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Confused Satanists


I'm thinking of making a youtube video about how I used to be a christian crusading across the country, burning witches and beheading heathens and such. I could say that I've always aspired to be a catholic priest so I too could become closer than close friends with the altar boys but since I realized that I'm not, in fact, insane, I've decided instead to polish off my bad guy badge and out myself as a Satanist.

Yeah, it could work.


Well-Known Member
The person in the video was never a Satanist, obvious by the words he used. This video is nothing more than Christian propoganda and has no place the LHP DIR, I have requested that it be removed.

The video was used to pose a question, not argue a point. I am trying to understand the satanist mindset.


The video was used to pose a question, not argue a point. I am trying to understand the satanist mindset.

About what, specifically? I'm not being flip (or not trying to) but you'll get farther with specific questions.


Well-Known Member
My bad, I meant satanist.

Ahh fair enough, a little Freudian slip there lol ;)

Ok, first of all if we assume he's telling the truth, he says "I was taught that God was both good and evil and I thought I may as well serve the evil side of God." This suggests he believed Satan to be a facet of the Abrahamic God, which Satanists simply don't believe. He also said he picked up both the Satanic Bible and a book of shadows. The book of shadows is a Wiccan tradition and nothing to do with Satanism. He also claims that Satanism involves a lot of blood sacrifice, which it doesn't. Finally he claims that he was depressed and shattered by his experience of Satanism, while (theistic) Satanists find that Satan treats his own well.

That's assuming he's telling the truth...

The main reason I said he was not a Satanist though was that his huge number of mistakes when describing Satanism are a common indicator of Christian propaganda. Plenty of Christians have testified about being a Satanist and suffering horribly as a result, when in truth they have no idea what Satanism involves and have never practiced it. I (and others here) find his testimony to be highly suspicious.
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Left Hand Path
Certainly confused, but not even close to a Satanist. I'd love to see where he got the idea that the Satanic Bible encourages blood sacrifice and suicide...

How pitiful.

I wonder how many of these self proclaimed fools have actually heard of Anton LaVey or even read the works of the Devil's Notebook or the Satanic bible.

Dude, Shyanekh, I notice that you have JTHM :D

I am a huge fan!

It's time for a delicious snack, yum air :D


I don't know how much more specific I can get. It was a simple question.

Ok, but the guy in the video says a lot of stuff.

For instance, he says "I always knew there was a god... I was taught that god was both good and evil.... I thought I might as well serve the evil side of god."

That makes him a confused and blasphemous christian... not a Satanist.

He then says something to the effect that he got a divorce, missed his kids and began to hate god. A Satanist would have realized in the beginning that spiritual scapegoating is a road best left untraveled.

FFWD: All of the blood and sacrifice garbage... not in the Satanic Bible... it IS in the christian bible though. Maybe he was confused about which book he was reading. Also:

Book of Shadows <> Satanic Bible (in any way shape or form).

This person is obviously someone who needs to be accepted by other people. His wife leaves him, so he acts out. He claims to have been indoctrinated into two separate belief systems by otherworldly spirits but is as confused about those as he is about himself.

Confused Satanist? No, absolutely not. He does not represent a single Satanic viewpoint in the video.

He's just plain ole confused.

Satanism <> devil worship

Satanism is about taking responsibility and not looking for some god to save you (or some god to blame when things go bad).

I'm glad he found a proper church. You guys can have him.


Well-Known Member
how pitiful.

i wonder how many of these self proclaimed fools have actually heard of anton lavey or even read the works of the devil's notebook or the satanic bible.

dude, shyanekh, i notice that you have jthm :d

i am a huge fan!

it's time for a delicious snack, yum air :d

**** you mister bear! You speak lies! Liiiiiesss!



Well-Known Member
Despite all the rituals and occult nonsense in the satanic bible LaVey starts the book off by saying "it is up to the individual to separate fantasy from reality" to me that is a big wink that states that satanic rituals are just to appeal to the "other" the subconscious part of man.

I don't necessarily see LaVeyan satanism as Atheism, rather as a peculiar form of objectivism that worships placebo. I am extremely fascinated by its philosophy, LaVey was a great conman and psychologist.


Well-Known Member
Despite all the rituals and occult nonsense in the satanic bible LaVey starts the book off by saying "it is up to the individual to separate fantasy from reality" to me that is a big wink that states that satanic rituals are just to appeal to the "other" the subconscious part of man.

I don't necessarily see LaVeyan satanism as Atheism, rather as a peculiar form of objectivism that worships placebo. I am extremely fascinated by its philosophy, LaVey was a great conman and psychologist.
Do you think he was a Jim Jones of sorts. Able to sense what people wanted to hear and able to tickle their ears?


Well-Known Member
Do you think he was a Jim Jones of sorts. Able to sense what people wanted to hear and able to tickle their ears?

Nah, the dude was a carny--I think he was like Ayn Rand but more honest. He started off his book by stating it was bull but then stated the bull and knew people would take the hook anyway. I can't fault that.


Premium Member
Oh hell come on Orias and Shyanekh the video is nothing more than christian propaganda. Again, the man in the video was never a Satanist, thus it is not worth wasting our time. Come on people, lets get it together. OK? The video has no place in the LHP or Satanic DIR and I have requested that it be remove.


...that worships placebo.
Worship is the wrong word.

Danmac said:
Do you think he was a Jim Jones of sorts. Able to sense what people wanted to hear and able to tickle their ears?
That would be an apt description of a christian preacher. Satanism is harsh and most don't want to hear what it has to say.


Well-Known Member
Oh hell come on Orias and Shyanekh the video is nothing more than christian propaganda. Again, the man in the video was never a Satanist, thus it is not worth wasting our time. Come on people, lets get it together. OK? The video has no place in the LHP or Satanic DIR and I have requested that it be remove.

It was either respond to Danmac's post or get on with some revision, as a student it was obvious which choice to go for ;)


Guardian of Asgaard
When reading the Satanic Bibile for the first time i always thought of how Anton was best trying to intillectually give Abrahamic religions the biggest middle finger he could. Just me. I find a lot of it amusingly sarcastic and very cynnical.