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Christian Evolutionist:


non-existential luminary
If a fair maiden kisses a frog which instantly changes into a handsome prince we would call it a fairy tale. But if the frog takes 40 million years to turn into a prince we call it evolution.
No that frog died. But we and all creatures are related. our first parents are the same. The frog didn't turn into a prince the cell evolved into the human and frog species seperately.


Miss Independent
Autodidact your just cluttering this thread up with posts...i went back and checked and i missed a few because the posts roll in faster than anybody can answer. Are you trying to blujant me to death with the number of posts?

Painted wolf...i think you missed this post.
If the experiments are conducted in a lab...what are the conditions in the lab? The temperature, pressure, lighting, is there any radiation, are they starved...what are the dependant and independant variables and what are the controlled variables?


Miss Independent
Please do so before asking the questions that are answered there.

I'll follow my own posting style, thanks. What questions do you want me to answer? I try to answer all questions addressed to me. Please re-post any you think I've missed. Thanks.

If your going saturate this thread with millions of posts...go do your own leg work and find the post you MISSED yourself.

You missed it because you post faster than you read.



Intentionally Blank
Alright. ToE part 3.

The first two parts are not very controversial. Part 1 is really pretty obvious, once you understand it. Part two is a natural extrapolation. Part 3 is the reason we regard Darwin as a great scientist. It is the controversial part. It's what you would really call the Theory of Evolution, meaning an explanatory framework that brings together all known observations in one single coherent explanation. It's this:
The process I described accounts for every organsism on earth. That all of the plants, animals, bugs, bacteria, fungi, etc., each and every one, evolved from a previously existing organism by the process I described, and therefore they all descended from a single common ancestor over billions of years. This is a huge, audacious statement. As I have time (probably more tomorrow) I will sketch an abbreviated outline of some of the evidence that supports this theory. First I wanted to make sure that you understand it. Do you?

Jose Fly

Fisker of men

You didn't answer the questions:

I think in order to get to the root of the issue here, you should tell us how you came to your position on evolution.

Was it through thorough and careful study of the subject? If so, what specific materials did you study? What classes did you take? What books and/or published papers did you read? What conferences and/or symposia did you attend?

If it was via some other route, what was it?


Intentionally Blank
Autodidact your just cluttering this thread up with posts...i went back and checked and i missed a few because the posts roll in faster than anybody can answer. Are you trying to blujant me to death with the number of posts?
I'm confused. I'm trying to answer all of your questions. Are you complaining because I haven't, or because I have?

Painted wolf...i think you missed this post.
If the experiments are conducted in a lab...what are the conditions in the lab? The temperature, pressure, lighting, is there any radiation, are they starved...what are the dependant and independant variables and what are the controlled variables?



Intentionally Blank
If your going saturate this thread with millions of posts...go do your own leg work and find the post you MISSED yourself.

You missed it because you post faster than you read.


You want me to answer some questions, but don't want to tell me what the questions are that you don't think I've answered? As far as I know I've answered all your questions, Heneni. If I haven't, just let me know, and I'll do so to the best of my ability.


non-existential luminary
A frog turning into a human after millions of years is as sign of the evolution of the slow.

In the last six thousand years we have gone from no technology to landing on mars and having rovers on another planet.

And somebody thinks that we took BILLIONS of years to evolve, when in the last few hundred years alone we have done incredible things?

So...did our brain evolve 6 thousand years ago? Or is somebody just trying to get people away from the 'god' of creation by coming up with some stupid theory that we evolved from some form of live that would ironically only start using its brain in the last few thousand years of its existance. If we used our brains for the last million years or so...we would be far more advanced than we are know. So are we becoming smarter? Is there any scienctific evidence that we are becoming smarter? No there isnt. So what were we doing with our brains the last few million years? Lets say we became human in the last million years. Thats still ONE million years of no good brain power. Evolution is for people who like to believe in fairy tales.

i believe its called logarithmic development. the smarter we are the faster we'll get smarter. though we aren't "evolving into smarter beings" though i guess we could like we did.> don't allow the dumb to replicate falty genes. now, to develope smarter we would need to not allow a dumb culture. (developing our full potential nothing to do with evolution)

Lets just say that People weren't born with all the knowledge and easy access that we have now. we aren't evolving smarter unless being less smart takes away your chances of reproduction which is unlikely because even dumb trees replicate and are still alive.

