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Christian Evolutionist:

Science has become people's god.

Its correct because people say...'its science'. Its not science..its a theory as long as the scientific method can not be satisfied. Its science...so accept it. Well im not accepting it until there is proof. And that proof will NEVER come, unless somebody misconstrews it, and unless proper scientific methods are used.

Science is making plasitic...
Science is the HABER process, the contact process, nano technology, car technology, making perfumes.

Science is sending people to the moon.

Evolution is raising the dead to make it look like us. Its first ASSUMPTION is already wrong. The whole theory is based on an ASSUMPTION that things evolved from some pool of gue. Where did the goo come from? They dont know...ok that i can still cope with...but then...there is NO way to recreate this goo and make it into life. And yet BILLIONS of people believe it as fact.

They have radiated fruit flies till kingdom come. Still based an a THEORY that radiation had something to do with evolution. There is no way to recreate the exact conditions that evolutionists say evolution started with. They CANNOT with absolute certainty say what the earth was like billions of years ago so to recreate the conditions would be a presummed condition. And then...if the fruit fly changes....its mutation, not evolution. If you survive an atom bomb, your not going to look like you did before. Is that evolution? Or is that mutation?

Of course the saving angel of evolution is their carbon dating. With it they have been able to magically tell us how many billion, million years ago stuff happened. Carbon dating has many flaws. And unless it becomes 100% correct it should not be used as evidence. You dont build an atom bomb on a probability, why do they accept carbon dating is 100% correct when most people know its not?

I'll let you and autodidact entertain each other for a while. Mabye you'll be courageous enough to actually post something.
I thought I told you that I believed in God. But, that's OK *edit*. I have memory problems as well. Besides, where did GOd come from? If he was always here, how can we use your scientific method to prove that God was not created by other Gods?
How can we prove(with your scientific method) that God exists? We can't because
your reasoning is flawed. You see, that out-dated cook book(for disaster)
you call a bible, is doomed to eternal fallibility. You would not use research that had inconsitencies, would you?
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Miss Independent
I thought I told you that I believed in God. But, that's OK little moth. I have memory problems as well. Besides, where did GOd come from? If he was always here, how can we use your scientific method to prove that God was not created by other Gods?
How can we prove(with your scientific method) that God exists? We can't because
your reasoning is flawed. You see, that out-dated cook book(for disaster)
you call a bible, is doomed to eternal fallibility. You would not use research that had inconsitencies, would you little moth?

HE HE....well my cook book at the moment is my brain, reminding me of the scientific method.

So your 'insults' regarding the bible is wasted on me. Im not against evolution because god created everything. Which of course he did.

Im against it because its scientifically flawed.
Einstein's theories have been proven, but they still call them theories.
In the 3rd century B.C. they could not prove that the earth orbited the sun.
By your logic, this is still correct.
You do understand that in astronomy, they can calculate the age of the earth by calculating the distance from a star, using the formulas of the speed of light put into the equation, and finding the time. The earth is said to be billions of years old with this technique.
There are more ways to prove the age of earth with genetics also,aside with astronomy and geology.
And it's ironic how they all came up with app. 4 billiion years for the earth


Miss Independent
Little moth?:flirt:

Would you mind if i called you thuggy?:D Or thugg...sounds more macho...sort of you know....butch.



Oh come now...get your nevers in check...get a bottle of wine and post away...i'll let you get on with your micro evolution. Maybe god missed it...being MICRO an all you never know...the bible doesnt have the word 'micro' in it...i dont think...so now is your chance thuggy!


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
You raised some interesting points. Id love to talk about them..but thuggishsplicer has just got his micro-evolution stuff going here.....

You think we can do this in the other thread? There is another one...i think it is called Evidence for creation/evolution. How about it?
Sure. Go for it.

