Why is this a lie?
Because, simply, it is not true.
Almost every religion has a creation story; but these stories are not consistent with the evidence. The most adamant opposer to ToE seem to be theists of many denominations; yet in these theistic scriptures, there are no commands that one must accept their prospective creation stories in order to remain devout in that spiritual tradition. There remains a high percentage of theists who accept ToE, based on the evidence, yet find it no threat to their faith or spiritual belief.
I met a microbiologist at a former place of work and we sat down and had a decent discussion. When Evolution was brought into the discussion, he simply stated, "I accept science for what it is. But that doesn't mean I don't believe in God."
Any apologist who would insist that you must believe the creation story of their particular religion as a prerequisite for being devout to that religion (or receiving your eternal reward) are lying to you and manipulating you.
That you can be a theist and accept evolution is obviously true, since there are plenty of evolutionary theists. And I mean the real thing: evolution by natural selection including fishes in our genealogy. If they did not accept that, which is the estabilished scientific view, they would not count as "evolutionists".
So, I would not count the ones who believe that God tweaks with our DNA or tunes the trajectory of huge asteroids of mass destruction or plate tectonics, vulcanoes, planetary clima changes, etc. , because they are just another brand of creationists trying to look cool, progressive and scientific correct.
However, contrarily to the vast majority of atheists, I have sympathy for the view of the fundies in this area. I really do not see how anyone can accept an omnibenevolent and omnipotent being that uses an eminently amoral mechanism like evolution to achieve His ends, without experiencing devastating cognitive dissonances. Adam and Eve do seem indeed more intellectually coherent under the assumption of the Christian God.
- viole