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Christian Wicca


Darkdale said:
All I've been discussing is the language they use to call themselves.
You're discusision on the language has run thus far as "christian wicca is a vulgar term". "why?", i ask. "Just is", say you. Again, if you might stop dodging the question, how is christian wicca "vulgar"?


World Leader Pretend
mr.guy said:
You're discusision on the language has run thus far as "christian wicca is a vulgar term". "why?", i ask. "Just is", say you. Again, if you might stop dodging the question, how is christian wicca "vulgar"?

I've already gone over that and over that. You've disagreed with my answers, but that doesn't change them. I haven't come up with a new argument for you.


Darkdale said:
I've already gone over that and over that. You've disagreed with my answers, but that doesn't change them. I haven't come up with a new argument for you.
You're answers have been on religious grounds, which you've since said aren't relevant to the thread. You've yet to say a single word explaining why the language is vulgar. If i've missed it, please point me to the post in which you've addressed this.


Wonder Woman
I made a thread concerning this subject quite a while back: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9747&page=1&pp=10

I still don't quite "get it". I personally can't reconcile a few things about the whole integration of the two religions. While I can understand the technicalities of using the Christian pantheon and mythology for your tradition, I simply cannot bring the two to terms in my mind. Having been Christian growing up and Wiccan from teen years, I simply find it impossible for me to do.

This doesn't mean I will tell anybody they can't believe whatever they believe. I simply can't fully understand it. The way most "Christian Wiccans" seem to describe their beliefs the more I think of it as "Christian Spiritualism", for the integral parts of Wicca are not really represented, more the spiritualism side of the religion really. To me it is the same as someone who meditates and chants...doesn't make them Buddist and never will...it just makes them have a different side to their spiritual practices.


†ßig Dog†
It's not 100% Wiccan. It's part Christian, part wiccan. Some Wiccans believe their Gods or Goddesses all lead back to one God. That's not far off from what Christianity believes, hence Jesus leads to God.


Wonder Woman
jgallandt said:
It's not 100% Wiccan. It's part Christian, part wiccan. Some Wiccans believe their Gods or Goddesses all lead back to one God. That's not far off from what Christianity believes, hence Jesus leads to God.
I understand what you're saying, but at the same time I maintain what I have said. You can look at it anyway you want, but there are certain things intregal to the beliefs of Wicca that Christianity outright denies and/or condemns. Hence the problem reconciling the two. Second...do you celebrate the Pagan Sabbats of old or the Christian holidays of new? Do you adhere to the religious connotations of the Sabbats or not? Do you believe in the Great Mother and her Consort/Great Father? Do you follow the thought of Him decending into the Underworld/Otherrealm at Samhain and not returning until Yule? Do you hold Beltane as the religious marriage of the Goddess and the God? Do you honor the giving of life itself from the the Goddess at Ostara? Or give homage to the Sun God for the warm days at Litha? These are very generalistic beliefs that have mythological stories from a variety of pantheons represented. Whether you follow Egyptian, Celtic, Roman, Greek, Norse, etc., pantheons, the general stories of these days are pretty much the same in essence throughout them. The exception here is Christianity.

So it bears me to thinking...what exactly do you celebrate that is truly Wiccan religion and what Christian? I still maintain that it is mainly the spiritualistic side of HOW Wiccans veiw the world and certain side practices of their religion that others find intriguing and therefore work into their own religion...and there is nothing wrong with that. It's just that the two religions really can't be THAT integrated to work without hitches and flaws.


†ßig Dog†
My wife's path was Wiccan. Most of what she follows is Wiccan. She has been doing spells for a very long time. She also believes, as I, that Jesus was the son of God. Spiritual yes. There's some good articles that Rebecca has. About combining the 2. Wiccan has many, many paths.


A fool
I understand what you're saying, but at the same time I maintain what I have said. You can look at it anyway you want, but there are certain things intregal to the beliefs of Wicca that Christianity outright denies and/or condemns.
Agreed. However, those parts of Christianity that do the condemning are not integral parts of Christianity. Drop those parts and you have a religion that gels just fine.


†ßig Dog†
Fluffy said:
Agreed. However, those parts of Christianity that do the condemning are not integral parts of Christianity. Drop those parts and you have a religion that gels just fine.
GOOD ANSWER! (About time you showed up! I was feeling like a fish out of water!)


