" ... two names, one hell, got it? :D

We have a heaven, and it is called "aaaaahhhhh, ooooohhh" Anything that makes you experience these noises brings you THAT much closer to "heaven" so rejoyce!!! You get there by following the rules of the Almighty Poowawa, and pledging our alliegence to Choodle and its word! If you're basically good, you'll also go to "aaaaaahhhhh, oooohhh" because Choodle is fair!


Veteran Member
organizations like the national "center for kids who want to learn to read good." and aaaaahhhhh, ooooohhh" Anything that makes you experience these noises brings you THAT much closer to "heaven" so rejoyce!!!

Made by day Ashley. Thank you. You seriously made my day a heck of a lot better.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well, it looks like Choodianism has at least doubled the number of faithful in the past hour. This probably makes it the world's fastest-growing religion.


Glass half Panda'd
Seyorni said:
Well, it looks like Choodianism has at least doubled the number of faithful in the past hour. This probably makes it the world's fastest-growing religion.
it's only cause people are attracted to the truth! You'd be welcome to join if you'd like to! All are welcome.... CUPCAKES FOR ALL!


Will to love



Well-Known Member
Well, it looks like Choodianism has at least doubled the number of faithful in the past hour. This probably makes it the world's fastest-growing religion.

Well, that's because the one true faith is no longer being suppressed. People want the truth, that's why Choodianism is rapidly growing. You should really join the Choodianist faith, lest you burn in the flames of Chapultapec.


Will to love
Well, this religion seems to be dying on the vine. I might have to become an apostate. I'm thinking a creating my own new syncretic religion. It will be based upon Episcopalianism, Gnosticism, Baptistism, LDSaintism, and atheism.

Who's with me?

High Priestess Lunamoth (you may kiss my ring)


Glass half Panda'd
lunamoth said:
Well, this religion seems to be dying on the vine. I might have to become an apostate. I'm thinking a creating my own new syncretic religion. It will be based upon Episcopalianism, Gnosticism, Baptistism, LDSaintism, and atheism.

Who's with me?

High Priestess Lunamoth (you may kiss my ring)
psh, as if you could take my following. Do you have a holy book of magical scripture? i think NOT!


Will to love
Buttons* said:
psh, as if you could take my following. Do you have a holy book of magical scripture? i think NOT!
Oh yea! Well, your mother wears army boots.

Let the schism begin!



Will to love
Buttons* said:
Well who has the knights Poobwar!?!?! Answer me THAT!
Give me a minute...I'm thinking...

Well, who kneeds knights anyway? So there!

H.P. Lunamoth the Magnificent


Glass half Panda'd
lunamoth said:
Give me a minute...I'm thinking...

Well, who kneeds knights anyway? So there!

H.P. Lunamoth the Magnificent
:eek: if its a fight you want it's a fight you've GOT!!!

Okay Choodainists, get out your grenades!


Will to love
Buttons* said:
:eek: if its a fight you want it's a fight you've GOT!!!

Okay Choodainists, get out your grenades!

Ooops, I forgot about the grenades. :eek: I'm going to have to rethink this whole thing...



Glass half Panda'd
lunamoth said:
Ooops, I forgot about the grenades. :eek: I'm going to have to rethink this whole thing...

Evryone knows that the TRUE religion will previal.. sure you wanna take those chances?


Glass half Panda'd
Yes, you do that Miss lunamoth.....you do that....

Meanwhile, us Choodianists will snack on some lovely cupcakes! (who can resist cupcakes? NO ONE!)