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Christian Evolutionist:


Miss Independent
Evolution is a slow process for lifeforms that have long lifespans. For humans which live to be 80 years old, it takes a long time to evolve. For fruit flies who live a matter of hours or days, the evolution happens much quicker. Human-like animals have been in existence for over 50,000 years. We've been relatively static for a lot longer than 6,000 years. That doesn't mean we're not evolving. It just means we're doing it relatively slowly.

Um...we were no bigger than a fruit fly before...according to evolution...so we must have evolved at a phenominal rate and then slowed down...but instead we have boomed into techno bliss the last 6000years or so?

Do you have another answer?

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Have you got an answer to my question...how come if humans have been evolving for so many years...and appeared on earth millions of years ago..have we not advanced technologically FAR beyond what we have now? Why have most of the adances in technology only happened in the last six thousand years or so?

The same reason it took 400 million years to go from a single-celled organism to humans. I like to use the analogy of population. When you have a population of 10, it takes a long time to grow. The higher that number, the faster it grows. When the population hits 100,000, it's growing much more rapidly. Look at the world population. It took thousands of years to hit 2.5 billion people. We hit that number around 1950. Now in the past 58 years we've gone from 2.5 billion to 6.7 billion.

Anyway, the point is that evolution happens at different speeds. We're always evolving.


Miss Independent
The problem is, Heneni isn't asking her questions because she's genuinely interested in the answer, and learning something about a subject in which she's woefully ignorant; she's asking her questions in hopes of "stumping the evolutionist".

IOW, she approaches data and information regarding biological evolution as a defense attorney approaches evidence against his client.

I didnt ask you to fall over and play dead while I 'apparently' STUMP the evolutionists.

I'm a sceptic of evolution. Did you expect the whole world to go...ooohhh ahhhh evolotion is just the THING. Well your wrong. ANd your also wrong to think that people who call themselves scientists havent 'come up' with evidence to support an otherwise flawed theory.


Jose Fly

Fisker of men
Um...we were no bigger than a fruit fly before...according to evolution...so we must have evolved at a phenominal rate and then slowed down
Oh come on....this is getting ridiculous. Seriously.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
I'm a sceptic of evolution
Yes, a "skeptic" of a subject about which you next to nothing.

I'll ask again: Has it ever occured to you that the problem isn't with the science, but with your understanding of it?

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Um...we were no bigger than a fruit fly before...according to evolution...so we must have evolved at a phenominal rate and then slowed down...but instead we have boomed into techno bliss the last 6000years or so?

Do you have another answer?

Why did we have to slow down? Our evolution has taken hundreds of billions of years. It took 400 billion years to get to humans. Why would you expect us to morph into something completely different in a matter of a few thousand years?


Miss Independent
I wonder when autodidact will give me HER answer...or is she happy that mball came to her resque...and everybody elses.

I have tried to reason with mball before...he changes his story whenever it suits him.

Sorry mball..your not debatable. At least if you STUCK to your points it would be worth the challenge.

But na...im not going to 'martyr' myself for you.

Id rather do that for somebody with some social skills and who doesnt fling insults around. Like penguin.:cool:


Miss Independent
Oh come on....this is getting ridiculous. Seriously.

Do you believe god made everything...

NO? Oh come on....thats rediculous. Seriously.

I dont actually know you...and i have conversed with you for about what three, four posts..and you already presume to know my intent. WoW...what are your chances of 'knowing' me in a few posts? About the same chance as evoltion being a fact?

Yes I would think that your mentally inclined to reason that just a few moments with me makes you think you know my intent. What else can you summise about me? Shall we call it fact because you said it?


Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I'm a sceptic of evolution.

Then maybe you should learn about it.

Did you expect the whole world to go...ooohhh ahhhh evolotion is just the THING. Well your wrong.

Apparently. Apparently that wouldn't account for people who have an immense ability to ignore anything they want to.

ANd your also wrong to think that people who call themselves scientists havent 'come up' with evidence to support an otherwise flawed theory.


What are you trying to say? That evolution is flawed? If so, maybe you should learn about it first, and then maybe you can bring up some concerns.


Usually lurking.
...but instead we have boomed into techno bliss the last 6000years or so?

Do you have another answer?

If I may, I'll offer two logical reasons. First, only relatively recently in our evolution has mutation provided for more development in the cerebral cortex. Second, as the cerebral cortex developed/develops, so do the libraries of knowledge that are important to the usage of the cerebral cortex (i.e. intelligence).

Jose Fly

Fisker of men

Let me give you an example of what trying to discuss evolutionary biology with you is like....

John Doe: "Christianity is a load of bull. I mean, the stories are sooooo stupid. Like when Noah came down from the mountain with the 5 suggestions, and found the world had been consumed by a giant earthquake, so David had to build the huge tower to save everyone and all the animals...I mean, how dumb is that?"

Pastor Bob: "Um, you have a few misconceptions there. Have you actually read the Bible?"

JD: "Nah...don't need to. Or the whole thing about Jesus...how mean was that guy, eh? When the lepers came to him to be healed and he said, 'Heal thyself'...wow!"

PB: "I think the problem here is that you really don't understand the message of the Bible. Perhaps if you took the time to read and understand it first."

JD: "Why? What's so hard about understanding the ridiculous story about Jesus needing to get an erection to redeem all mankind? How twisted and sick!"

PB: <slaps hand to forehead> "Nevermind."

