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Christians:Is The Trinity Truly Biblical(A Separate Thread)


Active Member
St Patrick is not biblical, he coined the concept of the trinity, then the trinity is not biblical.

I know a lot of the truth that you claim is true, i know your veiwpoint inside out.

The "concept" of the Holy Trinity was not coined by St. Patrick. He merely taught it. You really do not know as much as you believe you do. Oh and by the way, I don't recall seeing the name Eliseo Soriano in the Bible to use your own standard for truth.


source: Jesus is God

Isaiah 7:14: “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”1

“Immanuel” literally means: “God with us.” See also Matthew 1:23

Isaiah 9:6: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

John 8:58-59: "‘I tell you the truth,’ Jesus answered, ‘before Abraham was born, I am!’ At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.”

His title was “I am” -- which was the same title used for Jehovah God in Exodus 3:14

John 10:30-33: “‘I and the Father are one.’

Also, from John 1. "
...the Word was God." "...the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."

Matthew 28:18 "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."

Jesus was God born on earth. His soul was God. The reason He spoke to the Father as if they were separate is because of the humanity inherited from His mother Mary. It was necessary for Him to take on some humanity to save the human race. This is where the apparent separation arises from. But when Jesus arose back to heaven, He is now the face of God. He is God, as He has always been.

Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one!"


Well-Known Member
The "concept" of the Holy Trinity was not coined by St. Patrick. He merely taught it. You really do not know as much as you believe you do. Oh and by the way, I don't recall seeing the name Eliseo Soriano in the Bible to use your own standard for truth.

Michel, you are opening a can of worms on your part.

first, my preacher's name is not suppose to be in the bible, but he reads the bible and preaches everything in it. He get's persecuted by our government becasue of it.

Which reminds me, "the servent is not greater than his master, if i was persecuted and so will you" so, the name of my preacher is not in the bible, but the state of his life is.The state of our church is very much in the bible as well.

Second, the name of my church is in the bible, because we associated ourselves with the church that is written. CAN YOU FIND "THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHRUCH ANYWHERE IN THE BIBLE?"

If you do not believe in what is written in the bible you are not Christian. You have evaded the verses i have presented to you, and resorted to personal attacks. dont attack personalities. let us focus on doctrine. and chrsitian doctrine is the bible.

The Christ you claim to believe is in the bible. so, who do you really beleive? St patrick?


Active Member
Michel, you are opening a can of worms on your part.

first, my preacher's name is not suppose to be in the bible, but he reads the bible and preaches everything in it. He get's persecuted by our government becasue of it.

Which reminds me, "the servent is not greater than his master, if i was persecuted and so will you" so, the name of my preacher is not in the bible, but the state of his life is.The state of our church is very much in the bible as well.

Second, the name of my church is in the bible, because we associated ourselves with the church that is written. CAN YOU FIND "THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHRUCH ANYWHERE IN THE BIBLE?"

If you do not believe in what is written in the bible you are not Christian. You have evaded the verses i have presented to you, and resorted to personal attacks. dont attack personalities. let us focus on doctrine. and chrsitian doctrine is the bible.

The Christ you claim to believe is in the bible. so, who do you really beleive? St patrick?

I was pointing out the error you were in when claiming that the Holy Trinity was the concept of St. Patrick.There is nothing wrong with that.You claim not to be able to believe anything St. Patrick said because his name is not in the Bible but you can believe your preacher even though his name is not in the Bible either. Do you even see the duplicity in that? While you take shots at the Catholic Church you get indignant when the source of your group is questioned. I can see this isn't going anywhere though because even relevant scripture that I have pointed out is denied by you if it does not meet your anti Catholic bias and interpretation. As far as I'm concerned this conversation is closed. God's Church did not start yesterday though it is good that you profess God and Jesus. I will pray for you as well. Good day sir.


