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Could Nothingness Be Another Dimension In And Of Itself?


Thou art That
I think you've been pretty clear in the way you have explained things. If there are people who don't want to listen because they're strongly attached to their own beliefs, there isn't much you can do about that.


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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
My point was to show that it is possible to go beyond the mind and physical senses. If a human's mind and thinking ability were completely removed from them, they'd be aware without thinking and with no mind.

I don't see how you could be aware of anything without a mind.


Nature doesn't care about your personal preferences. It does what it needs to do to maintain its balance throughout the Universe. You may not relish the notion, but you are, and have been, at all times 100% integrated with the Universe and everything else within it. Please understand that the 'many things you observe' are not objects of observation apart from yourself. You and they are all totally interconnected in the web of life. To put it another way, you are a total activity of the Universe.

I agree with this.


Energy not formed or having any material substance. Pure state. Zero mass.
E= True Zero.
Nothingness: No thing, No form. Void.

Other energy has mass, formation, material substance. (Atoms-protons, neutrons, electrons)
Somethingness: Some thing. Some form. Energy formed.

I'm not going to get into "God" discussions, too many assumptive ideas as to what "God" is.

Are you talking about zero-point energy?


Thou art That
Why not, if me and nature are one, as you claim?

Is it possible to be one with something that does not care about what I care about?


- viole

Yes, of course. Your preferences are of a personal nature; those of the Universe are not. Having said that, the Universe supports you inside and out 100%. If you care about living a long life, nature provides everything you need to nurture that. You may have a personal preference to smoke tobacco, however, shortening your life. In either case, nature takes its course as prescribed by its own workings. Your death is not a personal investment on the part of nature.

What I mean by not caring is to be indiscriminate, such as the Sun, for example. It shines indiscriminately on Everything, and yet, is the source of all life and light on the planet. It does not favor you over someone else in any particular way.


Well-Known Member
It's still just light though, isn't it? Photons. You seem to want to reify it.

There is a difference between making something out to be more than it is and making something out to be more complex and interactive than a simple interaction. A human "thought" is more complex than a spec of sand. The thought is light energy. The spec of sand is light energy. The thought could be a photon whereas the spec of sand isn't a photon.

If something is all that there is, it's not possible to "reify" it. Even saying energy is eternal is not reifying it. It would have to be unless it was created by something else. Scientific laws even state energy cannot be created. If not created, then it is eternal.


Why not, if me and nature are one, as you claim?

Is it possible to be one with something that does not care about what I care about?


- viole

Consider that the Big Bang was a singularity which expanded, not an explosion. Therefore nothing blew apart or separated during the event...which is still taking place. The universe is still that same singularity, it just got much, much bigger. Its kinda like a giant family where everyone is related or interconnected in some way, but not everyone necessarily gets along with each other. So even though there seems to be lack of harmony, lack of togetherness, or separation in this "family" we call the universe, there is no true separation. Family is still family and that is like the oneness of everything that exists as this universe. Interconnected.


I don't see how you could be aware of anything without a mind.

Yes, the brain allows for those specific complex interactions we know as awareness or consciousness. Perhaps similar to the way in which there are different forms of energy and different levels of interaction, there may also be different forms of awareness or different forms of consciousness? I don't know...just speaking hypothetically.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
A thought is a form of interaction....perhaps in some way derived from or dependant on the Fundamental Interactions...electromagnetism for example. Only speculating of course.

It seems that mental activity, including thoughts, is dependent on electro-chemical processes in the brain. But I don't see how a thought could be a photon.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
there may also be different forms of awareness or different forms of consciousness? I don't know...just speaking hypothetically.

I would say that all organisms have some kind of awareness of their environment, and that this awareness is more sophisticated for more complex organisms. The nature of human consciousness is a tricky area, but I think it makes more sense to talk about different states of mind instead of different states of consciousness.


It seems that mental activity, including thoughts, is dependent on electro-chemical processes in the brain. But I don't see how a thought could be a photon.

Yah, I don't know. To me thoughts and memories are kinda like imprints in an energy field. Say metaphorically we have a wire strand which represents an energy field. Any time an outside force acts upon that field it bends that wire a little bit...a thought is formed. The more interactions which take place, the more bends form in that wire...the more thoughts occur. A thought might be a bend in that wire (energy field) whereas a memory is an actual lasting "kink" in that wire. A semi-permanent disruption of an energy field...perhaps in an isolated field or system such as a brain. I don't think thoughts are actual photons, rather they are field disruptions which may come and go...interactions. Memories are field disruptions with longer lasting effects on the brain. It's kinks vs bends. :)
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I would say that all organisms have some kind of awareness of their environment, and that this awareness is more sophisticated for more complex organisms. The nature of human consciousness is a tricky area, but I think it makes more sense to talk about different states of mind instead of different states of consciousness.

I think it makes more sense to talk about different levels of interaction...or different interactive states.


Well-Known Member
How is a thought a photon?

"Could" be a photon(s) or any other virtual particle. Thoughts pop/manifest in and out of existence just as a photon and/or virtual particles do. The thought(information/instruction) is in the light. Light that thinks. Light that contains quanta of information/instruction. Just as knowledge isn't stored in the brain. It's stored in light. Knowledge itself is light.
Light thinks by bending, refracting, reflecting, vibrating, and all sorts of ways. (This is the action/motion.) A thought and thinking would be different. The more thinking, the more forced action/motion. When the mind is stilled and no thoughts are taken, it is at more of a rest state. But is the mind at a rest state or is it the waves of energy and/or particles at a rest state?

Wave-particle. It's not the particle that thinks, it's the wave. But particles have mass so a photon would be just "wave." Researchers have observed that a single photon is not wave-particle. It is just wave. That the wave-particle duality of the photon is misleading. It's more like "wave-unity" rather than "wave-particle duality."

Last time we went over this, I had asked that if a thought isn't a very complex interaction of energy and/or particle... what else could it be? Your answer was "consciousness."

Perhaps pure thoughts are photon's whereas all sorts of other thoughts are a variety of other virtual particles and energies. The photon being pure energy.

If the thought of punching someone came into my mind, it would not be a "pure" thought.


Well-Known Member
It seems that mental activity, including thoughts, is dependent on electro-chemical processes in the brain. But I don't see how a thought could be a photon.

For me, I don't see consciousness coming from the brain. I see it coming from the blood/blood plasma/cerebrospinal fluid/oils/water that contains energy and particles within the body. It is what all forms of "life" have in common... The blood/plasma.

The alchemy of the human body. There is a pure oil secreted in the body just as there is a "snake-oil" secreted on the body. Some will meditate while having the pure oil and some will meditate with having the snake oil.


Well-Known Member
I would say that all organisms have some kind of awareness of their environment, and that this awareness is more sophisticated for more complex organisms. The nature of human consciousness is a tricky area, but I think it makes more sense to talk about different states of mind instead of different states of consciousness.

Yes. All organisms have blood and plasma and DNA which separates them from a rock. More complex forms of light energy and matter. Even though matter is energy. It's more of the "mass" that counts over matter.