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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Do you know there are more atheists in this forum? It's called "religious forums" but there are more atheists here or at least they are the most active.

Try and apply the same logic you are using on that fact. Just apply it and think about the outcome.
That's kind of like saying (using what I suppose some might believe is logical) that the Trinity is like each godperson is 1/3 of the whole whatever the whole is -- something called God, I suppose. Some say it's like body, mind and soul each being 1/3 of the whole. (LOL, sorry, couldn't help laughing...)


Veteran Member
That's kind of like saying (using what I suppose some might believe is logical) that the Trinity is like each godperson is 1/3 of the whole whatever the whole is -- something called God, I suppose. Some say it's like body, mind and soul each being 1/3 of the whole. (LOL, sorry, couldn't help laughing...)
Irrelevant. I told the person to apply the same logic on atheism. The logo of the OP is bad.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
You’re learning

I think you have a condescending tone in your posts, King. Maybe you think you know better than everyone who disagrees with you. What I said to you yesterday also applies to everyone else who disagrees with your personal interpretation of Christianity and the Bible. I say this because you've repeatedly disregarded the answers that others have provided you with and acted as if they don't know what they're talking about. And again, I will ask you, where did you find the statistic that there are 4 billion people on earth who believe that Jesus will return and that he raises the dead? I'd like to see your source.

Of course, I did. As a former Christian and street preacher, I know the Bible and the teachings of Christianity inside and out. Just because I disagree with your personal interpretation of Christianity and the Bible doesn't mean that I don't understand the entirety of the Bible or the teachings of Christianity.

Where did you find the statistic that there are 4 billion people on earth who believe that Jesus will return and that he raises the dead?

I'd like to see your source, because I didn't find any such statistics online when I searched for them.


Well-Known Member
How many? 4 billion people believe that Jesus will return and that Jesus raises the dead and that they will see their loved ones again in heaven after they die. These things sound like a mental illness yet 4 billion people believe it. What does that tell you?
Is this thread about numbers or not?


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
I’m sorry, but if you don’t know what I’m trying to express I can’t help you.

?... Then what are you trying to achieve by putting this in the debate forum if you aren't willing to debate it? I've point by point gone through your claims and pointed out why they were flawed, and instead of choosing to address my points you just ignore and deflect. You can choose to do that if you like, but it doesn't make for a very convincing proposition


Veteran Member

Yes, Pauline-Christianity needs reformation to set again on the path and deeds that Yeshua-the truthful Israelite Messiah followed, right, please/



Veteran Member

Yes, Pauline-Christianity needs reformation to set again on the path and deeds that Yeshua-the truthful Israelite Messiah followed, right, please/
This is the purpose of the Second Coming of Jesus which has exactly been done, I understand, by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908, please, right?



Truth sets free
Don’t tell me it’s about money because that’s ridiculous.
Alas it's true: For many it's all about money. It was during Paul's day ...

2 Cor 2:17 "For we are not like so many, peddling God’s word for a living." - Byington

and it is a lot truer and worse in our days. Haven't you heard of the so-called Prosperity Gospel Televangelists?

These are the ones about whom Jesus said: "Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ " But, alas, it was all for monetary gain as proof of which Jesus said: "Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’" - Matthew 7:22, 23, NIV

I'm an adherent of the teachings of Christ - let me make that clear though. I believe he is the Son of God, the saviour of this world and I preach about so when I can to those who will listen. But many has made a mockery of the Truth - that's the sad reality of our times, the time of the end.

All is not lost however: "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever." - Daniel 12:3 NIV

These are the true people of God, the true Christians and they still live in our midst. But they are few in comparison with the 'Many' of Matthew 7:22 - in fact, much fewer. They walk on the 'straight and narrow' road to life (Matthew 7:14 KJV).

If you search for them in earnest you will find them. You would have probably encountered them at one point or another - or, at least, heard about them.

It's hard to miss them. They're everywhere on the streets and open places!


Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You really think people from all over the world would spread Christianity and preach things like Jesus coming back and the resurrection of the dead if it weren’t true? Don’t tell me it’s about money because that’s ridiculous. These are pretty far fetched ideas if you ask me. Do you think people would really spread these far-fetched ideas if they weren’t true? Think about it. It’s so obvious. There is truth in it imo. One just has to know how to see it.
Christianity dosent hold any distinct unique accolades with spreading their religion.

A lot of religions do that very thing as well, and one can easily apply the same argument you are making to those religions as well.

Not so obvious now?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.

Not really, no. There was a time when Baal worship was spread by people. According to the Christian New Testament the worship of Diana was very popular. In the time of Nebuchadnezzer his religion was spread "throughout the world". Then there were the religions of the ancient Greeks, Romans, Mithra and many, many others. All were popular in their time to various extents and spread enthusiastically by their adherents. Where are they now? All gone. Today we see other proselytizing religions besides Christianity such as Islam. The merit of a religion is not based on the propensity of its adherents in proselytizing. Actually the opposite is probably the case. Truth is self evident and doesn't need salesmen.
Good point. If something is so obvious and true, you wouldn't ever require any convincing for said 'truth'.

Requiring a salesmen only signifies that there is something that requires convincing. A big red flag that whatever it is they are pitching is not exactly conducive as being something that can actually stand by itself.


Active Member
People from all over the world spread Islam and preach things like Jesus is coming back and the dead are going to be resurrected.

I also don't quite grasp the problem.

King Phenomenon

Veteran Member
Christianity dosent hold any distinct unique accolades with spreading their religion.

A lot of religions do that very thing as well, and one can easily apply the same argument you are making to those religions as well.

Not so obvious now?
Unique? It’s the only major religion that believes God came in the flesh.