Raise your hand if you have a lab, and you are paid as a researcher, and have published a scientific paper. :highfive:

Otherwise...your just using other people's research which is what most people do anyway.
I've written research papers and reports, but none were for scientific journals; does that count? ;)

Even people who hold to the evolution theory use darwins theory as resource. Unless your the next einstein your going to post stuff from someone elses research as well. And thats the best most of us here can do.
You're using a weird version of the ad hominem fallacy. The support for evolution is in scientific evidence, not in our opinion of Charles Darwin as a person. (Edit: and BTW - the support for relativity and the photoelectric effect is also in scientific evidence and not in our opinion of Albert Einstein as a person)

I think you'll find that just about every method for measuring the size of the Earth can be traced back to the method that Eratosthenes came up with in the 3rd Century. Does this mean that all our estimates of the Earth's size from then to now are contingent on anything about Eratosthenes? Of course not; that's the whole point of the scientific method: one person comes up with an idea, and others try to repeat it. The whole point is that the truth or falsehood of a scientific claim is dependent on the evidence alone, not on the people making the claim.

I do have a degree in chemistry though so you would THINK that i know about scientific investigation.
You would... which makes it especially perplexing that you seem to ignore how theories are verified by repeated scientific investigation.

And the darwin theory has not remotely done the scientific method justice. And somebody is going to have to be einstein to convince me that the evolution theory has indeed shown appropriate scientific observations and is able to predict outcomes of the ongoing evolution theory.
I really don't know what you're looking for. I think that evolution has been confirmed and verified more than just about any other scientific theory. All of biology depends on, and is an ongoing and repeated confirmation of, evolution.

Science has become people's god.

Its correct because people say...'its science'. Its not science..its a theory as long as the scientific method can not be satisfied. Its science...so accept it. Well im not accepting it until there is proof. And that proof will NEVER come, unless proper scientific methods are used.
Let's try something out: how about you define the scientific process for us, just in general terms. Then, we can see whether evolutionary science has followed that process.

Science is making plasitic...
Science is the HABER process, the contact process, nano technology, car technology, making perfumes.

Science is sending people to the moon.
Actually (and speaking as an engineer ;) ), I'd say that all of those are engineering. Science is figuring out the theories that allow them to happen.

Evolution is raising the dead to make it look like us. Its first ASSUMPTION is already wrong. The whole theory is based on an ASSUMPTION that things evolved from some pool of gue. Where did the goo come from? They dont know...ok that i can still cope with...but then...there is NO way to recreate this goo and make it into life. And yet BILLIONS of people believe it as fact.
What bearing does abiogenesis have on the truth or falsehood of evolution? It's like all sorts of other scientific disciplines; for example, take Ohm's Law: nobody argues that we need to figure out how electrons were created to talk about how they move and interact. The same goes for evolution: evolutionary science describes how life is effected by the mechanisms of inheritance, random mutation and natural selection, just as Ohm's Law describes how electrons are affected by voltage potential and resistance.

And then...if the fruit fly changes....its mutation, not evolution. If you survive an atom bomb, your not going to look like you did before. Is that evolution? Or is that mutation?
It's mutation. Evolution is adaptive mutation over generations.

Of course the saving angel of evolution is their carbon dating. With it they have been able to magically tell us how many billion, million years ago stuff happened. Carbon dating has many flaws. And unless it becomes 100% correct it should not be used as evidence. You dont build an atom bomb on a probability, why do they accept carbon dating is 100% correct when most people know its not?
I'm not really sure where you're going with this, but there's much more support for evolution than just carbon dating.

However, I think it's worth pointing out that radiometric dating and the atomic bomb are both based on the same theories and body of scientific knowledge.
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Jose Fly

Fisker of men
Im not against evolution because god created everything. Which of course he did. Im against it because its scientifically flawed.
How can you be against something we see happen right before our eyes? You might as well be "against erosion".


Miss Independent
I know little moth. I couldn't wait for evolution when I was like you either.I NEEDED IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aaah you needent worry. I dont get on well with people who believe that fish grew legs so they can walk on land. I wonder if they thought...oh my goodness....WHAT is this THING growing out of me? What in the lords name is it for?

It must have slowed them down, and made them weak, therefore they were bound to be eaten rather than crawl out of the water and onto land.

Besides half a leg is no good unless it is useful. And so while its growing into a leg its completely useless yet evolution says that for millions of years these animals had leg flippers so that one day millions of years into the future...one of them could crawl onto land. Of course by that time the environment changed and what do you know...there is a flood, and then they wished they didnt have legs..

its a cruel world after all.:cold:

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Evolution and God are not mutually exclusive. Evolution only deals with biology and doesn't concern itself with theology. Likewise the only thing evolution conflicts with is literal interpretation of creation myths.