Sorry, already stated; i only had time to read half of the first page before being dumbstruck by a error that had to be corrected.
Last edited:


Miss Independent

You didn't answer the questions:

I think in order to get to the root of the issue here, you should tell us how you came to your position on evolution.

Was it through thorough and careful study of the subject? If so, what specific materials did you study? What classes did you take? What books and/or published papers did you read? What conferences and/or symposia did you attend?

If it was via some other route, what was it?

Im flattered that you want to pshyco analsyse me. And you are not going to put me on trial here bro...you might as well give it up. Talk about evolution or get your kicks by wondering what i read at night.

If i need a shrink ill let you know.

I'm confused. I'm trying to answer all of your questions. Are you complaining because I haven't, or because I have?


Sort through the thousand pages and let me know if you find the post you missed.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men

I'm not trying to "pshyco analsyse" you; I'm merely asking you how you came to your current position on evolution.

Was it through thorough and careful study of the subject? If so, what specific materials did you study? What classes did you take? What books and/or published papers did you read? What conferences and/or symposia did you attend?

If it was via some other route, what was it?


Miss Independent

I'm not trying to "pshyco analsyse" you; I'm merely asking you how you came to your current position on evolution.

Was it through thorough and careful study of the subject? If so, what specific materials did you study? What classes did you take? What books and/or published papers did you read? What conferences and/or symposia did you attend?

If it was via some other route, what was it?

I met a frog at a pond and he told me all about his struggles. Millions of years with only one leg. He wanted me to kiss him so he could evolve into a human ASAP.

Now for the last time. SCIENTIFIC METHOD is not EVOLUTION specific, it is a method used in ALL disciplines of science. Where did i learn about scientific method? At university.

What have i done with the scientific method lately? Use it to do chemical investigations. Does the scientific method differ between chemistry and physics or biology? NO it does not.

If you want my number you can just say so...:flirt:


Well-Known Member
Ok...lets do the fruit fly thing.

Where were these experiments on the fruit flies conducted?
You're toying with them now, you've just got to be. We did something that simple in grade 12 genetics. And that was just us kids. It was a pretty amazing thing to see. Made me look at fruit flys in a whole new way. If you don't see these things, you are missing a very wonderous universe.:yes:

Jose Fly

Fisker of men

You still haven't answered the questions:

How did you come to your current position on evolution?

Was it through thorough and careful study of the subject? If so, what specific materials did you study? What classes did you take? What books and/or published papers did you read? What conferences and/or symposia did you attend?

If it was via some other route, what was it?

If you continually refuse to answer even the most simple questions we ask you, why should we bother to answer your questions?


Miss Independent
Why cant you understand fly...that you dont have to know everything about a topic in science to question it.

And as for any scientific study you should first look at the basics. The scientific method used. And THAT is the problem with darwin's evolution theory.

Callupa...fruit flies are great arent they. But i dont think its enough evidence for evoltion per se. Its mutation sure, but not evolution.

Fruit flies of all sorts devolop. Some have a different colour, some have no eyes, some have different wing structures etc...etc...

They still remain a fruit fly. With variations. The fruit fly does not evolve into a mosquito...Its gene's are mutated but its still a fruit fly. Its a mutated fruit fly.

darwin says that we came from a blob of goo...and all of this including the fruit fly is still evolving and evolved from one central place He's wrong. If the fruit fly is the goo we started with...in essence darwin is saying that every specie of plant and animal evolved from a single organism, even more simple than a fruit fly.



Intentionally Blank
I met a frog at a pond and he told me all about his struggles. Millions of years with only one leg. He wanted me to kiss him so he could evolve into a human ASAP.

Now for the last time. SCIENTIFIC METHOD is not EVOLUTION specific, it is a method used in ALL disciplines of science. Where did i learn about scientific method? At university.

