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Creationists, please provide evidence


Intentionally Blank
Thats not true actually. Dawkins has little patience for willful ignorance, but thats a long way from trying to eradicate people.

What? Bereanz said something that's not true! I'm shocked, I tell you, simply shocked.

Oh wait, Bereanz is a creationist. Never mind.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I don't care what you accuse me of. :yes: The fact that he hasnt won the Nobel peace price and that extermnation camps haven't been started yet to eradicate people who refuse to beleive His lies, is a mystery!!!!!!!!!!! Dawkins would be one of those nazi's who wouldnt be happy until he's shot 10 or 12 creationists before breakfast.

Oh. It's a poe.


Atleast "we" are all in agreement there is no proof of creation nor can you ever prove imagination created anything

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I thought this thread was about creationists providing evidence. Why is evolution mentioned at all?

It's due to the fact that they immediately went on the attack of evolution which prompted those in the position to know to correct their mis-understandings. So far newhope101 has tried to use (mtEve and Y Adam) as "proof" of creation and both (newhope101 and Bereanz) have asserted their god created the earth per the wording in their bible. Basically we're no closer to "creationist" evidence than we were when the thread started. Not holding my breath though.....


Intentionally Blank
Well, for the millionth time, if you can't state what your hypothesis is, you can't begin to determine what might or might not be evidence for it. I don't think any of our friends have stated a hypothesis yet (at 166) pages so we are no closer in our challenging hunt for evidence.


Well-Known Member
Because a lot of creationists labor under the misconception that if evolution is disproved, creationism wins by default.

I think clear parameters need to be set. That if evolution is brought up, by a creationist, while they're trying to provide evidence for creation, then they've lost the debate. It would certainly shorten up any thread on the subject.


Active Member
Well, for the millionth time, if you can't state what your hypothesis is, you can't begin to determine what might or might not be evidence for it. I don't think any of our friends have stated a hypothesis yet (at 166) pages so we are no closer in our challenging hunt for evidence.

A hypothesis and a theory is no more a fact than a conspiracy is theory. Ive said that before I know.

And to the newset clubman on this board that I've seen, yeah the one dressed as a clown. We're brought up to believe were monkeys mate (in school), off course it's common knowledege. It hasn't been common knowlegde "that we arent evolved form apes" for 100 years. You might think there is safety in numbers, but you'd be quite wrong. There's five million hairy mammoths in a popsical to prove that! :D When you can't beat him call him Poe, which by definition would make me one of you in a clown suit. What a joke!

PS: your honour as anonymous atom is un- shakeable.
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Old-School Member
I think clear parameters need to be set. That if evolution is brought up, by a creationist, while they're trying to provide evidence for creation, then they've lost the debate. It would certainly shorten up any thread on the subject.

Well, when I started my own 'post evidence for creationism' thread one of my stipulations was that posting negative evidence for evolution did not qualify as evidence for creationism. Even with that laid out, one or two still tried.



Intentionally Blank
A hypothesis and a theory is no more a fact than a conspiracy is theory. Ive said that before I know.
What makes debating creationists so tedious is the need to teach them basic concepts before you can start, coupled with their resistance to learning them.

The word theory, when used by scientists, refers to an explanation of reality that has been thoroughly tested so that most scientists agree on it. It can be changed if new information is found. Theory is different from a working hypothesis, which is a theory that hasn't been fully tested; that is, a hypothesis is an unproven theory.

Evolution is a theory, like gravity, germs and heliocentrism. That means it's an explanation of an entire class of phenomena that has been as well-supported as anything gets in science. It is, in short, the highest level of scientific knowledge.

Since you've already told us that you don't care whether we believe anything you say, Bereanz, the fact that you've said something, obviously, means nothing to us. If you want to contribute to the discussion, you will need to support every assertion with a credible cite. Otherwise we will merely disregard it, because you have sacrificed your credibility here.

And to the newset clubman on this board that I've seen, yeah the one dressed as a clown. Were brought up to believe were monkeys mate (in school), off course it's common knowledege. It hasn't been common knowlegde "that we arent evolved form apes" for 100 years. You might think there is safety in numbers, but you'd be quite wrong. There's five million hairy mammoths in popsical to prove that! :D When you cant beat him call him Poe, which by definition would make me one of you in a clown suit. What a joke!
Can anyone here provide an English translation of this paragraph? Thanks.


Active Member
Well, when I started my own 'post evidence for creationism' thread one of my stipulations was that posting negative evidence for evolution did not qualify as evidence for creationism. Even with that laid out, one or two still tried.

On another thread I saw in here had you all whinning about no creationist joining the thread, and you treated that as proof that you where all right. Again, the absence of fact seems to be accepted as truth among you.


Old-School Member
A hypothesis and a theory is no more a fact than a conspiracy is theory. Ive said that before I know.

By this statement alone you've demonstrated that you don't understand what a scientific theory is. Theories, in science, do not become facts. Theories explain facts.

Theory: (a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena) "theories can incorporate facts and laws and tested hypotheses"; "true in fact and theory"



Old-School Member
On another thread I saw in here had you all whinning about no creationist joining the thread, and you treated that as proof that you where all right.

Well, when we ask for evidence and none is provided, what does that tell you?
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