Well-Known Member
I was pointing out the error you were in when claiming that the Holy Trinity was the concept of St. Patrick.There is nothing wrong with that.You claim not to be able to believe anything St. Patrick said because his name is not in the Bible but you can believe your preacher even though his name is not in the Bible either. Do you even see the duplicity in that? While you take shots at the Catholic Church you get indignant when the source of your group is questioned. I can see this isn't going anywhere though because even relevant scripture that I have pointed out is denied by you if it does not meet your anti Catholic bias and interpretation. As far as I'm concerned this conversation is closed. God's Church did not start yesterday though it is good that you profess God and Jesus. I will pray for you as well. Good day sir.



so who is biblical? Patrick or Eliseo soriano?

what point in the above analogy do you not understand?

This conversation is closed because you can never biblically defend the Trinity. humbly admit you're wrong .sir.

for "blessed are the humble for theirs the kingdom of heaven"

. God's Church did not start yesterday .

The church did not start yesteday, that is why i repeatedly said WE ASSOCIATED OURSELVES WITH THE CHURCH IN THE BIBLE.

which part of that statement do you not understand?


Well-Known Member
While you take shots at the Catholic Church you get indignant when the source of your group is questioned. I can see this isn't going anywhere though because even relevant scripture that I have pointed out is denied by you if it does not meet your anti Catholic bias and interpretation.
Is it my fault that Peter was married? and your church hasa vow of celibacy? did i create that contradiction? is it a fact?

In what way was i indignant when you question the source of my group? I merely replied with "My group beleives we associated ourselves with the church of the bible. "

That is why the name our church is the same one as the one in the bible. it is not my fault that your church is named differently.

Taking shots is different from stating facts.


I was pointing out the error you were in when claiming that the Holy Trinity was the concept of St. Patrick.There is nothing wrong with that.You claim not to be able to believe anything St. Patrick said because his name is not in the Bible but you can believe your preacher even though his name is not in the Bible either. Do you even see the duplicity in that? While you take shots at the Catholic Church you get indignant when the source of your group is questioned. I can see this isn't going anywhere though because even relevant scripture that I have pointed out is denied by you if it does not meet your anti Catholic bias and interpretation. As far as I'm concerned this conversation is closed. God's Church did not start yesterday though it is good that you profess God and Jesus. I will pray for you as well. Good day sir.

I think it is not whether the source's name is written in the Bible or not that makes sense for Christians to believe him. Instead, it is the the Scriptures where the source is basing his teachings.

I would say that we should believe even a child who reads and quotes the scripture rightfully but we should not believe a saint or even an angel from heaven who teaches "another gospel" other than Jesus Christ and the apostles have taught. (see Galatians 1:8-10)


Well-Known Member
I think it is not whether the source's name is written in the Bible or not that makes sense for Christians to believe him. Instead, it is the the Scriptures where the source is basing his teachings.

I would say that we should believe even a child who reads and quotes the scripture rightfully but we should not believe a saint or even an angel from heaven who teaches "another gospel" other than Jesus Christ and the apostles have taught. (see Galatians 1:8-10)

There you go...


Premium Member
I thought it was supposed to be whether The Trinity was biblical or not, not whether St. Patrick was an Apostle or not but... ;)


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I'm not quite sure what you're saying here, because you seem to agree with me, then maybe not?
Your example of the family is exactly right. We are one unit, yet separate beings. The Godhead is even more united because they always completely agree with each other, as if they were of one mind, as one god. Yet they are separate beings.

Simple to understand.

"One flesh" does not indicate a multiplicity of beings. It indicates one being.

I think you misunderstood what I was saying: That the family unit is one being -- one flesh -- with two or more separate persons. The Trinity is much the same.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Christ is in the bible, his teachings are in there and the verses that i read came from him. so, what kind of a question is that?

Everything you say comes from yourself, since you process what you read through your own mind, and assign meaning to it. Who are you trying to kid?
When paul "said keep to what is written" and St patrick is not written in the bible.
and i say patrick is not an apostle becasue he is not in the bible, how is that argument an assignment from an own mind?

