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Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?


Active Member
That post was not written to you.....

Insulting your intelligence..... because I made a proposal..... ?

I'll see you around. :facepalm:

Well, lets reverse it?

Gosh you silly *** atheists! Grass is green OBVIOUSLY ... gall!!!! And therefore God is real too because the evidence for God is the same as grass you see!!! Gall!!!!

Is that in any way valid?

Do you know accept that God is real?

Is that an accurate assessment of the argumentation in support of atheism?

Is that an accurate assessment of the argumentation for God?

How do you find it when someone honestly expects you to think that a stupid comparison of God to grass being green would actually drive you to become a Christian? Do you feel respected? Or do you feel like someone would be totally disrespecting you? Insulting you rather than reasoning with you?

We are literally just making things up and demanding that this made up BS be afforded the same respect as actual academia correct? Its basely illogical.

The assumption that Christians, or any other religion, is too stupid to see base illogic is ... sad.

As I have pointed out, repeatedly, this is why atheists HAVE TO SUPPORT THEIR CLAIMS rather than just make a claim. To NOT do so is irrational.

There is no evidence or support for the truth of your proposal. None.

There is strong and compelling evidence of Jesus that has produced UNANIMOUS period scholar acceptance of historical Jesus.

To even make the claim that yours is true is, once again, a flagrant guilt by association fallacy. Nakedly and obviously so.

Had you bothered to pursue even the most basic of academic principles and supported EITHER claim, you would never have foisted the proposal, which was annihilated on contact wasn't it?

That you actually expect it to be treated as a serious point? Laughable.

In fact, its smacks of rank degradation. That you actually EXPECT someone to not see an overtly and obvious fallacy and treat it like scientific theory instead. How stupid do you think someone is simply because they have a different faith choice than you? What possible could cause you to so dehumanize billions of people that you would expect them to NOT see or even be swayed by an overt and obvious fallacy?

And to be presented with an idea that begins with a premise that requires us to be dumber than a house plant to even pretend that the 'proposal' has merit?

Who are you fooling?

And why do you think its best to assume on a faith choice that people have no brains? Shouldn't merit be the determiner of intellect and not simply a faith choice?

But then, that would require us to SUPPORT a claim and have already made an assessment based on the merits of the support.

Better by far to think that people, based solely on a faith choice, cannot recognize a ****** argument when they see one. One so obviously flawed that its insulting to even have to rebut it.

Merit, support, should have prevented such a weak and denigrating argument from ever having been made.

Seriously? This crap I just made up and am not supporting is a better explanation than Jesus? All the Ph.D and thousands of volumes of scholarship and collections of evidence, archeology, can be ignored because I just made something up?

Again, how stupid do you think we are?

And treating people to proposals that are so severely lacking in merit makes atheism look good how?


Active Member
By the way, I do love a good dirty joke, but I must have missed this one. Can you give me a message number for it?

I love, in a debate forum, I love a person who can make and support a claim.

I too enjoy a good joke, and a joke about hand jobs isn't terribly funny. I really dislike people who make needless crass and unfunny jokes at other people's expense and then cry victim when anyone makes a joke at their expense.

I am also a Scorpio.

I love long walks on the beach.

Blue is my favorite color.

And these personal attributes obviously prove that Jesus was real you see? And your that Jesus was not real?

Again, the base illogic of mythers is telling. No point pretending this mythery is rational at all.


Well-Known Member
I too enjoy a good joke, and a joke about hand jobs isn't terribly funny. I really dislike people who make needless crass and unfunny jokes at other people's expense and then cry victim when anyone makes a joke at their expense.

So you're claiming now that you never made a handjob joke?

You're so confusing. Why are you talking about it if you never actually told it in the first place?

I swear. Nothing personal, but I think you atheist mythers must be getting some kind of weird sermons from your pastors. That's all I can figure.


Active Member
So you're claiming now that you never made a handjob joke?

You're so confusing. Why are you talking about it if you never actually told it in the first place?

I swear. Nothing personal, but I think you atheist mythers must be getting some kind of weird sermons from your pastors. That's all I can figure.

Nope, I have never made a hand job joke in a debate forum. Particularly not as the expense and disrespect of another's faith.

I think we are done AG.

You are in two threads and getting incredibly personal, while not actually making any case whatsoever.

I've already exposed your 'argumentation' as meritless, and you seem driven by that exposure to lash out personally.

I have little desire to engage with an abusive personality. And, fortunately, this forum has an ignore feature. I will be using it.