What have i done with the scientific method lately? Use it to do chemical investigations. Does the scientific method differ between chemistry and physics or biology? NO it does not.

If you want my number you can just say so...:flirt:
Exactly. And it's by using this method, and only this method, that Biologists came to the conclusion around 100 years ago that ToE best explains the diversity of life on earth. The scientific method works--as I'm sure you'll agree, which is how we know this is in fact the case.


Intentionally Blank
Why cant you understand fly...that you dont have to know everything about a topic in science to question it.
Maybe not everything, but pretty close.

And as for any scientific study you should first look at the basics. The scientific method used. And THAT is the problem with darwin's evolution theory.
That it's based on the scientific method?

Callupa...fruit flies are great arent they. But i dont think its enough evidence for evoltion per se. Its mutation sure, but not evolution.
We haven't even gotten to the evidence for evolution yet. At least I haven't posted one drop of the ocean of evidence in support of this theory. The thing is, you're already complaining about me posting too much. And there is so much evidence, it's absolutely overwhelming, that I really think you're not going to be happy with me doing that. So I just want to make sure that you really are interested in learning about this absolutely overwhelmng quantiry of evidence before we start discussing it. I mean, you haven't even indicated yet whether you understand and accept my basic explanation of what ToE says.
The fruit flies are a tiny piece of the evidence that new species come into existence. If you accept that, then we can move on.

Fruit flies of all sorts devolop. Some have a different colour, some have no eyes, some have different wing structures etc...etc...

They still remain a fruit fly. With variations. The fruit fly does not evolve into a mosquito...Its gene's are mutated but its still a fruit fly. Its a mutated fruit fly.
Yes but it's a new species of fruit fly. Do you understand and accept that?

darwin says that we came from a blob of goo...
No, he doesn't. Remember my introdution? Evolution does not address the origin of life. It's a fascinating topic, but a separate one. Darwin never addressed it, nor does ToE.
and all of this including the fruit fly is still evolving and evolved from one central place He's wrong. If the fruit fly is the goo we started with...in essence darwin is saying that every specie of plant and animal evolved from a single organism, even more simple than a fruit fly.
Yes, that's right.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men

You STILL haven't answered the questions:

How did you come to your current position on evolution?

Was it through thorough and careful study of the subject? If so, what specific materials did you study? What classes did you take? What books and/or published papers did you read? What conferences and/or symposia did you attend?

If it was via some other route, what was it?

No one said anything about being an expert or anything like that. All I'm asking is how you came to your current views on evolution.

Given your consistent refusal to answer these very simple questions, is it safe to conclude your answers are as follows?

How did you come to your current position on evolution?

Q: Was it through thorough and careful study of the subject?
A: No.

Q: If so, what specific materials did you study?
A: None.

Q: What classes did you take?
A: None.

Q: What books and/or published papers did you read?
A: None.

Q: What conferences and/or symposia did you attend?
A: None.

Which only leaves the following: If it was via some other route, what was it?

Can you even answer this ONE question?


Miss Independent

You still haven't answered the questions:

How did you come to your current position on evolution?

Was it through thorough and careful study of the subject? If so, what specific materials did you study? What classes did you take? What books and/or published papers did you read? What conferences and/or symposia did you attend?

If it was via some other route, what was it?

If you continually refuse to answer even the most simple questions we ask you, why should we bother to answer your questions?

Im not falling for you little game here.

As soon as you questioned my motives i was not willing to talk to you anymore because....this is a forum...not a trial. Your going to have to wonder about my motives for another good thousand threads. You were the one who ASSUMED you knew my motives...and now you think that asking me questions is going to mean that i feel compelled to answer you? Go ahead and assume some more then. I dont feel compelled to answer you...and your just gagging along here. If you know something about evolution say so. Im not going to play your little games of pshyco analyses.



non-existential luminary
You're toying with them now, you've just got to be. We did something that simple in grade 12 genetics. And that was just us kids. It was a pretty amazing thing to see. Made me look at fruit flys in a whole new way. If you don't see these things, you are missing a very wonderous universe.:yes:
The experiment didn't change me a bit.