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Creationists, please provide evidence


Resident Liberal Hippie
Just because two elephants live in different parts of the world does not mean they are a different genus. If thats the case, then why dont biologists say that all the different tribes are a different genus? Why is there no white genus homo, black genus homo, red genus homo, asian genus homo???? It doesnt make sense to do that because we know that all humans are of the same group, so why do it with animals???. The asian elephant and the african elephant are both elephants...they are slightly different just as the various breeds of dog are different but they are still the same 'kind' ....elephants.
Good greif:facepalm:

Where did you get the idea that living in different areas constitutes a classification for genus?
The Elephas and the Loxodonta are in different genera due to genetic and physiology differences.
They are also so genetically different that they are unable to interbreed and produce viable offspring.

The rest of your rant on homo sapiens living in differing areas and having diffing skin tones makes absolutely no sense at all.

Really, you are just embarrassing yourself.:eek:

The Wizard

Active Member
So, are YOU gonna present any evidence for creation?

I won't even pretend to have evidence. In fact, I won't even pretend to understand how science would get satisfactory evidence in the first place if it wanted. Anything that it observes and measures will become "a part of the creation," not any evidence to them of a creating hand working outside of it. It's like a "scientific computer program" looking for evidence of an outside creator, inside the computer, when it can never leave the computer in the first place. Makes no sense...

Everything coming from absolutely nothing also makes no sense...

The Wizard

Active Member
Of course, there is nothing in the Theory of Evolution, or in Evolution itself, to suggest that.

You would be right. I see that you are quite on top of the subject at that. Much more than I could ever be because I dont study it much. I wasn't even thinking about evolution. Such does not bother me in any way... it would only impress me more about the creation for which I am breathing in.


Active Member
You like to attack evolution but I have never heard positive evidence for your beliefs please provide some.

So I am a supporter of supernatural origin of life. I see complex biological systems that constitute life and determine eventually something had to create/design life to be governed this way by natural processes. Being a creationist I make the conclusion based on an ID inference totally based within natural observations of daily life. The opposite view is that strict naturalistic processes spontaneously generated life from non-life, i.e. abiogenesis. No where in nature is abiogenesis happening? Nowhere. Yet we see ID all around us.

Both, Darwinian evolution and creationism, rely on observational science, namely biological evolution. But both also rely on philosophy underpinning their interpretation of those observations. Creationists fully support, speciation, natural selection, mutations, environmental pressures, etc as mechanisms of biological diversity from the origin of life that was designed.


Jehovah our God is One
What about ring species? I.E observed instances of a population of a species evolving into separate populations that cannot interbreed?

Doesn't that mean that "kind" by your definition is not a barrier to evolution?

Again it comes back to what they define as a 'species'

some species of dog are unable to breed with anther species of dog for anatomical reasons... but they are still dogs

there may be genetic reasons which prevent fertilization in some but not others. I think there is much more research needed to be done before any conclusions are drawn.


Active Member
Again it comes back to what they define as a 'species'

some species of dog are unable to breed with anther species of dog for anatomical reasons... but they are still dogs

there may be genetic reasons which prevent fertilization in some but not others. I think there is much more research needed to be done before any conclusions are drawn.
Hey Pegg,
Do you know of any ID scientists who have/are currently/planning to form a comprehensive taxonomy system based on Intelligent design theories? What I mean is a full map of the changes which have occurred starting with the "Genesis kinds"(named and numbered) all the way up to the current diversity of life we see today? I understand that creation/ID proponents are having trouble explaining themselves whilst working within the current classifications of modern biology and I'm wondering if someone is going to put forth a new system for public/scientific review that will help clarify their position so this debate can take a legitimate step forward.


Active Member
Hey Pegg,
Do you know of any ID scientists who have/are currently/planning to form a comprehensive taxonomy system based on Intelligent design theories? What I mean is a full map of the changes which have occurred starting with the "Genesis kinds"(named and numbered) all the way up to the current diversity of life we see today? I understand that creation/ID proponents are having trouble explaining themselves whilst working within the current classifications of modern biology and I'm wondering if someone is going to put forth a new system for public/scientific review that will help clarify their position so this debate can take a legitimate step forward.