Do you have another interpretation to the Paul instruction which is to "keep to which what is written?"

Are you going to say that the instrution "keep to what is written" mean using those that are not written as reference?

Who are you trying to kid?

The Bible is the witness of the Church, for the Church. It is fallible, because it was written by humans. In fact, every understanding we have of God is human and, threfore, incomplete and fallible. One can't just say, "This is the word of God" and mean it in an absolute way. That's not what the Bible was intended to be by its authors -- that's not how we should treat it.

By saying, "keep to what is written," Paul means that we should adhere to the writings (his own letters were probably not what he meant by "what is written, BTW). But he didn't mean that our understanding or allegiance should be limited only to what is written. Remember, this was largely an oral society, passing along information, not by written account, but by verbal account. Therefore, Patrick, being in the same authoritative succession as Paul, should be listened to as one who has authority...because he does, just as Paul does.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
You are assigning you own interpretation. as far as who is an apostle.

Paul said:

1 Corinthians 4:9
For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men.

Do you interpret "last" as if it would mean someone will come next?

Your st patrick did not live until 400 AD.
No, I'm not. It is the consensus of the Church. Patrick was born into a Christian family somewhere ont he nothwest coast of Britain in about 390. When he was about 21, he tells us that he took holy orders as both presbyter and bishop. (Lesser Feasts and Fasts, 1994, The church Hymnal Corp., NY)

All bishops are consecrated in the apostolic succession, meaning that they carry the same authority as the original 12. It's always been this way. James, the brother of Jesus, was the bishop of Jerusalem, for Pete's sake. I can't help it if you choose to ignore this tradition of the Church, as it was maintained by the apostles, and has been maintained by the apostles, ever since. That's your problem, not mine.

Paul meant that the apostles were "last" in terms of place, not in terms of time. Read it in context.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Michel, you are opening a can of worms on your part.

first, my preacher's name is not suppose to be in the bible, but he reads the bible and preaches everything in it. He get's persecuted by our government becasue of it.

Which reminds me, "the servent is not greater than his master, if i was persecuted and so will you" so, the name of my preacher is not in the bible, but the state of his life is.The state of our church is very much in the bible as well.

Second, the name of my church is in the bible, because we associated ourselves with the church that is written. CAN YOU FIND "THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHRUCH ANYWHERE IN THE BIBLE?"

If you do not believe in what is written in the bible you are not Christian. You have evaded the verses i have presented to you, and resorted to personal attacks. dont attack personalities. let us focus on doctrine. and chrsitian doctrine is the bible.

The Christ you claim to believe is in the bible. so, who do you really beleive? St patrick?
You're so far off base, it's pathetic. First of all, Roman Catholic Church isn't a name, it's a descriptor. Ask any Catholic. They'll tell you that they're a member of "the Church."

You don't associate yourselves with the "Church that is written," or you would acssociate yourselves with the Church that recognizes the succession of bishops.

None of this is important to the argument at hand. Fact is, the Trinity is ancient -- as ancient as the NT writers. They incorporated that theology into their writings, implicitly, but not explicitly. It is that implicit theology that later apostles drew out of the scriptures and made explicit in the doctrine of the Trinity.

As you said, "Christian doctrine is in the Bible," as the Trinity certainly is implied. "If you do not believe what is written in the Bible, you are not Christian."

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
* * * * * * * * * * STAFF ADVISORY * * * * * * * * * *​

Some comments throughout the thread are starting to get personal. Please help keep the topic on the ideas and not those presenting them.

Thanks for your cooperation!


Please no sarcasm
"One flesh" does not indicate a multiplicity of beings. It indicates one being.

I think you misunderstood what I was saying: That the family unit is one being -- one flesh -- with two or more separate persons. The Trinity is much the same.
OK, now I'm confused. I guess I don't understand your concept of the trinity. How do you define it exactly; and is it possible to explain it in non-vague terms so that I can understand you?
Doesn't the trinity mean that they are NOT separate? Thanks.


