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Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?


Skanky Old Mongrel!
If your arrow is not pointed the right direction and someone with more knowledge tries to correct you. Do you get upset? or try to get back on track?

And since you have already dismissed those with knowledge a thousand fold over yours [all scholars] I think the answer may be pretty obvious.

I don't dismiss scholar's findings or discoveries. I dismiss many scholars opinions, as do you, my friend.

But I don't trawl for 'bits and pieces' like you do. You even dig up writings from scholars you don't know, as shown already on this thread.

Please put your case, from your own pov...... beyond life, baptism, temple rumpus and execution. That is accepted by me and most scholars. What else have you got?

Let's start with G-Mark. I propose that most of it is factual..... what do you say?


Well-Known Member
And that is why Jesus isn't real ... :ignore:

I'm sorry, but if you atheist Jesus Mythers had any evidence at all, I think you'd go ahead and present it here in public.

Is there somewhere I can write your Pastor Grunt or whatever his name is and ask if HE has any such proof?


Active Member
I don't dismiss scholar's findings or discoveries. I dismiss many scholars opinions, as do you, my friend.

But I don't trawl for 'bits and pieces' like you do. You even dig up writings from scholars you don't know, as shown already on this thread.

Please put your case, from your own pov...... beyond life, baptism, temple rumpus and execution. That is accepted by me and most scholars. What else have you got?

Let's start with G-Mark. I propose that most of it is factual..... what do you say?

Well, if I reject a scholars opinion ... much less EVERY period scholars opinion, I can usually explain why.

That explanation has never involved making something up and presenting the guilt by association fallacy as an explanation. Not even once.

Lets start with the Pauline Epistles as these are authenticated and form the basis of the authentication of much of the Biblical record ... which is reinforced by extra Biblical sources AND archeology.

That seems a better place to begin, as it will inform the narrative of the Synoptic gospels.


I don't dismiss scholar's findings or discoveries.

Yet you have admited you dismiss their findings.

I dismiss many scholars opinions, as do you, my friend.

I do not find that to be true.

I follow what is known with certainty almost completely.

What your mistaken about is not findings at all, it is their personal opinions which they claim as opinion, where I do in fact, state I have a different one.

Your approach is to throw the baby out with the bathwater.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Well, lets reverse it?

Gosh you silly *** atheists!

I only read the above....... no need to read more.

You seem to have no investigative ability.
I will teach you a simple lesson.
Look carefully at my title. Go on...... up you go..... :D

I am a Deist. Do you know what that is? :)

Lesson over.

Gotcha!!! :biglaugh:

That was so easy. What a pushover your posts are.


Active Member
I only read the above....... no need to read more.

You seem to have no investigative ability.
I will teach you a simple lesson.
Look carefully at my title. Go on...... up you go..... :D

I am a Deist. Do you know what that is? :)

Lesson over.

Gotcha!!! :biglaugh:

That was so easy. What a pushover your posts are.

Agh the leap from the guilt by association fallacy to simple ad hominem.

Do you really think I have no idea what a diest is?

Do you think that a religious term that was popularized in the French Revolution several hundred years ago is a personal revelation that no one else would understand?

And that makes the guilt by association fallacy acceptable does it?

That makes the evidence for Jesus clearly indicate fraud does it?

A diest is supposed to rely on reason and observation correct?

What does your reason tell you when you observe a overt, and frankly insulting, fallacy?

A fallacy that doesn't actually disprove historical Jesus in the slightest?


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Yet you have admited you dismiss their findings.
...... as do you....!! You disagree with many scholars' findings and opinions. But so far, you haven't named a scholar that you agree entirely with, have you?

I follow what is known with certainty almost completely.
Birth, life, baptism, temple rumpus and execution. But you like to add so much to that..... the dogs eating his body in the pit, etc.... and other colourful additions.

What your mistaken about is not findings at all, it is their personal opinions which they claim as opinion, where I do in fact, state I have a different one.
.... so you do what I do....... !!! :)

Your approach is to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
That's your opinion. I accept most of G-Mark... no bathwater..... no baby to chuck out. Do you?


Well-Known Member
I only read the above....... no need to read more.

You seem to have no investigative ability.
I will teach you a simple lesson.
Look carefully at my title. Go on...... up you go..... :D

I am a Deist. Do you know what that is? :)

Lesson over.

As near as I can figure, all of his debate partners are atheists.

It makes things easier, I guess.


Active Member
...... as do you....!! You disagree with many scholars' findings and opinions. But so far, you haven't named a scholar that you agree entirely with, have you?

Birth, life, baptism, temple rumpus and execution. But you like to add so much to that..... the dogs eating his body in the pit, etc.... and other colourful additions.

.... so you do what I do....... !!! :)

That's your opinion. I accept most of G-Mark... no bathwater..... no baby to chuck out. Do you?

Michael Grant.

William Durant.

Bart Erhman.

I agree with each of the agnostic/atheism scholars and their opinion that, at the very least, Jesus was areal person and a fascinating genesis at the center of a major world religion.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Do you really think I have no idea what a diest is?

I don't think you've got much idea at all, friend.
A deist is not an atheist..... that's a good place for you to start.
You need to remember that.

When you're ready, I'll tell you about Yeshua, one of the most wonderful people who has lived. If you read G-Mark you won't need me to tell you anything...... why don't you get reading?


Active Member
I don't think you've got much idea at all, friend.
A deist is not an atheist..... that's a good place for you to start.
You need to remember that.

When you're ready, I'll tell you about Yeshua, one of the most wonderful people who has lived. If you read G-Mark you won't need me to tell you anything...... why don't you get reading?

Well, we have another ad hominem. We needed that rather an explanation as to how the thing you just made up is actually better scholarship than actual scholarship.

Clearly, my assessment that you think anyone who disagrees with you a a flaming moron was WAAAAAYY off base.

Now, I wonder, as a diest committed to reason and all ... how do you think I arrived at that accurate assessment of your intent? :sarcastic


Active Member
Click....... Hail Earthling..... Greetings!
But I still think Yeshua was real....... he he..... :D

And the imaginary antics of an old badger explain why scholars and period experts are ALL wrong.

Again, the point about the meandering discovery process required to be a Jesus Myther are aptly represented here.


Active Member
I still don't know if Jesus was real or not, and I still don't know if it makes a difference to anything.

It does if you are Christian ... and the basis of your faith is actually fraudulent.

It means a great deal to some to expose those who falsely accuse others of things - like the Duke University LaCross players who were falsely accused of rape.

That was a kind of big deal for the both the accused and the accuser, if not those of us on the side lines.

Unfortunately, Jesus Mythers have basically accused over a billion people of deliberately perpetrating a fraud.

And the fraud? Appears to be the Jesus Myth.