Active Member
This message is hidden because AmbiguousGuy is on your ignore list.

I'll watch others, and if it seems like you are actually engaging honestly, I'll reconsider.

But yes, most people do indeed run from simple insanity and needless personal conflict that facilitates nothing but the previous insanity.



Well-Known Member
But yes, most people do indeed run from simple insanity and needless personal conflict that facilitates nothing but the previous insanity.

Don't you realize that you are giving atheist mythers everywhere a bad name? People read these threads. They see an atheist myther like you behaving this way and they might extend that to all atheistic Jesus Mythers.

Please consider the reputation of your fellow ideologues when you post.


Don't you realize that you are giving atheist mythers everywhere a bad name? .

He cannot hurt the damge these very few people have done to theirselves.

They are known right wing conspirators as bad as apologist due to both being too biased to provide credible work.

Sample Chapter for Levine, A., Allison, D., Jr., Crossan, J.D., eds.: The Historical Jesus in Context.

There is a consensus of sorts on a basic outline of Jesus’ life. Most scholars agree that Jesus was baptized by John, debated with fellow Jews on how best to live according to God’s will, engaged in healings and exorcisms, taught in parables, gathered male and female followers in Galilee, went to Jerusalem, and was crucified by Roman soldiers during the governorship of Pontius Pilate (26–36 CE). But, to use the old cliché, the devil is in the details.

the devil is in the details

Being a key phrase. And perverting the details due to ones bias is not credible research.


Is also important, because if myhicism had a leg to stand on, we would expect to see a 30-70 split or even a 25-75 split. But we dont. We have a consensus

Another thing you ALL have ignored on purpose is

Historicity of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

most biblical scholars and classical historians see the theories of his non-existence as effectively refuted


Please consider the reputation of your fellow ideologues when you post.

So far he has not even got into his own personal view.

He has only stood fast next to modern scholarships and known credible education taught in every college on these subjects.

I see creationist complaining about evolution, and some of the methodology used here in this thread by mythicist amounts to the same kind of weak arguements.


Well-Known Member
He cannot hurt the damge these very few people have done to theirselves.

They are known right wing conspirators as bad as apologist due to both being too biased to provide credible work.

That's nothing. Historical Jesusers are all commies.

That's what I heard anyway. They should be ashamed of theirselves.

(You may remember that I have some training in linguistics. Can you tell me if the people in your area use 'theirselves' as the object of a preposition? In my area, that would be considered quite strange as a usage.)
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Active Member
So far he has not even got into his own personal view.

He has only stood fast next to modern scholarships and known credible education taught in every college on these subjects.

I see creationist complaining about evolution, and some of the methodology used here in this thread by mythicist amounts to the same kind of weak arguements.

Actually, knowing a few ardent Creationists, the will at the very least explain WHY they are Creationists and what lead them to believe what they do. It might be crazy, it might be irrational, it might be little more than the acceptance of Creationism on blind faith. But usually, they will tell you why.

The will also tell you, and there are unfortunately published books on this (as there are he Jesus Myth - GA Wells) what they read and found convincing.

It provides a basis from which a case can be made for evolution and rebutting Creationism. Not that Creationists will accept your conclusion, but it allows for the making of a strong case.

I say that BTW, as a Christian. One who accepts the spiritual claims of Creation rather than the literal ones.

The abject refusal to even attempt to support a claim? That is its own kind of special, which crass hand job jokes only make more special.

As Hitchens states clearly, "That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."

In short, no one even has to explain why they reject AG's premise. Doing so has been a favor. Nothing more.

Oh BTW - in direct rebuttal to AG's admonition contained in your response. my fellow ideologies include Pope Francis! terrible stuff that!

I'd much rather be associated with fake moon landing wonks instead!!!!

And this is supposed to be a strong argument? Silliness.

Real atheists at least have Bill Maher. Not quite Francis though.
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Well-Known Member
The abject refusal to even attempt to support a claim? That is its own kind of special, which crass hand job jokes only make more special.

I'm used to you atheists being unable to support your claims, but I really do object to you telling 'handjob jokes' here. Please refrain from that in the future.


Well-Known Member
This thread is not about you


By the way, to get us back on subject, have you ever come up with a replacement hypothesis to explain what we know about (the fictional) Jesus?

If so, why not go ahead and post it here?
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You should inform the new guy of that. I think he's got a crush on me.

By the way, to get us back on subject, have you ever come up with a replacement hypothesis to explain what we know about (the fictional) Jesus?

If so, why not go ahead and post it here?

This thread is not about you