It's based on a logical interpretation of biblical teachings. How, specifically do you interpret "...his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground."Even if you think the description is just a simile and that His sweat was was "like" drops of blood, you have to have some idea in mind what that means. In what way was His sweat like blood? In color? In consistency? What would it have been if it were like blood and not like ordinary sweat?
You ask some great questions. However, the interpretation is really not open for interpretation. If Jesus was sweating blood, Luke would have stated such, but he did not. He said "as it were" or in today's vernacular, "like blood." The Greek wording of Luke 22:44 is clear - Luke is not saying that Jesus' sweat was blood, but that it was like blood. What was that like is open for speculation. Several commentators speculate that his sweat was in large drops like blood is. What do you suppose the purpose of Jesus sweating blood was? The Bible is very clear that it isn't for redemption. That is reserved for the cross. If other instances of Jesus' bleeding were redemptive, then the scourging he received would also be significant.
And more importantly, why does it bug traditional Christians so much to think that Christ's suffering began in Gethsemane?
It doesn't bug me. I believe that Jesus was under extreme duress, albeit emotional. No where have I seen traditional Christians belittle the Garden of Gethsemane and Jesus' anguish.
It was in Gethsemane where He required the presence of an angel to ease His suffering, not on the cross. We LDS are definitely not trying to minimize His actual death by crucifixion, but just to stress that it was not on the cross where the transfer of guilt took place.
That is a uniquely LDS belief. It is the cross where Jesus paid for the sins of humanity. As I stated in a previous post, it is the preaching of the cross that saves us, not the agony of Gethsemane.
Thanks for your response.