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Christian Wicca


†ßig Dog†
wmam said:
You didn't come right out and say it but one could look at what you did say and think you worshiped the Son and not the Father.
That would be hard to do, they are one with each other. ;) (sorry michel for the smiley.) :eek:


†ßig Dog†
DW, no matter what religion you follow, what path you choose, you will find people telling you that's wrong. Follow what is in your heart. If God is telling you to follow that path, aka Wiccan, or any path, who the hell is someone to say different? Stick you your guns. Stand up for your beliefs.


†ßig Dog†
Read the Bible yourself. Pull up the book of James, niv, and read it. The meaning you get out of it is what's important, not what someone else claims it means. Pull up 1st corinthians, chapter 13, niv. Read it. It could easily mix with the Wiccan Rede.


Active Member
jgallandt said:
wman, then why don't you practiced it? :)
I do my best to but I don't see what your meaning is unless you are some how suggesting that you some how love YAH more than me?

jgallandt said:
Am I to take these links as answers to your statement of mistranslations? Also I would like to know of where all these contradictions are between the so called Old and New?


†ßig Dog†
If you really where interested, you would do what I do, a google search. Since you seem more interested in a weak attempt to twist my words, I can only presume you have no interest in learning, only preaching your own beliefs. :D


Active Member
jgallandt said:
If you really where interested, you would do what I do, a google search. Since you seem more interested in a weak attempt to twist my words, I can only presume you have no interest in learning, only preaching your own beliefs. :D
Look ........... where have I twisted your words? I only asked questions of what you posted and made comments as to how some might take what you said differently. I was curious as to what you had to say and was asking you to show proof. Yes I could google but then why would one want to even come here and post questions and make statements if they all could just go google it? Oh sorry..... I didn't mean to ask another question and make you feel that I somehow twisted your words. :rolleyes:


†ßig Dog†
Pardus said:
Is using that title so important? don't you guys just keep saying they're only words?
Some people think that military intelligence, those words don't go together, but people still use it. Some don't think that Christmas has anything to do with Christ, but millions still celebrate it. Pardus, it's not going away, so you might try to understand it instead of bashing it.


Proud to be a Sinner.
You assume i don't, but i do, i went thru a stage where some of my christianity still lingered.

Now i am at the stage that if i went back to christianity i would be a satanist.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
jgallandt said:
That would be hard to do, they are one with each other. (sorry michel for the smiley.)
jgallandt said:
(sorry michel for the smiley.)
Hey, it doesn't matter.....:D BTW, here's some help on the subject


It is quite possible for a person to follow a syncretistic religion -- a faith involving elements from two or more religions. This is sometimes disparagingly called "shopping-cart religion." However, it is a common practice, particularly in the Far East. Many New Agers blend certain Christian and New Age beliefs and practices. So, a person could both:

[font=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Worship the Christian God, believing in the resurrection of Jesus, virgin birth, second coming and other historical Christian teachings.[/font][font=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Believe in selected elements from Wicca, such as respecting nature, caring about the environment, celebrating at solstices, equinoxes, harvest festivals, etc. [/font][font=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]​
However, they might not necessarily be viewed as a fellow Christian or a fellow Wiccan by more conventional followers of these two religions.
Resolving the deity question

Many Wiccans (perhaps most) believe that there is a single ultimate deity which/who is unknowable. A common Wiccan saying is that "All Gods are the ONE GOD." This deity is sometimes referred to as "The All" or "The One" and is often visualized as having two aspects: a male facet who is called the God and a female component, the Goddess. Christianity also teaches the existence of a single God. 2 But most denominations teach that God has a different internal structure. The Christian God does not have two aspects. Their God is a Trinity, composed of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

