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Christian Wicca


Active Member
Fluffy said:
That makes no sense. Do you mean your not being Christian...? If so then it is not the point. I was stating that your disagreement is all very well and good but is not representative of Christian beliefs and at the same time there are plenty of Christians who do believe as I stated and thereby legitimising the focus on Jesus and the understanding of God via him.
No. I am saying that I am not christian therefore why would I care what represents their belief when it comes to this? You may believe that It may legitimize what you believe by christian standards or yours but it does not by mine. I really don't think that you care for what I think but I was only posting it anyways.

Fluffy said:
I agree again. Yet they are all Christian. I make no claim that I combine every single Christian faith with every single Wiccan faith. Just aspects of the former with aspects of the latter. I do not need every Christian to agree with me.
I never said you did. ????

Fluffy said:
Some Christians do believe interpreting the Bible as the word of God corrupted by man, yes.
Yes, I am sure that their are many who do but I know that I don't believe that the True inspired Word of YAH was, No.

Fluffy said:
... I agree fully that you do not give a crap what I call myself, that you find it funny, that I may combine whatever and call it whatever I want, that it makes no difference to you and, finally, I certainly agree that you are not somebody who I should be afraid of.
Good............. I am so glad we got that all cleared up. :rolleyes:

Fluffy said:
I do not wish to presume what lies you are referring to, especially when I am unable to identify them myself. I suppose I could start a general thread but given that the majority of people do not feel that the site contains "lies" I feel it would be rather pointless were it not started from the opposing view.
Whatever......... LOL. Your the one that brought it up, not I. LOL

Fluffy said:
Actions and beliefs are part of who somebody is. You cannot remove them without changing that person. I thank you for you support.
o.k. and this you have somehow translated into being that I have somehow labeled someone negatively? LOL O.K. if you say so. LOL I apologize. LOL

Fluffy said:
I'd advise worrying about your own soul before anyone elses especially those who you believe fall outside of the Truth.
Thanks for the advise but I will stick to the Truth and helping others in finding their way to YAH's Truth.

Fluffy said:
jgallandt accused you of potentially speaking the lie rather than the truth. You say you speak neither as in you speak neither a lie nor the truth. You then end this sentence saying you speak the Truth. Is the Truth not a truth?
Truth is Truth. I speak not of my own accord. It is not from me what I speak but yet the Word which is Truth of YAH.

Fluffy said:
I can understand capitalisation of the noun but of the adjective? English is generally devoid of proper adjectives. What does the capitalisation of this adjective represent?
Only my observance and respect of the True Word of YAH. Therefore my own way of praising YAH by His works. Praise YAH! ( You might want to use spellchecker before you post next. ;) )

Fluffy said:
The lake of fire according to the Truth which, as we have yet to establish, may or may not be true.
You may not have established the Truth but YAH has. I am a witness to it.

Fluffy said:
Possibly. But not necessarily. There might be no wrong in this and many right.
I disagree. Their are many wrong. You as well as everybody else will see. Trust me. We all will see.

Fluffy said:
It is physically impossible to not trust in ones heart. You cannot doubt your feelings since in doing the doubting you are trusting in other feelings.
Yes it is spiritually possible through the Spirit of YAH. I agree this is not what you call ones heart until they accept the Spirit where the Spirit would live in them. It would be a guide to them.

Fluffy said:
You contradict yourself surely? Look at the first part of this post: "I speak neither but that of YAH and that be Truth."
LOL....... I said I don't speak for YAH. I do however speak Truth which is of YAH. His Word. I speak no lies therefore "neither" but that of YAH which is Truth. LOL When talking about Scriptures and understanding of Scriptures as well as the Truth, being His Word, I speak what YAH has already spoken. If you can't understand this as simple as I have made it then there is no help for you. LOL I do hope you understand my meaning here. :)

Fluffy said:
Thank you very much. I can assure you that we would all appreciate that immensely.
Oh think nothing of it. Its all in a days work for YAH. Praise YAH!

Fluffy said:
Just the truth as you see wman.
Not as I see but as YAH's will. ;)


Active Member
Mike182 said:
i think you may not understand what i am saying. what i mean is, it is a valid argument to claim that all religions are "true", and it is also a valid argument that no religions are "true" - i personally believe that all religions lead to divinity, and so all religions are true
Your right......... I didn't at first understand your meaning and now have to say that I disagree. There is to me only one Truth.

Mike182 said:
ok, now i understand! your beloief is in the word of God as recorded in scriptures, and that these recorded words are the be all and end all. i now understand your stance and point of argument in regards to:

well, you have a valid argument, i simply believe differently to you

blessed be
Why thank you. May YAH bless you and your understanding of His Truth.

Shabbat Shalom.


Flaming Queer
wmam said:
Your right......... I didn't at first understand your meaning and now have to say that I disagree. There is to me only one Truth.

Why thank you. May YAH bless you and your understanding of His Truth.

Shabbat Shalom.
i look forwards to more discussions with you an a variety of subjects

i thank you. while you walk your path, and while silver runs pure in your heart, blessed be



A fool
It was my pleasure to help in your understanding through the Truth of YAH.
You did, I just felt like the debate wasn't going in a particularly "pleasent" direction and I hate getting off to a rocky start with people.


