Polymath, we have been there 117 times before. E&M IS ignored as a force of formation in cosmos and you know this!
Not true. It *is* an aspect of the universe. NOBODY denies that. It is crucial in *certain* interactions. Again, NOBODY denies that.
I´m stunned that you can believe in the weakest force to play the main role in the Universe. Everytime you have "one gravity particle" you have to add many order magnitudes of E&M forces. Your gravity assemtion is NOT logical at all.
Once again, gravity comes in only *one* 'polarity'. E&M comes in two, which cancel each other.
Let E&M be represented by 1,000,000. Let gravity be represented by 1.
Consider the following
Take 1,000,000,000 terms of each. Which will be larger?
The first varies between 1,000,000 and 0. It never gets to be larger than 1,000,000. The second, while it starts small, keeps getting larger. After1,000,000,000 terms, it *far* outweighs the first. And the difference in size grows the more terms are added together.
And since the EU forces govern and drive everything in the Universe, the gravitaitonal particle scientists needs 27 % more matter (really 39 %) to count for the lack of using the logical and stronger EU forces and it´s explainable dynamics everywhere.
Except that you never give any actual details. We have the equations for E&M. We know how E&M works. Use them to explain the motion of the planets in the solar system *without* using gravity.
IF you can do that, you have passed the *first* hurdle to being taken seriously. There are others, of course, but that gets you on the path. if you cannot do that, then there is no science being done there at all.