Let's go racing boys !
OK, now I'm confused. I guess I don't understand your concept of the trinity. How do you define it exactly; and is it possible to explain it in non-vague terms so that I can understand you?
Doesn't the trinity mean that they are NOT separate? Thanks.[/quote

Has anyone ever thought of using the psychoanalytic theory of personality to explain this concept?
Id present from birth let's use this to represent God since He was present at the beginning
Ego this is the reality principle let's use this to represent Jesus (since he was real)
Superego the component of personality which holds our moral standards that we get from family and society, and lets us know right from wrong. Let's use this to represent The Holy Spirit(also called the Holy Ghost, and the Comforter) The Comforter is to teach all things and bring all things to remembrance (John14:26)
Does this not give us all three personalities in one body. )( ;)


Please no sarcasm
OK, now I'm confused. I guess I don't understand your concept of the trinity. How do you define it exactly; and is it possible to explain it in non-vague terms so that I can understand you?
Doesn't the trinity mean that they are NOT separate? Thanks.[/quote

Has anyone ever thought of using the psychoanalytic theory of personality to explain this concept?
Id present from birth let's use this to represent God since He was present at the beginning
Ego this is the reality principle let's use this to represent Jesus (since he was real)
Superego the component of personality which holds our moral standards that we get from family and society, and lets us know right from wrong. Let's use this to represent The Holy Spirit(also called the Holy Ghost, and the Comforter) The Comforter is to teach all things and bring all things to remembrance (John14:26)
Does this not give us all three personalities in one body. )( ;)
I guess since I have always believed in the three as separate beings, two with tangible bodies, and one as a spirit,--then all other versions are just to complicated to suit me. The concept of the Godhead is so much simpler than the Trinity. But I've always preferred logic.

I still don't understand why trinitarians don't see, or agree to the logic of the godhead. One explains some of the scriptures, the other explains ALL of the scriptures relating to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

I have close friend who converted from Protestantism to Mormonism years ago, and she said switching from the Trinity to the Godhead was difficult for her at first. Just a major change from what she used to believe. But, to me, it's just logic.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I guess since I have always believed in the three as separate beings, two with tangible bodies, and one as a spirit,--then all other versions are just to complicated to suit me. The concept of the Godhead is so much simpler than the Trinity. But I've always preferred logic.

I still don't understand why trinitarians don't see, or agree to the logic of the godhead. One explains some of the scriptures, the other explains ALL of the scriptures relating to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

I have close friend who converted from Protestantism to Mormonism years ago, and she said switching from the Trinity to the Godhead was difficult for her at first. Just a major change from what she used to believe. But, to me, it's just logic.
What non-Trinitarians don't realize is that the whole crux of Christianity -- what makes it unique -- and what makes it "work" -- is the concept that God became Incarnate -- became human -- one of us, in order to reconcile us to God's self. The whole concept of grace is predicated upon the assumption that God and humanity are reconciled. Since God always acts first, God approaches humanity and bridges the gap between mortal/Divine that had never before been bridged, by becoming fully human (Jesus). If the Godhead is true, grace, in the sense that grace has been understood by the Church from the very beginning, is not possible, because God has not bridged the gap and reconciled humanity. Something else must be substituted for grace -- something that isn't Biblical (which, I understand isn't a particular problem for you LDS, but is a problem for other Christians.)

The Trinity is God (one Being) present in three distinct persons (Father, Son, H.S.) God can do that because God is God and not mortal. When Jesus prayed, it was fully human God connecting with fully Divine God (Father). When the H.S. lighted upon Jesus, it was Spirit uniting with flesh. It's a mystery, because it can't happen to those of us mortals who are not yet fully Divine, as Jesus was.

What the Godhead does is "simplify" the persons of God into three distinct beings (which they are not -- they are one Being). Simplification leaves out many possibilities and frays the theological fabric that has been woven by the Church to include the concepts of reonciliation and grace.