That Heneni, is what it's like trying to discuss evolutionary biology with you. You've made it absolutely clear that you don't know even the most basic fundamentals of science or biology, let alone evolution, and until you do, trying to engage you in a discussion of those subjects is automatically doomed to fail.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Do you believe god made everything...

NO? Oh come on....thats rediculous. Seriously.

I dont actually know you...and i have conversed with you for about what three, four posts..and you already presume to know my intent. WoW...what are your chances of 'knowing' me in a few posts? About the same chance as evoltion being a fact?

Yes I would think that your mentally inclined to reason that just a few moments with me makes you think you know my intent. What else can you summise about me? Shall we call it fact because you said it?


It's funny that you accuse someone else of jumping to conclusions about you, and saying that they are wrong, when that's exactly the same thing you're doing with evolution.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Not to mention accusing ThuggishSplicer of not being Christian, because she doesn't like his opinion.
(like she can see into his soul.)


Jose Fly

Fisker of men
Ok, here's the thing about people like Heneni....

They've obviously come to some very firm conclusions about evolutionary biology, despite the obvious fact that they know virtually nothing about it (even including what evolution is). So that leads to the obvious conclusion that their "skepticism" isn't based on a thorough and objective study of the subject. If such were the case, then their posts would read very differently.

That begs the question: If their denialism isn't based on study of the subject, what then is it based upon?

Perhaps Heneni can answer that question for us.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I wonder when autodidact will give me HER answer...or is she happy that mball came to her resque...and everybody elses.

I'm sure she'll give you her version. You still won't accept it, so there's really no point, but she'll give it to you anyway.

I have tried to reason with mball before...he changes his story whenever it suits him.

No, you haven't. I've never seen you use reason or logic in a debate before. I've tried to reason with you, all you've tried to do is ignore anything that doesn't fit your view of things.

I like how people like you always resort to saying that I "change my story when it suits me". Maybe it would be better to point out what I've changed. Don't bother trying, though, since I haven't changed anything. Please try to understand the other side at some point.

Sorry mball..your not debatable.

Yes, I am. I understand that you might not think so because I clearly, logically and reasonably refute all of your points so that you don't have anything left to argue, but that only means that your argument isn't very good in the first place.

At least if you STUCK to your points it would be worth the challenge.

And what points did I change exactly? You can't just claim these things. You need to give some kind of evidence. This is a typical "Your case is too solid for me to argue against, so I'll just accuse you of crazy stuff like changing your ideas, and claim that that's the reason I can't argue with you anymore. That way I don't look bad."

But na...im not going to 'martyr' myself for you.

Huh? :confused:

Id rather do that for somebody with some social skills and who doesnt fling insults around. Like penguin.:cool:

Please point out one insult that I used. Just one. I'm sorry you take me arguing against your point as an insult, but you have to remember that that is what a debate is. You say something, and then I disagree and explain why. If you can't continue your side of the debate, it's better to just stop and concede than to make silly accusations.


Miss Independent
Something i have found to be interesting though is how quickly a mob can gather, and statistically and from experience the greatest number of mobsters are usually

1. Atheists
2. Evolutionists and/or
3. New agers.

I think i should write a paper about it.

So painted wolf...back to your fruit flies...or does anybody want to get another jab in before we continue..

Heneni is this....

Heneni is that....


Sounds like those religious bigots who chase people out of churches and burn witches at the stake just because they dont agree.

And of course youd much rather me be in the 'humble' position of wating to 'learn' more about the topic when in fact i dont care much about the topic, im trying to establish scientific credibality. I dont have to know EVERYTHING about evolution to know about


Back to the fruit flies...

So explain to me how do these fruit flies mutate?



Miss Independent

Let me give you an example of what trying to discuss evolutionary biology with you is like....

John Doe: "Christianity is a load of bull. I mean, the stories are sooooo stupid. Like when Noah came down from the mountain with the 5 suggestions, and found the world had been consumed by a giant earthquake, so David had to build the huge tower to save everyone and all the animals...I mean, how dumb is that?"

Pastor Bob: "Um, you have a few misconceptions there. Have you actually read the Bible?"

JD: "Nah...don't need to. Or the whole thing about Jesus...how mean was that guy, eh? When the lepers came to him to be healed and he said, 'Heal thyself'...wow!"

PB: "I think the problem here is that you really don't understand the message of the Bible. Perhaps if you took the time to read and understand it first."

JD: "Why? What's so hard about understanding the ridiculous story about Jesus needing to get an erection to redeem all mankind? How twisted and sick!"

PB: <slaps hand to forehead> "Nevermind."

That Heneni, is what it's like trying to discuss evolutionary biology with you. You've made it absolutely clear that you don't know even the most basic fundamentals of science or biology, let alone evolution, and until you do, trying to engage you in a discussion of those subjects is automatically doomed to fail.

Im much older than you, but do try to keep up will ya?

Jose Fly

Fisker of men

I think in order to get to the root of the issue here, you should tell us how you came to your position on evolution.

Was it through thorough and careful study of the subject? If so, what specific materials did you study? What classes did you take? What books and/or published papers did you read? What conferences and/or symposia did you attend?

If it was via some other route, what was it?


Miss Independent
Sorry painted wolf ill try to be more precise:

If the experiments are conducted in a lab...what are the conditions in the lab? The temperature, pressure, lighting, is there any radiation, are they starved...what are the dependant and independant variables and what are the controlled variables?