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Christian Moms Complain About Lack of “Respect and Dignity” in Super Bowl Halftime Show


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Meh...not my taste, to be honest.
I just never figured out the logical leap from 'I don't like it much' to 'we need to ban this or the world will end'

I also get confused as to whether a certain flavour of Christian is happy or sad that they think the Apocalypse is rushing towards us anyway, but different story...
(And a subset of the larger and less apocalyptic Christian set)


Well-Known Member
To be fair, it’s impossible to deny that the “music” industry has long pushed a highly sexualised image of young female performers which often seems to override any actual musical or artistic merit. It’s like the tabloid end of the media or the fast food end of cuisine. You can’t deny it’s sometimes enjoyable but I don’t think you can argue that it’s entirely good. Some artists push against it, often to their determent within the industry and among potential fans. It’s all really a wider element of the whole thing being about making as much money as possible regardless of anything else.

“Million Moms” is obviously a ridiculously reactionary campaign group who make far too much out of this and focused on the Superbowl Show specifically because it attracts them more (valuable) attention but that doesn’t mean the underlying point can be automatically dismissed out of hand.


Well-Known Member

Grab your torches and pitchforks.

"The evangelical Christian hate group One Million Moms (Twitter count: 4,731), which never has a critical thing to say about Donald Trump, can’t believe two women danced onstage during halftime of the Super Bowl. Jennifer Lopez basically danced while wearing a “glitter maxi pad,” they claim.

They’re now calling for everyone to sign their petition in order to… well, nothing. There’s nothing to “petition.” It’s just a way to grow their mailing list. But a lack of motivation never stopped them from whining.

How are children supposed to learn about respect and dignity when this is what they see on the world’s biggest stage?

Latin rapper Bad Bunny briefly joined them on stage, but he wasn’t the biggest surprise of the evening. The halftime performance went from pole dancing to a chorus of children singing and dancing alongside Lopez’s 11-year-old daughter, Emme. Children were shown in lit silhouette cages.

There were so many other music artists who could have performed and given a much cleaner and more appropriate performance. Many families watch the Super Bowl together, therefore, the halftime show should be family-friendly. Is it too much to ask for Super Bowl entertainment be suitable for fans of all ages?

These Christians are more upset at J-Lo for featuring kids in imaginary cages than they are at Republicans for putting kids in actual ones.

Anybody here see this lack of respect and dignity in the halftime show?
(The full show is on the video above.)


Why are they a "hate group" ?
I saw a sign which said "F.... Johnston, F... Trump," is THAT a hate group?
Why should taking exception to moral behavior be "hate"
Do you "hate" polygamists, pederasts, polyamorists?
Personally, I thought that the halftime show was the best part of the whole game, although the last half of the fourth quarter came in a reasonably close second.

I honestly cannot see what everyone is clamoring on about. If people are complaining about too much skin being displayed they must either be blind or completely stupid. Jennifer Lopez was wearing a tank top style full body unitard, the only flesh she had exposed was her arms and a little bit of cleavage. Anything that anyone thought was skin was actually quasi flesh toned spandex. And while Shakira did display her midriff during part of her performance, her lower extremities were covered by quasi flesh toned tights as well. All of the female backup dancers were also wearing tights.

So from a “too much skin” perspective, the only problem I can see is people’s sick and perverted imaginations.

In case no one knew this, Shakira is from Columbia, and is of Lebanese and Columbian descent. I thought she incorporated her Lebanese and Columbian heritage into her dance routines quite well. As far as showing her midriff, how many 43 year old women do you know that would have the confidence to display their midriff in front of over a hundred million viewers? All I can say to that is Kudos to her… You go girl.

Now while I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around why 50 year old J-Lo thought doing a pole dance at the Super Bowl was a good idea, I saw nothing problematic with her routines either.

Do people have a big problem with Hula dancers as well? Realistically there is far more exposed skin and far more risqué dance routines on Dancing With The Stars every time it’s on. Do these sick and twisted people with their obsessively perverse imaginations think DWTS is smut as well? Unfortunately, they probably do.

I can honestly think of a lot of halftime shows that were far worse than this one. The Who, ten years ago, was absolutely atrocious. The Aerosmith show from 2001 was pretty terrible as well, Joe Perry sounded like complete crap. And I am a pretty big fan of both The Who and Aerosmith.

I thought this was one of the better halftime shows in both recent and not so recent memory. And while I am definitely a closet Shakira fan, I would have probably preferred, and am still waiting for, an Iron Maiden halftime show.

All of the people complaining about this really need to get their own minds out of the toilet.


Active Member
Premium Member
All I saw was a horrific lack of creativity. Yet another "strutting sl*t" act in an endless chain of strutting sl*t acts dating back (basically unchanged) to Madonna. And I was never much impressed by her strutting sl*t act, either.

