Scuba Pete
Le plongeur avec attitude...
Love is both the content and the means of communication.That's what it means to you that Christianity is a revealed religion? If something else were revealed, then it wouldn't be? That doesn't sound right. Isn't revelation about the means of communication, and love about the content?
RIght.O.K., so we agree that different Christians' Spirit's lead them to contradictory interpretations of scripture, right?
WrongAnd that they can't both be right if they contradict each other.
Sigh. As all roads lead to Rome, so all truth leads to God. I may see the truth with one set of filters and you see it with another. Does that change the truth? No, only our perception of it.So the Spirit cannot be leading both of them, can it?
Clicky, clicky: I Corinthians 8