anybody remember when the admirable Christian preacher suggested people of all religions could use the name Allah to refeerr to God? and then the fundamentalist ignorant false christiasn started opposing the idea/ saying it was not 'acceptable' to call God "Allah".
I just have to ask, Christiasn, how is this not acceptable to call God "Allah", but it is acceptable to call Him "god"? which is a GERMAN rooted word?!?
lets see... Jesus(pbuh) spoke Aramaic, correct? the Aramaic word for "God", is "Allaha", and Jesus spoke Aramaic, so Jesus called God "Allaha", now my question is, are the people of the christian religion THIS ignorant and ludacris, that they would consider it so unacceptable and wrong to call God "Allah", when the word "Allah" is almost PRECISELY the same name Jesus used for God?
Christians call God "god", or "Yahweh", or "Yeshua", Jesus HIMSELF called God "Allaha", or "Alaha", and the Muslims call God by the name of "Allah", not my serious question is, who is more Christ like in their naming of God? the Christians or the Muslims? and is it not ludacris to suggest that the same name Jesus used to pray to(almost same, pretty much IS the same when you think abou tit, because in many languages and ways of speaking Allah is spoken to or about in that manner "Allaha") is NOT Christ like, butt he word Hitler used for Allah IS acceptable?
this event and the reaction this brave minister got from his obviouskly insane brothers in religion, really made me look at Christians in today's day in a very negative way, and I believe any right minded perso nwould fee lthe same after comprehending this which I just learned you all.
what do you all think?