[font=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]About the male aspect of deity: There were about 50 gospels and dozens of letters and essays written by the early Christian church. However, only four gospels and various letters that were accepted into the Christian Scriptures (New Testament). Those four tell of a unified Christian movement which regarded Yeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ) to be the Son of God and a deity. Other documents -- which never made it into the official canon -- describe a divided Christian movement. They explain that, after Jesus was executed by the Roman Army, (circa 30 CE) and a few years before Paul returned to organize his churches (circa 35 CE), Jesus' disciples organized a reformed Jewish movement that is normally referred to today as the Jewish Christians. They regarded Jehovah, as described in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), to be a single, indivisible God. They regarded Jesus as a human, and a great prophet-king. Details are lacking, but they may well have regarded Wisdom as a type of female supernatural presence who was with God at the creation of the world - a type of Goddess. A Wiccan might consider these non-canonical gospels and writings to be accurate and adopt beliefs similar to those of the early Jewish Christian movement. Wiccans might associate Jesus with the male aspect of "The One."[/font][font=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]About the female aspect of deity: Some Wiccans and liberal Christians believe that Jesus married Mary Magdalene. The marriage ritual at Cana described in the Gospel of John may have referred to their marriage. They honor Mary as the Goddess of Christianity -- as representing the female aspect of "The One." Others substitute or include:[/font] [font=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Miriam, the mother of Jesus;[/font][font=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Sophia, the Goddess of wisdom who is described in a number of places in the Hebrew Scriptures as a separate, female personality; [/font][font=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Mother Earth; and/or [/font][font=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Asherath, a Goddess worshiped by many ancient Hebrews[/font]



A fool
You didn't come right out and say it but one could look at what you did say and think you worshiped the Son and not the Father.
The Son is the Father. There is no meaningful difference between them.

oh I agree I don't see it as wrong or a sin but in my mind the average Christian does regard it as wrong.
A Christian from 1000 years ago would condemn almost all of modern Christianity and vice versa. Doesn't make either of them less Christian :).

Look ........... where have I twisted your words? I only asked questions of what you posted and made comments as to how some might take what you said differently. I was curious as to what you had to say and was asking you to show proof. Yes I could google but then why would one want to even come here and post questions and make statements if they all could just go google it? Oh sorry..... I didn't mean to ask another question and make you feel that I somehow twisted your words.
I don't quite understand what it was, specifically that you were asking for wman. Keep in mind what this thread is about and make sure your requests were relevant. Barring that I would be happy to help if I can.

Is using that title so important? don't you guys just keep saying they're only words?
Oh I agree. I don't give a crap what I call myself :). What I disagree with are the following sentiments:
Christianity can't be combined with Wicca
If Christianity and Wicca are combined it doesn't result in a mixture that could be happily termed Christian Wicca.

However, if somebody asks me what my religion is, I will answer them, Christianity with Wicca because that is how I view my religion and I think it is the quickest way to sum it up. I don't want to list all of the main tenents of belief every time I'm asked a simple question :).

Let me rush to throw my Scriptures out the window and follow all that is said on http://www.religioustolerance.org
wman, that site contains much truth and wisdom, in my humble opinion. It does not require you to throw out the scriptures. It does not require you to do anything beyond be tolerant of others and keep and open mind.

I can totally get where you are coming from since I can easily see myself in a similar position. For example, I do not understand how it is possible to combine Catholicism and Wicca yet people do. Perhaps it is down to a lack of understanding on their part but these people aren't stupid. It is just a path that I cannot walk and I shouldn't be surprised that I find the paths I cannot walk as incomprehensible.


Active Member
Fluffy said:
The Son is the Father. There is no meaningful difference between them.
Wrong as far as I am concerned. Unless you are meaning like since you are your fathers child then so you are your father in a sense? But this would only then hold water if you were like your father in all that he thought and did. If so then please accept my apologies. Otherwise........ So be it.

Fluffy said:
A Christian from 1000 years ago would condemn almost all of modern Christianity and vice versa. Doesn't make either of them less Christian :).
Glad I no longer consider myself christian.

Fluffy said:
I don't quite understand what it was, specifically that you were asking for wman. Keep in mind what this thread is about and make sure your requests were relevant. Barring that I would be happy to help if I can.
Did I ask you a question? ummmmmmm....... I'm sorry I don't recall. I did ask someone else a question and they took it as I was twisting their words. I don't see you answering for someone else unless that person gives you that right. If they did then you can go and reread the questions poised to said person and answer them.

Fluffy said:
Oh I agree. I don't give a crap what I call myself :). What I disagree with are the following sentiments:
Christianity can't be combined with Wicca
If Christianity and Wicca are combined it doesn't result in a mixture that could be happily termed Christian Wicca.

