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Veteran Member

Not really, no. There was a time when Baal worship was spread by people. According to the Christian New Testament the worship of Diana was very popular. In the time of Nebuchadnezzer his religion was spread "throughout the world". Then there were the religions of the ancient Greeks, Romans, Mithra and many, many others. All were popular in their time to various extents and spread enthusiastically by their adherents. Where are they now? All gone. Today we see other proselytizing religions besides Christianity such as Islam. The merit of a religion is not based on the propensity of its adherents in proselytizing. Actually the opposite is probably the case. Truth is self evident and doesn't need salesmen.
Self evident? To me yeah, but initially it takes digging.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I'd correct just one phrase... "if it weren’t true" to become "if they believed it weren't true"

Believedis the magic word that makes it make as much sense as any other religion.
Yeah, I wonder which version of Christianity. Would a JW or Mormon come knocking on your door if they believed it wasn't true? Would some Born-Again Christian go stand on a street corner and cry out, "Jesus died for your sins", if they didn't believe it was true? Would Catholics keep looking to the Pope if they didn't believe the Catholic Church wasn't true?

I think there's a good chance that what they believe isn't true, but they believe it is. And, for them, that's what counts.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You really think people from all over the world would spread Christianity and preach things like Jesus coming back and the resurrection of the dead if it weren’t true? Don’t tell me it’s about money because that’s ridiculous. These are pretty far fetched ideas if you ask me. Do you think people would really spread these far-fetched ideas if they weren’t true? Think about it. It’s so obvious. There is truth in it imo. One just has to know how to see it.
A quick Google search suggests Christianity is the SIXTH fastest growing religion. So, by your logic, other religions are “truer.”


aged ecumenical anthropologist
You really think people from all over the world would spread Christianity and preach things like Jesus coming back and the resurrection of the dead if it weren’t true? Don’t tell me it’s about money because that’s ridiculous. These are pretty far fetched ideas if you ask me. Do you think people would really spread these far-fetched ideas if they weren’t true? Think about it. It’s so obvious. There is truth in it imo. One just has to know how to see it.

What is Truth doesn't rely on a majority.


Well-Known Member
You really think people from all over the world would spread Christianity and preach things like Jesus coming back and the resurrection of the dead if it weren’t true?
Of course. Pride leads to stupidity because it prevents internal criticism, and Pauline Christianity is an appeal to pridefulness.



Veteran Member
Of course. Pride leads to stupidity because it prevents internal criticism, and Pauline Christianity is an appeal to pridefulness.

Coming back from the dead? Who in their right mind would believe such nonsense? Think about it.


Coming back from the dead? Who in their right mind would believe such nonsense? Think about it.
Jesus Christ obviously and those who saw Him alive again…

Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.” 37 But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. 38 And He said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.”

40 When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet. 41 But while they still did not believe for joy, and marveled, He said to them, “Have you any food here?” 42 So they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish [k]and some honeycomb. 43 And He took it and ate in their presence.

44 Then He said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and theProphets and the Psalms concerning Me.”45 And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.

46 Then He said to them, “Thus it is written,and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day,47 and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Luke 24:36-47


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
You really think people from all over the world would spread Christianity and preach things like Jesus coming back and the resurrection of the dead if it weren’t true? Don’t tell me it’s about money because that’s ridiculous. These are pretty far fetched ideas if you ask me. Do you think people would really spread these far-fetched ideas if they weren’t true? Think about it. It’s so obvious. There is truth in it imo. One just has to know how to see it.
Is Islam "true"? It's out pacing Christianity and spreading it's message all over the world. Muslims don't believe Jesus was God, however. It's not if Christianity's claims are true as much as they are believed.

What I mean by this is that because a thing is broadly accepted doesn't necessarily lend veracity to its claims. And since there is no universal or objective method to get to the "truth" in all these claims, it's all hearsay. Sweet popular hearsay. It leaves us with to accept or not.


Veteran Member
Is Islam "true"? It's out pacing Christianity and spreading it's message all over the world. Muslims don't believe Jesus was God, however. It's not if Christianity's claims are true as much as they are believed.

What I mean by this is that because a thing is broadly accepted doesn't necessarily lend veracity to its claims. And since there is no universal or objective method to get to the "truth" in all these claims, it's all hearsay. Sweet popular hearsay. It leaves us with to accept or not.
Why would Christians believe such nonsense? Jesus coming back from the dead? Think about it.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I've thought, beause that's what they are taught to believe from being infants

I was definitely taught and indoctrinated to believe Jesus' savior story, as well as other stories about his alleged life on earth. I was also discouraged, or even shamed, for ever questioning what I had been taught about him. I was shamed for questioning these stories and the rest of the Bible. I was told that doubting and questioning God was a sin. To be completely honest, I attribute my deconversion from Christianity solely to the fact that I read and studied the Bible without the confirmation bias of my indoctrination. It was a genuine reexamination of my Christian beliefs that led me to renounce my belief and faith in God and abandon Christianity. My deconversion gradually began as I was training to be a street preacher, evangelist, and evangelism team leader. However, my ever-growing questions and nagging doubts about God, Jesus, and the Bible became even more substantial while I was helping my nephew obtain his Master of Theological Studies degree in order to become an ordained minister. In fact, our extensive reading and study of the Bible and Christian theology led us both to deconvert from Christianity. During the thirty years I was a devout Christian, I thought that reading and studying the Bible on a daily basis would deepen my faith, but all I did was study my way out of believing in God, Jesus, and the Bible, which led to my decoversion.


Veteran Member
I was definitely taught and indoctrinated to believe Jesus' savior story, as well as other stories about his alleged life on earth. I was also discouraged, or even shamed, for ever questioning what I had been taught about him. I was shamed for questioning these stories and the rest of the Bible. I was told that doubting and questioning God was a sin. To be completely honest, I attribute my deconversion from Christianity solely to the fact that I read and studied the Bible without the confirmation bias of my indoctrination. It was a genuine reexamination of my Christian beliefs that led me to renounce my belief and faith in God and abandon Christianity. My deconversion gradually began as I was training to be a street preacher, evangelist, and evangelism team leader. However, my ever-growing questions and nagging doubts about God, Jesus, and the Bible became even more substantial while I was helping my nephew obtain his Master of Theological Studies degree in order to become an ordained minister. In fact, our extensive reading and study of the Bible and Christian theology led us both to deconvert from Christianity. During the thirty years I was a devout Christian, I thought that reading and studying the Bible on a daily basis would deepen my faith, but all I did was study my way out of believing in God, Jesus, and the Bible, which led to my decoversion.
Before you started questioning it, did you deeply look into its meaning?

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Before you started questioning it, did you deeply look into its meaning?

Of course, I did. As a former Christian and street preacher, I know the Bible and the teachings of Christianity inside and out. Just because I disagree with your personal interpretation of Christianity and the Bible doesn't mean that I don't understand the entirety of the Bible or the teachings of Christianity.