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Christian, prove from scripture Astral projection is demonic

Yes he said that the demons left. Well many Muslims consider sihr as shirk (setting up patners with God). This includes asking for the help of djinns (very funny because a Muslim is allowed to go to a doctor), worshipping Satan, etc. I think all this stems from ignorance. Of course there is risk to deal with supernatural entities and this causes the fear. Ruqya on the other hand relies on Quranic verses and Islamic magical rituals so it is allowed. Many say that all forms of magic are forbidden but some does ruqya which may include unislamic Arabic occult practice (out of ignorance).

But the Quran is very specific about magic's forbidden forms. They are divination with arrows, angel Harut and Marut's magic and what the Christians and Jews called magic of Solomon's book. The last, it is said, was written by the djinns to misguide people and Prophet Solomon had nothing to do with it. His powers were just miracles from God.

Tell me about the magic you do. Brake it down for me in detail if you would.


Active Member
Tell me about the magic you do. Brake it down for me in detail if you would.

I am currently practising Kabbalistic ceremonial magic. I am at the beginner's stage of doing ritual exercises to enhance one's power. My source of knowledge is a book named 'Modern Magick' by Donald Michael Craig.

I am a lazy practitioner so it will take a looong time to become a decent practitioner.
I am currently practising Kabbalistic ceremonial magic. I am at the beginner's stage of doing ritual exercises to enhance one's power. My source of knowledge is a book named 'Modern Magick' by Donald Michael Craig.

I am a lazy practitioner so it will take a looong time to become a decent practitioner.

Enhancing one's power. What kind of power? Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual? ect?
Astral projection demonic? I think aliester crowley had enough to say about that...

Well, what did he say about it? Did he say it was demonic?

I know he certainly practiced it. He founded his own occult organization that sought to master astral travel.


Active Member
Enhancing one's power. What kind of power? Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual? ect?

One is psychic power. The writer claims that after a certain time you will begin to see the elemental entities. Then there are practices to control the four elements. He also advised us to try meditation. I think this helps us with spellworks, making of talismans, etc. by making us more focused. He didn't mention much but I believe I can see more if I continue. I am still at the kindergarten level, LOL.
One is psychic power.

It should be noted that astral travel also increases one's psychic power. Just wanted to note that. Personally i think that astral travel is the most powerful form of giving one any hope of increasing psychic power out there. Of course, there are other ways up the mountain. It's just my view that this way is the way that will make it more stronger. Have you ever heard of adgar cayce? Called the "sleeping prophet". He was one of the greatest phsychics and one of the more accurate ones by percentage and he did it through sleeping.

Why sleeping? Because your flesh is suspended. One cannot have any psychic flow when the flesh is in the way, having any acitivity going on. The flesh being the concious mind and body. The intellect, the anylytical side, the imagery mind. These fleshly things have to be suspended, so the flow of the spirit can come.

The writer claims that after a certain time you will begin to see the elemental entities.

Who are the elemental entities?

Then there are practices to control the four elements.

Like telekenesis you talking about? If so, astral travel can also touch on that too.

He also advised us to try meditation.

To do astral travel, one needs to meditate as well. lol

I think this helps us with spellworks,

What's the spellworks?

making of talismans, etc.

What's talismans?

by making us more focused. He didn't mention much but I believe I can see more if I continue.

Who is he?

I am still at the kindergarten level, LOL.

So am I. I just wish my efforts would pay up. I really think the problem that holds us back is the vail between the concious and the subconcious mind. One needs to get the concious into the subconcious. And that is what increases these spiritual abilities. That's tricky and tough to do though. But, practice makes perfect.
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Active Member
The author gave us some ritual practices and said that once we become skilfull we will come to know by ourselves the secrets of magic. But he won't tell it to us by himself. I have read the portion about astral travelling in the book. It says that doing so will give us unknown knowledge.

Controlling the elements will enable you to harness their powers during spellwork. Spellworks are simply the act of casting spells. Talismans are magically charged objects that brings something in your life. Amulets does the opposite.

The author of the book is a ceremonial magic practitioner who probably belongs to the 'Order of the Golden Dawn'. His name is the late Donald Michael Craig and you can find about him in Wikipaedia.

I can't yet tell you what unknown secrets we can learn by astral travelling or what other powers we can gain by the book's rituals, because I haven't reached that stage. I am just a beginner. And I wish you all the best in your astral travelling.
The author gave us some ritual practices and said that once we become skilfull we will come to know by ourselves the secrets of magic. But he won't tell it to us by himself. I have read the portion about astral travelling in the book. It says that doing so will give us unknown knowledge.

Controlling the elements will enable you to harness their powers during spellwork. Spellworks are simply the act of casting spells. Talismans are magically charged objects that brings something in your life. Amulets does the opposite.

What kind of spells do you want to cast?

What do you want to bring into your life through magically charged objects?

The author of the book is a ceremonial magic practitioner who probably belongs to the 'Order of the Golden Dawn'. His name is the late Donald Michael Craig and you can find about him in Wikipaedia.

I can't yet tell you what unknown secrets we can learn by astral travelling or what other powers we can gain by the book's rituals, because I haven't reached that stage. I am just a beginner. And I wish you all the best in your astral travelling.

I think the unknown secrets of astral travel other people have already told those. It's really no secret. Theirs many testimonies out there.


Active Member
I want a soulmate to come in my life. Trying both spellcasting and talisman methods.

Can you give me some good sites for testimonies about astral travelling?
I want a soulmate to come in my life. Trying both spellcasting and talisman methods.

Ok. Astral travel can do the same thing. Once a person is out, they would think of "soul mate" or ask God "who is best for me, where are they?" and magically you will start flying there. I have not experienced that, but based on my research on how astral travel works, that's what it would be like in a fully concious astral projection.

Can you give me some good sites for testimonies about astral travelling?

Here is one I Astral Travel | Group with Personal Stories, Forums and Chat im sure there is more.

This one here i like to read alot, it has SOME astral projections, but most of them are near death experiences, however, the content of a near death and a astral travel are near identical in nature. But, i like reading this website more none the less.

It is here Current NDERF Near Death Experiences


New Member
I want to talk to a Christian or a Jew about astral projection. Why do you think it's demonic? Why do you think God does not aprove of the practice of astral projection via meditation techniques? What is your scriptural evidence that astral projection is wrong? Currently I am convinced it's not wrong or demonic from scripture, but am open to dialogue and be convinced otherwise. And i hope i got this question in the right section of the forum, not sure. But either case, here it is.

For those who don't know, astral projection is the means of having out of body experiences through meditation and mind work.
Hello. Did you ever get your answer?