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Cult Test


Not your average Mormon
A cult is enough people that believe there is power in quantity, not quality.
I'd almost say the reverse is true. Most cults are, in fact, fairly small. Larger groups are the ones that tend to label the smaller ones as cults, not visa versa. When a group's membership reaches a big enough number (whatever that number is), people eventually drop the "cult" label in talking about that group. In truth, I don't see numbers -- either big or small -- as being a very reliable way of classifiying a group as a cult. Pretty much every known religion started small and grew over time. True cults do tend to die out when their leaders die, though. That much is accurate.

Actually, people tend to label any group as a cult that they hate and fear. Not always, but much of the time, the hate and fear originates with lack of knowledge and understanding about the group. I'm not saying there aren't some very real cults out there. I do think, however, that the word is overused, and that it's almost always intended as a derogatory term that discourages real communication and desire to learn.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Is your point "a cult is anything I want it to be"?

But.....I think cults are bad. I don't want anything to be a cult.


Veteran Member
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Cults discourage growth. I do not discourage growth. Maybe, perhaps it is why Karma lets me grow beyond you. :cover: Did I say that?


Veteran Member
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When two or more people disagree with me at the same time I go into manic overdrive. Forgive me please while I have my little fit.


Veteran Member
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do tend to die out when their leaders die, though. That much is accurate.

Actually, people tend to label any group as a cult that they hate and fear. Not always, but much of the time, the hate and fear originates with lack of knowledge and understanding about the group. I'm not saying there aren't some very real cults out there. I do think, however, that the word is overused, and that it's almost always intended as a derogatory term that discourages real communication and desire to learn.

This is a really good point. I only know first hand of one cult. I can call it that because it fits most, almost all, of the psychological profiles of what a real cult is. For a group to fit the profile does not mean it must fit each identifying mark 360 degrees. If the group in question fits enough of the socially negative aspects of power it then can rightly be called "cult". I am not judge. I know for a fact that if I start judging people or groups God will judge me. I do not want to be judged. I mean, for bad. To tell the truth is not bad. Many times it becomes socially unexceptable but these are trying times and I think some of the former rules of etiquette do not apply as they once did. It is war. The same standards of decorum in peacetime do not apply in wartime.

A cult IS a group that "discourages real communication and desire to learn" OUTSIDE and sometimes even INSIDE the group.


Veteran Member
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Proof positive that the Jehovah's Witnesses discourage communication and a desire to learn. I sent the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses two letters many years ago now. What have I got? Nothing. I have heard of others sending letters and they got nothing also.

I have proved there are more peacable interpretations of scripture and they are not even willing to hear them.

How is that not cultish?

It is their way or no way. That is a cult. How can you say it is not a bad thing that they teach to live their way is the only way? My way and your way is WRONG.


Premium Member
While looking up the definition for "cult", I have found 5 different definitions! But I managed to find a site that had several different definitions (cultdefinition.com ;) ):

1 : formal religious veneration : worship
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad
b : the object of such devotion
c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion
With those definitions above, it would appear that every religion at least started out as a cult and then became a full-fledged religions and they gained members.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
While looking up the definition for "cult", I have found 5 different definitions! But I managed to find a site that had several different definitions (cultdefinition.com ;) ):

With those definitions above, it would appear that every religion at least started out as a cult and then became a full-fledged religions and they gained members.

I think you're right. Some people do use the word cult derogatorily. People who have been a part of a cult and have left it use the word as a warning. What it means is your membership in the group will be THE deciding factor in the rest of your life. Freedom or love will not be the determining factor anymore. Your membership in the group will.

Any group that will take over your choices is a cult. Some people like not having to make their own choices. But some people after they join and they find out about group think they are not happy about it.

I became a Jehovah's Witness to study the Bible. They have an effective Bible study program. I am not sorry I joined. Many people are sorry because the rules of the group spill over into their freedom of worship. They are no longer allowed to worship God their way. God must be worshipped the cult way. If they don't like it, they can leave. But many times they have to leave their family behind too. It is difficult for most. Some people who wish to leave don't because of it. It is impossible for some and they have committed suicide.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't think that calling a group a cult can cause them to behave as listed in the first post.

If a group behaves as listed in the first post, should it go well with that group? That's some pretty negative stuff. If you were to decide to marry a person making those demands, would you? I wouldn't.


Well-Known Member
By their denying their parents access to their grandchildren they obey the Pharisee rule, not Jesus' rule.

Where did you pull this from? The Pharisees adhered to G-d and Judaism. There is no law from G-d that says access to grandchildren should be denied.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Where did you pull this from? The Pharisees adhered to G-d and Judaism. There is no law from G-d that says access to grandchildren should be denied.

It's called corban. It is true there is no law about grandchildren. It is a law about what can benefit the grandparents, they would be the person's parents.

Mark 7:12 But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is Corban (that is, devoted to God) then you no longer let them do anything for their father or mother.

The Jehovah's Witnesses bring up their children to be dedicated to God. (It is somewhat of a requirement.) So when they think a family member will distract the child from the child's dedication to Jehovah the Jehovah's Witness parent will keep the child away from that person even if the person is a mother or a father.

The child become corban. The parents can enjoy the child during their life and the child's life but the parents' parents are restricted as in corban. I think I am using the word correctly. Is it?
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Admiral Obvious
I think I may have missed your point. Did you make a point?
that the use of the word cult is about useless because there are so many different definitions.
the most common one being "any group whose beliefs differs from the beliefs of the one using the word cult"


Well-Known Member
They act in the manner of Moses and the men selected out of Israel to judge the people according to their disputes. Exodus chapter 18 They never were for the interpreting law. They were never for teaching peace. They are for keeping the peace.

That is false. The "disputes" were all about applications of the Law to life. Our leaders were charged by G-d to interpret Torah.