I found
@Kenny's "explanation". It does not fly. All it shows is that he does has a rather poor understanding of morality:
"I brought up NAMBLA to show that morals can be relative. That NAMBLA thinks that having relationships with young people are OK much like the Greeks at one time (if I am not mistaken). And that others wouldn't accept that position. So, would you accept the music of a NAMBLA participator because it is so good regardless of what you would view as wrong?
it was very clear IMV.
But you insist on bringing the two together as if they are the same... they are not. (is this statement clear?) Or do you still want to make them analogous.
In response, no. morals are not relative. If one uses critical reasoning skills. The basis of morality may be relative. but once one sets up a clear basis the morals that come from that are not subjective. And the current secular basis for morals is trying to guarantee the most freedom for everyone along with maintaining the least harm, with the overriding understanding of that your right to swing your arms around ends at my nose. In other words a person may do whatever they want as long as it does not affect others.
Now as to NAMBLA that is based upon ignoring that a child cannot be fully informed. And informed consent is the basis for any sexual relationship. A child lacks the life experience necessary to have informed consent. This is a rather easy idea for most to comprehend. So bringing up NAMBLA was not just a red herring, that was the best that it could be for Kenny, but since there is a well known false accusation of gay men being pedophiles often then that sort of red herring oversteps the bounds to being a homophobic attack.
Kenny's "explanation" only made matters worse for him.