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Could Nothingness Be Another Dimension In And Of Itself?


Well-Known Member
Yes, cosmic consciousness has been presented as something radically different from sunyata. Have you read The Heart Sutra and understood it? Do you understand what sunyata really is? Do you know what Buddhist enlightenment is? I suspect you only have a vague idea and are just making stuff up to suit your own idiosyncratic view.
I think the meaning of words does matter, particularly when we talking about specific terms in an established discipline or tradition.

There is a phrase: it's "cosmic consciousness."

Ask 1000 people to define/explain that and you'll likely get 1000 different answers.

Same with the word "sunyata." I am sure there are a bunch of different ways of defining/explaining what that actually is and even within the same traditional community.

I agree, I never said that their "meaning" doesn't matter. It does. It's the words themselves that don't matter. If someones meaning is radically different, than we are in agreement.

For example, the Christ, the Buddah, Chi, life force, Kundalini, etc. all mean the same things to me. It would dogmatic for me to be a respector of words and a tradition as opposed to having the realization that they are all referring to the same thing using different words. Different words, same meaning. .and all latently present within the human being.

For most others, they are different words and different meanings and this offends them. I'm sure that an enlightened one would see this and be aware of this crystal clear.

Yes, I've read the heart sutra link that you've provided. Thank you for that, much appreciation. It resonated within me crystally clear. Understand it very well.


Well-Known Member
So since they all seem to use the same word....what is "consciousness"?

I already gave my explanation.

The human's ability to be aware, to experience, to know, feel, think, choose, learn, discover, adapt, evolve, memorize, acquire knowledge, acquire wisdom, acquire understanding.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
The best description that I've come across is "radical negation," which affirms both the negation and its inherent positive counterpart.
Hmmm....dunno...for me the concept empty can only represent a relative state...for absolute nothing does not exist....empty must always refer to something in absence...


Well-Known Member
Yes, cosmic consciousness has been presented as something radically different from sunyata. Have you read The Heart Sutra and understood it? Do you understand what sunyata really is? Do you know what Buddhist enlightenment is? I suspect you only have a vague idea and are just making stuff up to suit your own idiosyncratic view.
I think the meaning of words does matter, particularly when we talking about specific terms in an established discipline or tradition.

Sorry but I don't find your woolly syncretism very credible, there is too much misrepresentation and guesswork involved, it looks superficial.
It's reminiscent of that old hippy saying "It's all one, man." Well no, it isn't, unless you're rather stoned.

In your opinion, does enlightenment have anything to do with anything becoming "one" or "whole" or any kind of "union" of mind or "union" of mind and body?


Thou art That
Thank you, sir.

Give your attention to the reason why this new translation had to be made. This is the key to understanding that, while consciousness is without self-nature, it still exists, and being without self-nature extrapolates to it being universal in nature.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with that! ;)

An enlightened one who assumes and can't tame the tongue. Where is the self control of such emotional smites of assumptions?

How can I possibly heed to your insights if all you do is assume and read something that's not even there? I'm trying to see any resemblance of a Buddah nature/character coming from you and I see little.


Thou art That
What is your best definition or explanation of what cosmic consciousness is?

A transformation of one's limited, conditioned awareness in which 'the observer, the observed, and the entire process of observation merge into a single Reality', as Deepak Chopra put it; 'the observed' being the entire universe. Cosmic Consciousness; Ultimate Reality; Universal Consciousness; Supreme Enlightenment; etc, are all the same experience of this merging into Oneness.

"You are not just the drop in the Ocean; you are the Mighty Ocean in the drop"

Because Cosmic Consciousness is 'empty' of self-nature, it is Sunyata.
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Well-Known Member
Give your attention to the reason why this new translation had to be made. This is the key to understanding that, while consciousness is without self-nature, it still exists, and being without self-nature extrapolates to it being universal in nature.

Thank you, it's why I asked for what you guys were referring to. I searched online and found all sorts of different translations and all sorts of different explanations and meanings amongst the same "Buddhist" community. The same kingdom divided amongst itself.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Same with the word "sunyata." I am sure there are a bunch of different ways of defining/explaining what that actually is and even within the same traditional community.

Actually the understanding of sunyata is reasonably consistent across the Buddhist traditions. But it definitely has nothing to do with "cosmic consciousness".

If you want to understand Buddhism better then talk to some actual practising Buddhists. There is all kinds of misleading crap on the internet, everyone is an "expert".
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Lol. You should just get rid of all words except for "complex" and "interactions."

Change "Runewolf1973" to "complex interactions."

Change "Animism/Naturalism" to "complex interactionisms."

No, not all interactions are equally complex, but they are all interactions nonetheless.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
If you understand the heart sutra and anything about Buddhism which uses the word "consciousness" frequently, please do enlighten me on what "consciousness" means to you.

In Buddhism consciousness is the basic function of awareness, always dependently arising and conditional. Personally I'm going off the word because of all the reification and religious nonsense surrounding it, I think I prefer "awareness". I rather like Runewolf's interaction model, which makes a lot of sense experientially.


Well-Known Member
Actually the understanding of sunyata is reasonably consistent across the Buddhist traditions. But it definitely has nothing to do with "cosmic consciousness".

I would hope so, consistency is a good thing... and fair enough, but without a concrete definition/explanation of what "cosmic consciousness" actually is referring to... we can't make that assumption.

In someone else's own mental world, they may prefer the phrase "cosmic consciousness."

I understand your concerns about applying two different words/phrases and applying different "meanings" to them.


Well-Known Member
In Buddhism consciousness is the basic function of awareness, always dependently arising and conditional. Personally I'm going off the word because of all the reification surrounding it, I think I prefer "awareness". I rather like Runewolf's interaction model, which makes a lot of sense experientially.

Dependent, conditional, arising, awareness... I agree.

Deducing that even smaller, then we have to discuss what it's dependent on, what those conditions are, what causes the arising/descent, what the cause of altering awareness is, etc.