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Could Nothingness Be Another Dimension In And Of Itself?


Well-Known Member
I’m not negating Emergent Theory because what we call consciousness is an effect which emerges due to our many complex interactions…sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell… If my theory of interaction is to hold, then it should not go against or conflict with the evidence already brought forth in support of other well established theories (Emergent Theory, Quantum Theory, The Theory of Evolution, etc…) rather it should further support those theories and science which it does. My theory does not go against science, my theory supports the evidence and the evidence supports my theory. That everything in nature interacts is an observable, testable and repeatable FACT as demonstrated by physics. My theory simply addresses that matter is neither living, nor conscious, nor does matter ever become living or conscious, rather it interacts in different ways. Some forms interact in simple ways, while other forms interact in very complex ways. From those more complex interactions emerge the effect or illusion of "conscious" and "living" matter.

So one day humans might build machines that effectively and accurately mimic the complex interactions found in nature and thereby generate the illusion of “conscious” or “living” machines. Will we ever create actual consciousness or life? No. Likewise, nature never created genuinely conscious or living matter, only highly interactive forms of matter.

I'm not interested in discussing how any of this might pertain to your mystic viewpoint because anything that does not involve logic or reasoning is completely irrelevant when it comes to science and the ideas which I am presenting.

I think that your theory only pertains to matter, in which there isn't even a fundamental definition for nor it it used fundamentally in physics.

The word "matter" is even becoming more and more irrelevant. It's becoming ancient history. What is called "matter" is energy/light slowed down. Put all particles into an excellerator and destroy them and there is no such thing as matter, it has gone back to its purest form and is just light that is left. Everything and nothing is all light/energy.

It's a conditioned belief that everything is matter when it's not, and is becoming near extinct in light of new observations, evidences, and findings.

As for consciousness, has nothing to do with all matter. Matter is neither conscious nor unconscious as you've stated. Staying in reason, logic, and science.... It would be energy/light that is conscious.


Active Member
Leaving science and cosmology aside for a moment - after considering a teacher's statement that awareness is not the goal of meditation, but a portal to transcendent reality, the whole experience of meditation changed. Now, I directly experience the enveloping 'nothingness' in which awareness arises. Pardon this hopeless attempt to say the unsayable.


I think that your theory only pertains to matter, in which there isn't even a fundamental definition for nor it it used fundamentally in physics.

The word "matter" is even becoming more and more irrelevant. It's becoming ancient history. What is called "matter" is energy/light slowed down. Put all particles into an excellerator and destroy them and there is no such thing as matter, it has gone back to its purest form and is just light that is left. Everything and nothing is all light/energy.

It's a conditioned belief that everything is matter when it's not, and is becoming near extinct in light of new observations, evidences, and findings.

As for consciousness, has nothing to do with all matter. Matter is neither conscious nor unconscious as you've stated. Staying in reason, logic, and science.... It would be energy/light that is conscious.

LOL! Okay...so it's become quite apparent that you have NO idea what I've been talking about all along here.

I am NOT discussing matter. Matter is 99.9999% empty space anyway. What my theory pertains to specifically are the Fundamental Interactions...electromagnetism, gravity, strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces. These are the interactive fields which give us the illusion of solid matter. They are the very reason why energy changes form. Do you know what electromagnetism is? Light.

Energy and light are not "conscious". Nothing is truly "conscious". Everthing...all matter and energy is interactive, due to those Fundamental Forces.


Thou art That
As for consciousness, has nothing to do with all matter. Matter is neither conscious nor unconscious as you've stated. Staying in reason, logic, and science.... It would be energy/light that is conscious.

You seem to be in contradiction to your own ideas: if light/energy is conscious, and matter is a lower form of light/energy, then matter must, via logic, also be conscious. But herein lies the problem: it is not that matter OR light is conscious or not-conscious: it is that consciousness itself is manifesting the entire phenomenal world, essentially the entire Universe, which is light, space, and matter. Consciousness belongs to the Silent Invisible World and as such, is beyond Time and Space. IOW, there are not things or beings that are conscious, as consciousness itself is beyond all things; things and beings are being manifested BY consciousness, in the same way that a character in a play is not a real character, but the actor behind the mask is manifesting/playing itself as the character. In the same sense, consciousness is playing itself as the world. The only way that something that is silent and invisible can manifest light, space, and the 'material' world is if light, space, and the material world are appearances, albeit thoroughly convincing appearances, only seeming to be real.
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Thou art That
Leaving science and cosmology aside for a moment - after considering a teacher's statement that awareness is not the goal of meditation, but a portal to transcendent reality, the whole experience of meditation changed. Now, I directly experience the enveloping 'nothingness' in which awareness arises. Pardon this hopeless attempt to say the unsayable.

'Everything comes out of Nothing!"

So tell me: in your newfound experience, would you say that consciousness is local or non-local?
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...a character in a play is not a real character, but the actor behind the mask is manifesting/playing itself as the character. In the same sense, consciousness is playing itself as the world.

Yes, about that "actor" as you call it. It's called interaction....FUNDAMENTAL INTERACTION.


Thou art That
On a more serious note...

How many bottles of whiskey...er...Jack...do I need to drink before I before I have a mystical experience like you and Alan Watts?

There are amongst us those who should not take this step under any circumstances, and you are one of those people. Not to worry, though: you've got the entire wall completely shored up and square pegs driven into each and every round hole.

Job Done! Now go to your room, have a nice bowl of porridge, and go to sleep!

Oh wait! Is that a HOLE I see?



Thou art That
Yes, about that "actor" as you call it. It's called interaction....FUNDAMENTAL INTERACTION.

no no....FI is what the actor only seems to be doing, but is not actually doing it. But the actor is such a master that you have been completely taken in, firmly believing that what you see really is real. See how good that maya is? Lip smackin', buddy!


no no....FI is what the actor only seems to be doing, but is not actually doing it. But the actor is such a master that you have been completely taken in, firmly believing that what you see really is real. See how good that maya is? Lip smackin', buddy!

So why call it an "actor" if it is there is no action? Why is there is such thing as "play" or "maya" if there is only pure nothingness as you say? Why call that nothingness consciousness if there is no thinking, sensing or feeling? Pure nothingness would be theoretically devoid of awareness or consciousness...devoid of everything. It seems to me you do nothing but contradict yourself with every sentence.
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There are amongst us those who should not take this step under any circumstances, and you are one of those people. Not to worry, though: you've got the entire wall completely shored up and square pegs driven into each and every round hole.

Job Done! Now go to your room, have a nice bowl of porridge, and go to sleep!

Oh wait! Is that a HOLE I see?

Yes, my wall is very high indeed. I can clearly see right over that big steaming pile of sh**t you call your mystic viewpoint.