That's not really what I was thinking of there, but I have no idea. What was mostly coming to mind is the many ways in which something like "smarts" and "hard work" could be interpreted and that to me, at least, the one emerges from the other (and vice versa). Applying oneself through "hard work" demands a certain sort of "smarts" (whether it's aptitude and/or virtue) and when one has "smarts" that is an impetus for doing "hard work." Further, considering aptitudes or virtues ("smarts") mean almost nothing if not practically applied, we probably would not call someone "smart" if they have not demonstrated that through work.
Guess I'm just not seeing them as a dichotomy.
My guess is you're reading whole tomes more into my remark than is warranted. There are times when it's wise just to take a remark at face value.