This is not something I have done about my of faith....and I should have done it.
What will happen if believers started to do critical thinking about every aspects of their own faith?
Some of RF's believers may already do it daily
Will our faith get stronger or will it be a to big challenge?
In terms of critical thinking about those things that are believed though faith, instead of through experiment, what we do know is many people have faith. I would infer that there has to be something underlying this behavior or else faith would be far less common. I am not judging one's faith but rather looking for the source of this common human charisma that one can find in all religions.
I am may or may not disagree with what different people have faith in, but the fact is their faith exists due to some form of inner based evidence. This is undeniable. The question is what is the source of inner data that can lead to faith? The innovator has a gut feeling before anything is created in reality for those who need to see to believe. Critical thinking does not have to start with a negative. Rather is can be based on analyzing a common behavior that underlies a range of different beliefs.
Faith is the belief in things not seen. This means it does not come to one from the outside; sensory systems. Instead it appears to come from a source that lies within. My next question is, is there a brain or a neural explanation for this unique inner data generation that reinforces the charisma of faith? Many religions speak of the inner man. Is the inner man somehow connected to the brain?
Psychology has found that we have two centers of consciousness; inner self and the ego. The inner self is much older and is connected to our DNA. The inner self is the same platform for consciousness that common to all humans. It also appears to be what animals have for consciousness; connected to their instinct. The inner self defines us as a species; human nature. Human nature is the same for all humans no matter your race or beliefs, due our shared human DNA and the brain's operating system that leads to the conscious POV of the inner self.
The ego is newer on the evolutionary scale and appears to have formed with the rise civilization. Civilization required one learn new ways apart from the ways of the natural instinct. The ego is dependent on learned cultural knowledge, instead of innate knowledge from within; instinct. The animal acts upon an inner urge, not based on book learning or a consensus of outer experts.
My guess is faith has a connection to the inner self. The inner self by being the main interface for consciousness and our human DNA, uses the main frame parts of the brain; super computer. It can make use of subliminal learning. The ego is more like a terminal connected to the mainframe. Both the inner self and the ego will synthesize the same sensory input data, with the inner self trying to synthesize this data in a way that is common to all humans; integral. The ego is looking out for number one; group and self; differential. The former integration schema is how all religions work; divine law common to all. Maybe we see and hear the will of God through an inner awareness of our inner self. It is still connected to the divine plan; natural instinct and DNA.
Many years ago I worked under this assumption and did unconscious mind experiments on myself to see if the inner self was real. It was one thing to read about it and accept it due to experts. It was another thing to prove it to myself with direct data. That is what a critical thinker does. What I found is the inner self is more complicated than a single center. It arises from the DNA based operating system of the human brain, and makes use of a range of support firmware; masks of the inner self. This explains the approach of mythology; based on the range of its firmware. This approach evolved to monotheism; inner self proper, as ancient humans got deeper in the brain's operating system.
These ancients were more aware of the inner self and many set up systems. Many of these systems downplay the ego; humbled to quiet its noise, so the voice of the inner self could be heard. Faith is when the ego terminal hooks up with the mainframe while the mainframe is doing natural synthesis.
f science wants data they need to induce their own inner self to experience the inner data source that will give them faith. This data only comes from inside. Although, many outside systems of teaching can help one trigger the operating system; command lines. To me, my research made my faith stronger since science and religion can unite when it comes to the brain's operating system. But it required a path of inner data that science is not evolved enough to follow. It needs first person data and not just third person data. One much become the scientists and the experiment.