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Could Nothingness Be Another Dimension In And Of Itself?


Well-Known Member
No, what I SEE as the true nature of Reality. Belief requires thinking. Seeing is not thinking. As Patanjali said;

'Yoga is the complete cessation of all of the activities of the mind'

Going beyond the mind.

If the five senses were removed, and the ability to think were removed, do you agree that one would still be aware?


Thou art That
So perhaps you should focus a little more on your own fullfillment and not be so concerned with my views.

We're on a discussion forum, where people discuss each other's ideas. You put your ideas out there for all to see, and they become fair game. If you don't want your ideas scrutinized, don't post them.


Well-Known Member
We're on a discussion forum, where people discuss each other's ideas. You put your ideas out there for all to see, and they become fair game. If you don't want your ideas scrutinized, don't post them.

Scrutiny, constructive critisicm, and different minds collaborating about views, ideas, theories, thoughts, etc. is awesome. Throwing personal stabs and jabs, maybe not as much. We are all guilty of that.


Thou art That
The point is that what you are saying and the words you are using can just as easily be mistaken for a duality as can what I say and the words that I use. Neither yours, nor my view is dualistic, so just stop trying to argue the point with me. Like Unification was trying to say...we are on the same level. We just have different words for the same thing. It is only the fool who sees division and discord where there is in fact none.

Your view essentially says that an animating factor animates the animation. That is duality. There is no mistaking it for something else. The view I present does not say that. It says, and I repeat:

'the spiritual experience is that of the observer, the observed, and the entire process of observation merging into a single reality'

If you don't want to continue being misleading, then stop referring to a 'factor', as 'factor' implies something apart from that which it is a factor to, and has a completely different meaning than 'Unified Field', for example.


Thou art That
Going beyond the mind.

If the five senses were removed, and the ability to think were removed, do you agree that one would still be aware?

Absolutely!...except for one difference: there would be no concept of an 'I' that is conscious; there would be only consciousness itself...pure abstract consciousness.


Well-Known Member
There is something to be said about personal experience. I believe many people have genuine paranormal experiences for example, which is evidence enough for them perhaps, but that type of evidence is not evidence enough to proclaim to the world "Hey, this is a matter of fact!"

Fact or fiction: you can see and manipulate energy?


Your view essentially says that an animating factor animates the animation. That is duality. There is no mistaking it for something else. The view I present does not say that. It says, and I repeat:

'the spiritual experience is that of the observer, the observed, and the entire process of observation merging into a single reality'

If you don't want to continue being misleading, then stop referring to a 'factor', as 'factor' implies something apart from that which it is a factor to, and has a completely different meaning than 'Unified Field', for example.

I know...I know... Your view is perfect and everyone else's is flawed. I get it.


Thou art That
Beyond current science? Perhaps. Beyond science altogether? No.

Beyond the scope of science, and yet inclusive of it. Science exists within the context of Reality, not the other way around, as science wants to have it. Reality is Everything that is, and science is but a small part of that Reality. Scientists employ consciousness to attain factual knowledge. Consciousness is the default condition both to the search for factual knowledge and for any interaction that follows.

I strongly suspect you are confusing 'mind' with 'consciousness', as it is 'mind' which is always moving, interacting. Consciousness never moves. It is The Changeless.

'Yoga is the complete cessation of the activities of the mind'


Well-Known Member
Where is the contradiction? The Animating Factor is not part of something, it is everything including that complex form of interaction we call consciousness.

"I am the light that shines over all things, I am everything. From me all came forth and to me all return. Split a piece of wood and I am there. Lift a stone and you will find me there." The Gospel of Thomas.

To me that epitomizes what I call the Animating Factor. It is not a duality. It is totality.

Let's agree that the "Animating Factor" IS everything. It would have to be all variations and fluctuations of interactions. From the simplest form of interaction to the most complex. From the seen to the unseen. From the testable to the untestable. All types of energy, all types of matter, all wavelengths, all frequencies, etc etc.

If it's everything, it would have to be both unconscious and conscious. It wouldn't be everything that there is if it only the unconscious. Since consciousness and unconsciousness are interaction, what is unconscious other than a simple interaction and conscious being a more complex interaction?

If it's only unconscious, that places the human ABOVE the Animating Factor, unless the human being is the Animating Factor. The Animating Factor would be unconscious(less complex/simpler interaction) than the conscious human being(more complex interaction).

Love that Gospel of Thomas passage.

The power of Light Energy (Animating Factor) is all that there is. All atoms and everything came from this Pure Light energy slowing down. Totality formed in and of and out of itself.

