Baloney. You sound like the liberal left pining for criminal illegal aliens while trying to justify the wholesale slaughter of the innocent unborn.
As for the flood, the scriptures record: “..the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (
Genesis 6:5
and it grieved God “to his heart” (
Genesis 6:6) So God sent the floodwaters as a judgment, a block in the way of humanity’s wickedness (
Genesis 6:5-6).
Just like liberals do when releasing hardened criminals from jail and creating sanctuary cities for murderers, Questioning mind would allow evil to continue throughout the world indefinitely without judgment. Bravo!
In the end, God's Judgment SAVES LIVES.
How many people would 100 evil men kill in their lifetimes? Let's say a thousand, and the 100 evil men wind up in hell when they die. Now, let's let those 100 evil men have 100 offspring that over time grow up to kill an additional 1,000 people. Now, you have 200 evil men in hell and 2,000 murdered others.
Now let's take it to the 10th or so generation. By now, you have 10,000 evil men giving birth to 10,000 offspring and together those 20,000 evil men and/or women murder 200,000 people total. So, you now have 20,000 evil men in hell (vs. 100 if you had judged and executed them earlier), plus 200,000 other dead people.
So God, being smarter than his spiritually-challenged critics, and able to see consequences further out in time than the mathematically-challenged "God is evil" crowd, saves 19,900 people from going to hell plus he saves 199,000 others from getting murdered. And he does that by stopping the bloodshed before it gets worse.
Get the picture? God Judgment saves lives, and saves multitudes from winding up in Hell.
Plus, the innocent babies and children wind up in Heaven.
You lose.