Active Member
Mike182 said:
i look forwards to more discussions with you an a variety of subjects

i thank you. while you walk your path, and while silver runs pure in your heart, blessed be

I as well........ Thanks be for the thought of silver. One of YAH's cleansing metals. It works wonders. I use to take colloidal silver. I never got sick again to speak of. It's suppose to absorb toxins in the blood. Sort of like why the old-timers use to put a silver dollar in the milk basin. To kill off the germs.

Again ....... Thanks.


Proud to be a Sinner.
Silver also fights against psychic vampirism.

(people draining your energy by being in your vicinity)


Active Member
Fluffy said:
You did, I just felt like the debate wasn't going in a particularly "pleasent" direction and I hate getting off to a rocky start with people.


We just look at things differently. No need to get all wrinkled up over a cup of spilt milk. ;)

You believe the way you do and I believe you are wrong. Whats so rocky about that? LOL First off .......... people need to quit taking themselves so seriuosly you know? :woohoo:

Here ya go........

If you were to cast a spell on me using Wicca and I was to cast a spell on you using the full force and faith of the True Word of YAH, who do you think would win? Let's not find out. Last time that happened, the people of Egypt got pretty unhappy in a hurry. :jam:


Active Member
Pardus said:
Silver also fights against psychic vampirism.

(people draining your energy by being in your vicinity)
Hey........... you see........... I learn something new everyday. I don't need that though. The Spirit guards me of everything now. :D

Thanks anyways. :)


I smell something....
To respect the wishes of the one on one debate that is going on, I chose this thread to make a comment on this statement-
Without going into the dictionary, I would only apply the term Christian to someone who accepts the Bible (OT & NT) in it's entirety, without being selective about which parts they do or do not believe in. After all, nowhere in the Bible does it say that you can form your own opinion about what is written. This acceptance in toto also involves following all the rules given (or disregarding those that Jesus more or less overturned), and utilizing reasonable (not creative) interpretation of translated passages.
With all of the Christians that I have run into I have not met one Christian that accepts the Bible completely word for word. They all seem to have their own translation as to what different text in the Bible mean. Even if you take two Christians that believe in the literal translation of the Bible and put them together in a room, there will be disagreements in what they believe to be the literal translation. In my opinion this does not diminish their faith or take away their ability to call themselves a Christian. Having ad ifferent view of the Bible does not make your belief in the Bible less valid. In addition, calling yourself a Christian and a Wiccan should not make a persons beliefs less valid.
Now I will click Spell Check:D .


Well-Known Member
turk179 said:
To respect the wishes of the one on one debate that is going on, I chose this thread to make a comment on this statement- With all of the Christians that I have run into I have not met one Christian that accepts the Bible completely word for word. They all seem to have their own translation as to what different text in the Bible mean. Even if you take two Christians that believe in the literal translation of the Bible and put them together in a room, there will be disagreements in what they believe to be the literal translation. In my opinion this does not diminish their faith or take away their ability to call themselves a Christian. Having ad ifferent view of the Bible does not make your belief in the Bible less valid. In addition, calling yourself a Christian and a Wiccan should not make a persons beliefs less valid.
Now I will click Spell Check:D .
You're right. Shucks, I guess I'm a Christian too!Since the Bible is clearly so open to interpretation, and since there is no yardstick with which to measure one's life practices compared to what God wants, we might as well all say that we're Christian. :162:


I smell something....
Faint said:
You're right. Shucks, I guess I'm a Christian too!Since the Bible is clearly so open to interpretation, and since there is no yardstick with which to measure one's life practices compared to what God wants, we might as well all say that we're Christian. :162:
What ever floats your boat buddy. Who am I to tell you what is a valid religion and what is not. Although there are those out there who feel the need to do so, what right do I have to tell you that calling yourself a Christian Hedonist is any less valid than a Taoist Monk or a Kittycat Creationist:D


Well-Known Member
turk179 said:
What ever floats your boat buddy. Who am I to tell you what is a valid religion and what is not. Although there are those out there who feel the need to do so, what right do I have to tell you that calling yourself a Christian Hedonist is any less valid than a Taoist Monk or a Kittycat Creationist:D
Well, there are these things called logical fallacies, and when someone tries to debate while using one (or several) of these fallacies they tend to get called on it by the person who can see the inherent flaw in their arguement. In the end, reason is the best way to decide what is, and what is not "valid". So who am I to tell you what is a valid label for something? I am Reasonable, that's who. Do you want to go around changing words and definitions? Why do that when you can just create a neologism? Otherwise, all you're doing is muddling the language with inaccurate descriptions, which in turn makes you appear like you don't know what you're talking about (which is not a good quality for someone involved in a debate).

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


I smell something....
Faint said:
Well, there are these things called logical fallacies, and when someone tries to debate while using one (or several) of these fallacies they tend to get called on it by the person who can see the inherent flaw in their arguement. In the end, reason is the best way to decide what is, and what is not "valid". So who am I to tell you what is a valid label for something? I am Reasonable, that's who. Do you want to go around changing words and definitions? Why do that when you can just create a neologism? Otherwise, all you're doing is muddling the language with inaccurate descriptions, which in turn makes you appear like you don't know what you're talking about (which is not a good quality for someone involved in a debate).

Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Like I said in my previous post (and I believe we are at the point where we just go back and forth now)its not about changing words and definitions its about translaton. When there are so many reasonable translations of the Bible and there are enough reasonable and valid arguments to support Christian Wicca then why not. And who gave you the reasonable title I thought that one was mine.:D