I just see this Pure Light Energy(Animating Factor) as abstract, dark energy, pure consciousness, whatever one wishes to call it as being "aware."


Thou art That
I know...I know... Your view is perfect and everyone else's is flawed. I get it.

It's not my view, but regardless, why don't you criticize the content of what you see as 'my view' then? I'm not trying to say that my view is perfect and everyone else's flawed. But if it were my personal view, it would already be flawed. Having said that, there is something beyond all personal views that is actually Perfection. What is that, and can it be seen? That is really the question here.

It is this Jewel of Perfection that those who've caught a glimpse have been prompted to seek.

As I told you before: the way of the mystic is to subtract each day from one's storehouse of knowledge, until one reaches the state of complete emptiness, or 'not-knowing mind', also called 'no-self view'. All conceptual thought comes to a halt. Nothing is left but a non-conceptual, impersonal view. It is that view that is Unborn, Ungrown, and Unconditioned. It does not come and go. It is The Changeless.
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Well-Known Member
It's not my view, but regardless, why don't you criticize the content of what you see as 'my view' then? I'm not trying to say that my view is perfect and everyone else's flawed. But if it were my personal view, it would already be flawed. Having said that, there is something beyond all personal views that is actually Perfection. What is that, and can it be seen? That is really the question here.

It is this Jewel of Perfection that those who've caught a glimpse have been prompted to seek.

As I told you before: the way of the mystic is to subtract each day from one's storehouse of knowledge, until one reaches the state of complete emptiness, or 'not-knowing mind', also called 'no-self view'. All conceptual thought comes to a halt. Nothing is left but a non-conceptual, impersonal view. It is that view that is Unborn, Ungrown, and Unconditioned. It does not come and go. It is The Changeless.

I like that. Always have to die out and rid of what is thought of or perceived to be. What one thinks that they know, to rid of. Start over with a clear, empty, voided state. Pure state. It's painful to do initially. Then neurological plasticity occurs. The "Animating Factor" within starts to interact in ways never seen or thought to have existed prior. The Light pulsates within and opens and unlocks the doors to new dendritic neurological pathways.


Veteran Member
I personally think that the question is from ignorance, lets face it, what the hell is nothing ?, and what the hell is a dimension, we have no clue what so ever, and to believe you know is only fooling yourself.


Let's agree that the "Animating Factor" IS everything. It would have to be all variations and fluctuations of interactions. From the simplest form of interaction to the most complex. From the seen to the unseen. From the testable to the untestable. All types of energy, all types of matter, all wavelengths, all frequencies, etc etc.

If it's everything, it would have to be both unconscious and conscious. It wouldn't be everything that there is if it only the unconscious. Since consciousness and unconsciousness are interaction, what is unconscious other than a simple interaction and conscious being a more complex interaction?

If it's only unconscious, that places the human ABOVE the Animating Factor, unless the human being is the Animating Factor. The Animating Factor would be unconscious(less complex/simpler interaction) than the conscious human being(more complex interaction).

Love that Gospel of Thomas passage.

The power of Light Energy (Animating Factor) is all that there is. All atoms and everything came from this Pure Light energy slowing down. Totality formed in and of and out of itself.

I just see this Pure Light Energy(Animating Factor) as abstract, dark energy, pure consciousness, whatever one wishes to call it as being "aware."

Okay. I see no argument here.


It's not my view, but regardless, why don't you criticize the content of what you see as 'my view' then?

Honestly? Because I just don't care to debate this anymore. You have your view, I have mine. I'm tired of re-hashing the same old thing over and over again.


Your view essentially says that an animating factor animates the animation. That is duality. There is no mistaking it for something else. The view I present does not say that. It says, and I repeat:

'the spiritual experience is that of the observer, the observed, and the entire process of observation merging into a single reality'

If you don't want to continue being misleading, then stop referring to a 'factor', as 'factor' implies something apart from that which it is a factor to, and has a completely different meaning than 'Unified Field', for example.

How about when I tell you expicitly what I mean by something you don't go change it around on a whim to make it sound like it means something completely different. I have already explained why I call it the Animating Factor, but I suppose you weren't paying attention....


We're on a discussion forum, where people discuss each other's ideas. You put your ideas out there for all to see, and they become fair game. If you don't want your ideas scrutinized, don't post them.

I don't have any problem with my ideas being scrutinized, in fact I welcome it. I do have a problem with constantly having to repeat myself because you just don't get anything I am saying.