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Could Nothingness Be Another Dimension In And Of Itself?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
So stop listening! DUH!:p

(then, again, does the Universe 'make sense'? Quantum Physics seems to have upset more than one applecart.)
But that is the beauty of the scientific apple cart, my friend. You can indeed tip it over, but the damn thing will just correct itself and keep moving...


Godnotgod, are you just making things up as you go out of desperation?

You did not back up your own statement on how YOU claimed spirituality describes nature. What does it describe to you?


Well-Known Member

Hmm interesting. So, if I'm getting it, it's just two things coming together? But wouldn't that still be something?

And I saw something about the vacuum fluctuations is popping in and out of existence? So wouldn't that mean it'd still exist even if for that tiny small period of time it's there? :\

Talk about much ado about nothing, eh?

Bada bing.


That's what I thought.

Spirituality tells us not one thing of nature and reality.

It is only a reflection of ones conscious mind, and factually nothing more.


Thou art That
Hmm interesting. So, if I'm getting it, it's just two things coming together? But wouldn't that still be something?

And I saw something about the vacuum fluctuations is popping in and out of existence? So wouldn't that mean it'd still exist even if for that tiny small period of time it's there? :\

Thank you for having a receptive mind.

As I read it, all of the mass of the atom is created by these Quantum and Higgs Fields fluctuations. The mass so 'created' is virtual in nature, rendering what we know as material reality to be virtual, since the gross world is built completely upon the sub-atomic world, created and re-created from moment to moment. What it amounts to from a spiritual POV is that the reality we think is real and material, is actually a manifestation of consciousness at the base level. IOW, material reality is an illusion, but not your ordinary garden variety, but one on a much higher level. True Reality is That Consciousness behind what we call the material world, The nature of that True Reality is beyond detection by the scientific mind. It is the Silent World, and can only be approached via the intuitive mind.

But the most compelling question of all is: what is the raison d'être for this manifesting of the world by Pure Consciousness?

edit: the 'two things coming together' is Consciousness acting as if (ie; 'virtual') what it is manifesting is real.

When you twirl a lighted cigarette in the dark, it only appears to be a circle of fire, when in reality, it is actually a single point of light. So it doesn;t actually exist as a circle of fire "even if for that tiny small period of time it's there".

'Circle of fire' exists only in the mind! The actual Reality is a still point of light that does not change, but only appears to change. We call this Reality 'The Changeless'. The rest is all illusion.
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Thou art That
That's what I thought.

Spirituality tells us not one thing of nature and reality.

It is only a reflection of ones conscious mind, and factually nothing more.

But, you see, the conscious mind is none other than the perfect reflection of nature, that is to say, only when it becomes no-mind. And it only becomes no-mind when it is completely still; that is to say, when there is compete cessation of all of the activities of the mind. Why is that the case? Because, quite paradoxically, the mind itself is a self-created principle. IOW, the mind is just an illusion. Only consciousness is real.


Thou art That
Godnotgod, are you just making things up as you go out of desperation?

You did not back up your own statement on how YOU claimed spirituality describes nature. What does it describe to you?

It doesn't describe nature; it IS nature, through and through.

"and the light that I saw by was the light that I was;
and the light that I was, was the light that I saw by"


Thou art That
But that is the beauty of the scientific apple cart, my friend. You can indeed tip it over, but the damn thing will just correct itself and keep moving...

....until the next tipping over event.

The mystical view does not tip over, because there is nothing to tip over!

"We create a certain theory and then there is the honeymoon with the theory. For a few years things go perfectly well. Then reality asserts itself. Reality brings up a few things and the theory gets into difficulty because we had excluded a few facts. Those facts will protest, they will sabotage your theory, they will assert themselves. In the eighteenth century science was absolutely certain, now it is certain no more. Now a new theory has come: the theory of uncertainty.

Just a hundred and fifty years ago Immanuel Kant came across this fact in Germany. He said that reason is very limited; it sees only a certain part of reality and starts believing ‘that this is the whole. This has been the trouble. Sooner or later we discover further realities and the old whole is in conflict with the new vision. Immanuel Kant attempted to show that there were ineluctable limits to reason, that reason is very limited. But nobody seems to have heard, nobody has cared about Immanuel Kant. Nobody cares much about philosophers.

