Guy Threepwood
Mighty Pirate
Dude... are you even serious?
Whatever you are discussing is not from this reality, but rather from fantasyland.
In the Real World (TM) there is no such dependence on how one defines evolution, because evolution is a demonstrable fact, not a speculative idea.
Fundamentalist evolution looks like an interesting idea for some sort of fictional universe. I would like to read about it in some fantasy novel that shows what it is like to be in a world where such things are a matter of opinion or of competing dogmas. I for one would love to see how one would propose it.
But you really ought not to demean your stance by talking about those things as if they could fit reality as we know it.
'fundamentalist evolution' is merely the term I am applying to the most extreme and minority position of evolutionists, that 'evolution' operates with no guiding creative intelligence whatsoever, this represents <20% of the population in the US in the most recent Gallup poll- and <8% in Brazil- only polls of course but certainly a more minority position than creationism
Many of us have a more moderate position somewhere in the middle.- that's all
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