However, if somebody asks me what my religion is, I will answer them, Christianity with Wicca because that is how I view my religion and I think it is the quickest way to sum it up. I don't want to list all of the main tenents of belief every time I'm asked a simple question :).
I don't give a crap what you call yourself either. LOL ..... thats funny. You can combine whatever you want and call it by whatever you want. It makes not a difference to me. But it is not me that one should be in fear of either. ;)

Fluffy said:
wman, that site contains much truth and wisdom, in my humble opinion. It does not require you to throw out the scriptures. It does not require you to do anything beyond be tolerant of others and keep and open mind.
I agree that it contains much Truth and wisdom but it also contains many lies, in my personal opinion. It is not somewhere I could rely on for Truth therefore I will not be going back.

Fluffy said:
I can totally get where you are coming from since I can easily see myself in a similar position. For example, I do not understand how it is possible to combine Catholicism and Wicca yet people do. Perhaps it is down to a lack of understanding on their part but these people aren't stupid. It is just a path that I cannot walk and I shouldn't be surprised that I find the paths I cannot walk as incomprehensible.
In my position, it's not so much being incomprehensible but rather abhorible, abominable and blasphemy.


Active Member
jgallandt said:
Fluffy has the right to answer for me. On this, we see eye to eye.
O.K. ...........

You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I understand. Truly I do. ;)


A fool
Wrong as far as I am concerned. Unless you are meaning like since you are your fathers child then so you are your father in a sense? But this would only then hold water if you were like your father in all that he thought and did. If so then please accept my apologies. Otherwise........ So be it.
Yet by your own admittance, you are not a Christian. Some Christians do believe what I stated in the form that you reject and therefore there is no contradiction here.

Did I ask you a question? ummmmmmm....... I'm sorry I don't recall. I did ask someone else a question and they took it as I was twisting their words. I don't see you answering for someone else unless that person gives you that right. If they did then you can go and reread the questions poised to said person and answer them.
Fair enough.

Mat 22:36 “Teacher, which is the great command in the Torah?”
Mat 22:37 And Yahshua, said to him, “ ‘You shall love YAH, your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind.’
Mat 22:38 “This is the first and great command.

Your point?
The point being that the apparent contradictions between Christianity and Wicca are a) in matters of detail b) not said by Christ. Therefore we reserve the right to disregard them as Christ is our guide not the interpretations of those who came before or after him; not those of the first church who, under no divine inspiration, decided to compile some books into the Bible and leave other books out.

I don't give a crap what you call yourself either. LOL ..... thats funny. You can combine whatever you want and call it by whatever you want. It makes not a difference to me. But it is not me that one should be in fear of either. ;)
I couldn't agree more.

I agree that it contains much Truth and wisdom but it also contains many lies, in my personal opinion. It is not somewhere I could rely on for Truth therefore I will not be going back.
That is a pity. If you are prepared to pick what you percieve as a "lie" I would be totally prepared to debate the point, but in a seperate thread.

In my position, it's not so much being incomprehensible but rather abhorible, abominable and blasphemy.
Again it is a pity you feel you have to label others with negative terminology. Others who, I might add, are doing no harm to anybody.


Active Member
Fluffy said:
Yet by your own admittance, you are not a Christian. Some Christians do believe what I stated in the form that you reject and therefore there is no contradiction here.
Your yet wrong again. Being christian has nothing to do with my disagreeing with your belief. Just because some do isn't all and the some cannot speak for the all. LOL

Fluffy said:
Fair enough.
You was given permission so ..............

Fluffy said:
The point being that the apparent contradictions between Christianity and Wicca are a) in matters of detail b) not said by Christ. Therefore we reserve the right to disregard them as Christ is our guide not the interpretations of those who came before or after him; not those of the first church who, under no divine inspiration, decided to compile some books into the Bible and leave other books out.
Oh so this belief is just another of the many in which fall under the premiss of so called christianity?

Fluffy said:
I couldn't agree more.
Are you sure? :D

Fluffy said:
That is a pity. If you are prepared to pick what you perceive as a "lie" I would be totally prepared to debate the point, but in a separate thread.
Sure....... You make it and send me the link. :)

Fluffy said:
Again it is a pity you feel you have to label others with negative terminology. Others who, I might add, are doing no harm to anybody.
Oh now that is a total lie. I have not labeled anyone negatively. Only actions and beliefs, in which I debate, do I feel negatively about if they fall outside the Truth. And here I thought you didn't care what you called yourself and I was only backing you up.. LOL :D

I agree that what is spewed as some believe may not hurt a body but it is the soul in which I worry. ;)