And why the f*ck can't we use the word "sl*t" on here??? :) When we can glorify BEING ONE in the middle of a super bowl!

Yes. Tedious....with less flesh on display than can be seen on the average holiday beach. These folk jiggle about, not to arouse sexual passion, but rather to distract from the utter banality of their music and lyrics. Nay, gie us a nice cuppa cocoa, and some chocolate bikkies.....that's a proper half-time break.

james bond

Well-Known Member

Grab your torches and pitchforks.

"The evangelical Christian hate group One Million Moms (Twitter count: 4,731), which never has a critical thing to say about Donald Trump, can’t believe two women danced onstage during halftime of the Super Bowl. Jennifer Lopez basically danced while wearing a “glitter maxi pad,” they claim.

They’re now calling for everyone to sign their petition in order to… well, nothing. There’s nothing to “petition.” It’s just a way to grow their mailing list. But a lack of motivation never stopped them from whining.

How are children supposed to learn about respect and dignity when this is what they see on the world’s biggest stage?

Latin rapper Bad Bunny briefly joined them on stage, but he wasn’t the biggest surprise of the evening. The halftime performance went from pole dancing to a chorus of children singing and dancing alongside Lopez’s 11-year-old daughter, Emme. Children were shown in lit silhouette cages.

There were so many other music artists who could have performed and given a much cleaner and more appropriate performance. Many families watch the Super Bowl together, therefore, the halftime show should be family-friendly. Is it too much to ask for Super Bowl entertainment be suitable for fans of all ages?
These Christians are more upset at J-Lo for featuring kids in imaginary cages than they are at Republicans for putting kids in actual ones.
Anybody here see this lack of respect and dignity in the halftime show?
(The full show is on the video above.)


First, straw man about our beloved fearless leader and POTUS DJT who is MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. He will also need four more years in 2020, so the impeachment crowd should put down those torches and pitchforks.

Now to the issue at hand, it was probably a show more fit for night life entertainment in Miami than for a day-time family spectacular. I guess I would be bothered if my 12-yr old son suddenly sat stiff and eyes gazed on the screen. Then my 8-yr old daughter jumped up on the coffee table dancing and twerking around in loving admiration. This is how it's done, Dad.

Instead, grab your torches and pitchforks you Satanists for this lack lack of respect and dignity:



Heh, you get 2x the straw man, @Skwim .

ETA: BTW, got a link?


Veteran Member

Grab your torches and pitchforks.

"The evangelical Christian hate group One Million Moms (Twitter count: 4,731), which never has a critical thing to say about Donald Trump, can’t believe two women danced onstage during halftime of the Super Bowl. Jennifer Lopez basically danced while wearing a “glitter maxi pad,” they claim.

They’re now calling for everyone to sign their petition in order to… well, nothing. There’s nothing to “petition.” It’s just a way to grow their mailing list. But a lack of motivation never stopped them from whining.

How are children supposed to learn about respect and dignity when this is what they see on the world’s biggest stage?

Latin rapper Bad Bunny briefly joined them on stage, but he wasn’t the biggest surprise of the evening. The halftime performance went from pole dancing to a chorus of children singing and dancing alongside Lopez’s 11-year-old daughter, Emme. Children were shown in lit silhouette cages.

There were so many other music artists who could have performed and given a much cleaner and more appropriate performance. Many families watch the Super Bowl together, therefore, the halftime show should be family-friendly. Is it too much to ask for Super Bowl entertainment be suitable for fans of all ages?

These Christians are more upset at J-Lo for featuring kids in imaginary cages than they are at Republicans for putting kids in actual ones.

Anybody here see this lack of respect and dignity in the halftime show?
(The full show is on the video above.)


Pretty much anyone conscious during even part of the performance should think, "Pop entertainment hasn't changed much since ancient Rome."


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Anybody here see this lack of respect and dignity in the halftime show?
(The full show is on the video above.)

It looks like she had a wardrobe malfunction and her burka fell off, exposing her glittery underpants to the whole world. They should have brought a halt to the festivities, rather than let her continue that way. Or least they could have dropped a huge American flag on her to hide her from the leering eyes of excitable young males everywhere.


The wonder and awe of "all things".
Count me very similar to @Galateasdream about the dancing.

I think for a lot of people we'd like more of the really great music we often get. Just more (or is it just I don't get the latin dance pop here?).

So, while I don't always expect the very highest level for me personally, like U2 or The Who, or Prince. I know I can't expect that, sure.

And it had a tune I like.

A moment I liked was this tune:

It's just, give me more than only 1, right? I did like that verision of Zeppelin's Kashmir.

Ok, so that's 2.

About the more than enough body shaking, it was really like Galatesdream says in my view: too much of that which didn't really have much.