A Scientific Theory isn't "just a theory". The phrase has a completely different meaning. The Theory of Gravity itself, after all, is "just a theory" (or is it just Newtonist lies?)

And if you don't like science, what business do you have using a computer?

I think uneducated people just need to stop trying to debate something they obviously know absolutely nothing about. They cannot possibly win and only make fools of themselves.

"Arguing with a creationist is like playing chess with a pigeon. It'll knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and fly back to it's flock to claim victory."


Miss Independent

How can you be against something we see happen right before our eyes? You might as well be "against erosion".

REALLY...right before your eyes hey? OH I would love to hear this one...

So...what have you PERSONALLY seen evolve right before your eyes?

Jose Fly

Fisker of men

Any decent undergraduate biology, genetics, and/or evolutionary biology class will conduct lab experiments with strains of E. coli.

My first one involved taking a single-clone strain of E. coli and documenting its evolution of ampicillin resistance. Good programs (like the one I went to) will even run genetic tests to document the precise genetic mutations that conferred the new trait.

You need to understand that all populations evolve. Every population that replicates with variation will always evolve. The only way for a population to not evolve is to replicate itself without variation.


Miss Independent
I was too lazy to write all of the information that I had.
You CAN call me Thuggish Splicer though!

Ahh....is that what you call micro-evolutionists/christian/bible doubter/little moth slashers/splicers these days.:beach:

Aaah you needent worry. I dont get on well with people who believe that fish grew legs so they can walk on land. I wonder if they thought...oh my goodness....WHAT is this THING growing out of me? What in the lords name is it for?

It must have slowed them down, and made them weak, therefore they were bound to be eaten rather than crawl out of the water and onto land.

Besides half a leg is no good unless it is useful. And so while its growing into a leg its completely useless yet evolution says that for millions of years these animals had leg flippers so that one day millions of years into the future...one of them could crawl onto land. Of course by that time the environment changed and what do you know...there is a flood, and then they wished they didnt have legs..

its a cruel world after all.:cold:
I think that evolution states that it takes much longer than that.
What about much of the research done to prove micro-evolution with bacteria
evolving to survive the antibacterial soaps, insects evolving to survive the chemicles that farmers put on plants, that they have to change all the time
to kill them?


Miss Independent

Any decent undergraduate biology, genetics, and/or evolutionary biology class will conduct lab experiments with strains of E. coli.

My first one involved taking a single-clone strain of E. coli and documenting its evolution of ampicillin resistance. Good programs (like the one I went to) will even run genetic tests to document the precise genetic mutations that conferred the new trait.

You need to understand that all populations evolve. Every population that replicates with variation will always evolve. The only way for a population to not evolve is to replicate itself without variation.

Aaa genetic mutation...does not = evolution. Your conditions in the lab, is not the same as the conditions 'billions' of years ago. Your ecoli, did not originate from a blob of goo. You did not take the blob of goo and transform it into E coli. And then watched it under the same conditions as millions of years ago, to see it change genetically into something else. Your e coli did also not go from ecoli to a human being.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men

Aaa genetic mutation...does not = evolution.
We documented the appearance of a new trait via genetic mutation and natural selection. That, whether you choose to admit it or not, is evolution.

Your conditions in the lab, is not the same as the conditions 'billions' of years ago. Your ecoli, did not originate from a blob of goo. You did not take the blob of goo and transform it into E coli.
That would be abiogenesis, not evolution. You would be well-advised to learn the basics of a subject before attempting to debate it.

Your e coli did also not go from ecoli to a human being.
?????? Is that what you think evolution is, E. coli turning into H. sapiens?

Has it ever occured to you that the problem may not be with the science, but with your understanding of it?
If I named this thread "Atheist Evolutionist", you would would have credit.
But! That is not what I named it. IS IT!!!!!!
Ergo, your talk of "goo", or, "soups", makes no relevance what so ever to this discussion.
Evolution means change. Did the genetic mutation in the bacterium cause change?
I think you know the answer little moth. Here in the world of logic and reasoning, this is considered

