Christless Christianity
No. I believe that people are basically people. That is, I believe that we are all biological creatures and as such have innate impulses (the need to made, socialize, etc.) and that among those impulses are some of the same impulses that we find in other biological entities (aggression either as a form of determining the hierarchy with regards to mating rights or as a means of claiming and protecting territory, etc.). All of these are in fact natural throughout the biological life cycles on this planet. Even plants have forms of behaviours that cause them to compete and struggle for space where they can get the most sunlight.
The problem that humans have which does not plague other biological creatures (as far as we know) is the ability to reason. This function makes us aware of ourselves and others around us on a scale of which cattle, for example, are incapable. Reason shows us that certain behaviours (e.g. caring for the weak) are beneficial to the community at large even though it may in fact be against our instinctive inclinations.
The conflict arises when things born out of reason (e.g. social contracts) comes into conflict with our innate natural instincts (e.g the drive to dominate). And so we devise very clever ways of accomplishing that which is innate yet in a manner that also seems reasonable (e.g. a politician who claims to serve the people but who in fact has a deep need for power).
There is not a single behaviour in homo sapies sapiens that is not directly related to functions of the brain. Not one. Logically, if the problem with man is a "spiritual" condition then neurology has nothing to do with the matter. And yet, that which people have called spiritual in the past has proven to be simply biological. At one time someone with epilepsy was considered "possessed" and there are other mental illnesses that carried the same stigma. Today, we give such people medications and more often than not they are able to live normal lives. Clearly the "spiritual" has been trumped by scientific breakthroughs.
And so will human behaviour. As we come to understand the human brain more and more, we will effectively identify those parts of the brain that are "a-moral" or detrimental to the individual and the community (e.g. bloodlust) and simply treat it like any other biological problem.
Besides the fact that the entire Christian faith is without a foundation, I have a very big problem with its claim that Christians are "a new creature; the old has passed, the new has come." This is patently false. Not one single Christian has become "new" in that they are now perfected and incapable of sinning. They are just as full of the same impulses as they ever had but they are more disciplined and self aware and therefore better controlled. But they are not cured. Indeed, there is no cure for the problem of sin - mostly because it is a "problem" that was fabricated as a means of explaining why people behave as they do since there was no understanding of human anatomy or physiology at the time that these ideas were adopted.
Does that answer your question?
Thanks for sharing your believe and answering my question. I would like to go deeper on the issues, maybe tomorrow. I'm not sure if you have a solution for mankind, or if you still believe that the world needs fixing.