Wonder Woman
Whose? And why should they matter to someone else?I disagree with cohabitation before marriage because it's against moral values,
What makes it sacred aside from those within a particular marriage holding it to be so?against the sanctity of marriage,
1. People of many different cultures and religions were getting married long before the Abrahamic religions came about. If your god established marriage, then it did so as another god and directed it to be as another religion holds it to be.and a disrespect in the sight of God since God is the one who established marriage.
2. Do you also declare people of any other religion getting married (or those of no religion) a disrespect to your god? Should marriage be confined to Abrahamics only? And then what of everyone else? Since they are already in bad graces with your god for not believing in or following him, then whether or not they cohabitate without being married should make no difference, right? Since them getting married would be wrong anyway?