But science in this century has at last caught up with Kant. Now Heinsenberg, in physics, and Godel, in mathematics, have shown ineluctable limits to human reason. They open up to us a glimpse of a nature which is irrational and paradoxical to the very core. Whatsoever we have been saying about nature has all gone wrong. All principles go wrong because nature is not synonymous with reason, nature is bigger than reason. And the mystical view is not a philosophy; it is a mirror, it is a reflection of that which is. As it is, the mystical view stays the same. It does not bring any man-made philosophy into it, it has no choice, it does not add, it does not delete. That’s why it is paradoxical — because life is paradoxical."



Thank you for having a receptive mind.

As I read it, all of the mass of the atom is created by these Quantum and Higgs Fields fluctuations. The mass so 'created' is virtual in nature, rendering what we know as material reality to be virtual, since the gross world is built completely upon the sub-atomic world, created and re-created from moment to moment. What it amounts to from a spiritual POV is that the reality we think is real and material, is actually a manifestation of consciousness at the base level. IOW, material reality is an illusion, but not your ordinary garden variety, but one on a much higher level. True Reality is That Consciousness behind what we call the material world, The nature of that True Reality is beyond detection by the scientific mind. It is the Silent World, and can only be approached via the intuitive mind.

But the most compelling question of all is: what is the raison d'être for this manifesting of the world by Pure Consciousness?

edit: the 'two things coming together' is Consciousness acting as if (ie; 'virtual') what it is manifesting is real.

When you twirl a lighted cigarette in the dark, it appears to be a circle of fire, when in reality, it is actually a single point of light. So it doesn;t actually exist as a circle of fire "even if for that tiny small period of time it's there".

Virtual particles are real and they are a manifestation of the interactive nature of the universe, not a manifestation of consciousness.


John Hagelin is on crack for thinking that the universe is composed of consciousness. Consciousness is a complex form of interaction. The universe itself is one giant interactive field.
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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
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Okay, so everything is "consciousness", but he still does not explain what consciousness is. That seems to be the default position for some people. If we can't comprehend or understand what ketchup is, then everything must be ketchup...or mayo for the Absolute Sandwich.

My theory of interaction explains consciousness as being a complex form of interaction, therefore not everything is consciousness, nor is everything conscious, but everything does interact in varying levels of complexity.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
That seems to be the default position for some people. If we can't comprehend or understand what ketchup is, then everything must be ketchup...or mayo for the Absolute Sandwich.

What you are seeing is a "God-of-the-gaps" approach, ie we still don't fully understand consciousness so it's an opportunity to sneak in a load of religious mumbo-jumbo and pseudo-science. Unfortunately none of this incoherent drivel actually helps us to understand consciousness any better.


Thou art That
Virtual particles are real and they are a manifestation of the interactive nature of the universe, not a manifestation of consciousness.

If virtual particles are real, why make the distinction? Why not simply return to calling them 'particles', neither virtual nor real. It's like saying 'water is wet'. It has no real meaning.

John Hagelin is on crack for thinking that the universe is composed of consciousness. Consciousness is a complex form of interaction. The universe itself is one giant interactive field.

Yes indeed, the Earth is flat and the Sun goes 'round the Earth. But in truth, there is no Sun; there are only dancing cave wall shadows interacting with each other.

If john Hagelin is on crack, so have all the mystics been throughout the ages. That's a lot of crack!


Thou art That
What you are seeing is a "God-of-the-gaps" approach, ie we still don't fully understand consciousness so it's an opportunity to sneak in a load of religious mumbo-jumbo and pseudo-science. Unfortunately none of this incoherent drivel actually helps us to understand consciousness any better.

Just eat more ice cream, and maybe you will catch a glimpse of The Moon.


Thou art That
Okay, so everything is "consciousness", but he still does not explain what consciousness is. That seems to be the default position for some people. If we can't comprehend or understand what ketchup is, then everything must be ketchup...or mayo for the Absolute Sandwich.

My theory of interaction explains consciousness as being a complex form of interaction, therefore not everything is consciousness, nor is everything conscious, but everything does interact in varying levels of complexity.

Interaction does not tell us what consciousness is; it only displays your theory about how the universe behaves. But since you deny the existence of consciousness, what you're really saying is that we live in a mechanical, dead, unconscious billiard ball universe. You're still living on Newtonian Physics time.

Consciousness is the Unified Field is The Absolute is Nothingness is Brahman is The Changeless is YOU, pretending you are NOT That.


Thou art That
That's right. Unfortunately there are those who can't resist their imposing religious beliefs on the natural world, in this case it's a sort of new-age Hinduism.

Even worse there are some who can't resist preaching their bizarre incoherent theories.