Wonder Woman
jgallandt said:
My wife's path was Wiccan. Most of what she follows is Wiccan. She has been doing spells for a very long time. She also believes, as I, that Jesus was the son of God. Spiritual yes. There's some good articles that Rebecca has. About combining the 2. Wiccan has many, many paths.
Wicca does have many paths, as does Christianity, that I won't deny. I just don't personally "get" the combining of the two. But as I said before, that doesn't mean I'll tell anyone they can't believe whatever they want. I just view it differently is all. Like "doing spells" means absolutely nothing to me. I don't consider that Wiccan...I consider it an option to some Wiccans...just like confession is to some Catholics. I don't "cast spells", not because I don't believe in magic per se...just not for me. I pray, hold rituals, meditate, do divination and many other things...spells are not important to me. I find spells unnecessary and believe that if your connection to the Divine and everything around you is strong enough you affect change without extra effort in the form of spells. But perhaps that is for another thread.;)

Anyway, as I have said, I don't get it, but if it makes sense and works for you then who am I to say you can't believe whatever you want? More power to you.


†ßig Dog†
Pardus said:
Draka they don't understand it, personally i believe it's they don't understand what wicca is.
Maybe you can't except the fact that people can and do combine the faith. Of course, it's been pointed out to you many a time, it is not pure Wiccan. But think what you wish. It is your mind that is failing to understand.


I smell something....
Pardus said:
Draka they don't understand it, personally i believe it's they don't understand what wicca is.
I would say my understanding of wicca has increased 10 fold as of late due to personal questioning of my faith. For the life of me I can't understand why you cannot combine the two. The Bible in itself does not condemn wicca in any way unless you interpret the Bible in that way. A lot of wiccans belive that everything leads back to the One or the All which would fit in very well with Christian beliefs. I admit I have not read this entire thread and I am sure this has been hashed out before but I thought it was worth mentioning again.
jgallandt, I notice that you have changed your religion again and I hope that it was for your personal beliefs and not due to the comments on this thread.


A fool
Draka they don't understand it, personally i believe it's they don't understand what wicca is.
I feel I have studied Wicca sufficiently to have a greater understanding of it than the vast majority of people. I doubt I will ever understand it completely and would doubt anyone who claimed to.


†ßig Dog†
Turk, no it's not, my name change is a take off on my wife's, heinz 57. A mixture of alot. She believes in one more thing, hence the heinz 56 :D We still believe in the Christian Wiccan connection, seeing my wife has been a Wiccan for over 14 years. ;)


I smell something....
jgallandt said:
Turk, no it's not, my name change is a take off on my wife's, heinz 57. A mixture of alot. She believes in one more thing, hence the heinz 56 :D We still believe in the Christian Wiccan connection, seeing my wife has been a Wiccan for over 14 years. ;)
Thanks for the explanation there, big daddy:D.


Flaming Queer
Pardus said:
Draka they don't understand it, personally i believe it's they don't understand what wicca is.
id have to second fluffy's comment here, i have studied it for over a year, and i have been tought by two extremely good wiccans for this period of time. i will not claim to have a fully comprehensive knowledge of wicca, but who can? all i know is i have read many books, i have been tought by my two good friends who are good wiccans, and i wil continue to learn and grow


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Mike182 said:
id have to second fluffy's comment here, i have studied it for over a year, and i have been tought by two extremely good wiccans for this period of time. i will not claim to have a fully comprehensive knowledge of wicca, but who can? all i know is i have read many books, i have been tought by my two good friends who are good wiccans, and i wil continue to learn and grow
Can you recommend some good reading(From scratch so to speak), for someone who wants to learn ?


Active Member
I've been thinking about "christian wicca" alot these past couple of days and the subject is really starting to grate, I myself loved Jesus love what he stood for and felt I knew him,
But when I became pagan I ended that, You can't pick bits out from each religion and make it up as You go along.
I am all for people following their own path but they distinctly cancel each other out,
In the bible it says dont use divintation, dont practice magic dont speak to demons, shadows ore dead people,
And yet Pagans, wiccans magic divination, gods goddess' shadows.
I am not trying to rip you guys I know you do no harm, and its not my place to be offended but what is the angle?


†ßig Dog†
DW, I appreciate what you say. I believe the Bible was written by man, translated by man. I believe in Christ's teachings. Show me something in his teachings that goes against Wicca? Read the Gospel according Mary. Very earthy, for a lack of another word. If your a hard core Christian, that takes all the Bible and it's miss-translations literally, no, you would not be able to combine the 2. cont..