ID has nothing to do with Genesis kinds, that is philosophy or theology... What ID is, is an inference based in nature.


Jehovah our God is One
So now you're trying to argue that Biologists don't know what a genus is, or what's in a genus?
No. What im saying is that biologists have blurred the lines by classifying organisms into increasingly inclusive groups. By the way they have defined animals, they've made it impossible for a 'genesis kind' to fit in anywhere without it appearing incorrect.

If it appears incorrect its because in biologic terminology, a species applies to any group of interfertile animals (or plants) but at the same time, many of these species are put into a genus on their own rather then grouped together as a Genesis kind would do. This is why its confusing because in a genesis Kind there could be many such species or varieties within a single genre.

Isn't it kind of up to them? To put it differently, now you're moving your goalposts, which is also a form of dishonestly. Kind means genus, even if you have to change the definition of genus to make it work. Now I guess we need to ask you what you mean by "genus," because apparently it's not the same definition that Biologists use.

Perhaps its not, maybe i've got the wrong idea completely.

Here is what I understand a genesis Kind to be.

each of these belong to a genesis kind:

each of these belong to one genesis kind:

each of these belong to one genesis kind:

All of these belong to one genesis kind:

these pictures are not exhaustive of all the different varieties that could make up just one genesis kind...they are to give you an idea of exactly what can be included as one genesis kind and the reason why they can be included is because they can interbreed.

So at what level on the biological classification system would you put a genesis kind?

Species ?
Genus ?
Family ?
Order ?
Class ?


Jehovah our God is One
Good greif:facepalm:

Where did you get the idea that living in different areas constitutes a classification for genus?
The Elephas and the Loxodonta are in different genera due to genetic and physiology differences.
They are also so genetically different that they are unable to interbreed and produce viable offspring.

The rest of your rant on homo sapiens living in differing areas and having diffing skin tones makes absolutely no sense at all.

Really, you are just embarrassing yourself.:eek:

Im not embarrassing myself at all. Where did you get the information from that the Elephas and Loxodonta cannot interbreed?

In fact they have produced hybrid offspring. There is one preserved in the London Natural History Museum...it was bred at the Chester Zoo in 1978 and they named it 'Motty'


Jehovah our God is One
Hey Pegg,
Do you know of any ID scientists who have/are currently/planning to form a comprehensive taxonomy system based on Intelligent design theories? What I mean is a full map of the changes which have occurred starting with the "Genesis kinds"(named and numbered) all the way up to the current diversity of life we see today? I understand that creation/ID proponents are having trouble explaining themselves whilst working within the current classifications of modern biology and I'm wondering if someone is going to put forth a new system for public/scientific review that will help clarify their position so this debate can take a legitimate step forward.

I have no idea but i think it would be great if someone did .


Active Member
Now what is readily seen in nature that is that comprehensive regarding abiogenesis?
This thread isn't about abiogenesis or evolution. It is about evidence for creationism. I'm not debating anything here, I'm looking for information supporting your position that doesn't rely on attacking the position of others.

The computer you use is ID.
Actually, I'm using an eight year old toshiba laptop that was very poorly designed. Kinda like you, It's only useful until you need something from it.


Active Member
This thread isn't about abiogenesis or evolution. It is about evidence for creationism. I'm not debating anything here, I'm looking for information supporting your position that doesn't rely on attacking the position of others.

Biological evolution is fully supported under creationism.

Actually, I'm using an eight year old toshiba laptop that was very poorly designed. Kinda like you, It's only useful until you need something from it.
You have clearly just admitted to using ID. Therefore, as a creationist, the evidence is within nature all around you. This ID inference is used within nature to conclude that the origin of life was also intelligently designed. Just like evolution concludes that somehow spontaneous generation happened.

Do you see the relation here? Both creationism and Darwinian evolution rely upon science and philosophy.


Active Member
I have no idea but i think it would be great if someone did .

Well, keep me posted. It would be nice to have a solid foundation to work with. These unending discussions about definitions and terminology never get anywhere.
I'd like to personally thank you for being honest and direct when answering my questions, RF could use a few more like you. Even if we disagree, we can still have a civil discussion.


Active Member
Also abiogenesis is a very good possible natural mechanism for the origin of life within the intelligently designed to do so context.