You have to go wider if you want to claim something about the world as such.
All relative entities/references must end at “The Absolute” at the very top of the hierarchy. Logically, there is no other way unless you adapt a fallacious circular reasoning or infinite regression.
Relative/contingent entities constitute the norm of our entire realm. The Absolute is beyond/external to our norm. The rules that govern our norm, don’t govern the Absolute/First Cause/God. Even the word “first” doesn’t apply in the normal sense because it implies the existence of time. The absolute existence of God is permanent, eternal, uncaused, and unchanged beyond the confinement of time, space and natural laws of all kinds. All relative contingent entities are only possible because of the absolute/non-contingent God.
Every relative entity is caused, designed and with a purpose. Every relative entity has a beginning and is running its course towards a destination.
Life has a purpose. The human existence has a purpose. Every contingent entity follows ordained rules and must submit (like the example of a gear in a machine), but “Man" is unique in the sense that Man was given specific “free will” or the specific freedom to make certain choices. If Man submits, it’s because he wants to, not because he must. That is why Man was created, to freely know/choose God.
The ability to differentiate between good from evil, and to know God is embedded in our inner beings, but we cannot define “good” or know who is God or what God wants from us, that is why God approached humanity with messengers, and multiple messages. Each message was intended for specific place/time to allow gradual growth of humans towards the final message, i.e., “The message of Islam”. All messages are essentially the same and all messengers are equal. The message is simply “believe and follow the righteous path".
But the message is a component of a design that allows “the free will”. The collective entities of our realm (including the religious messages) is designed to maintain a very delicate balance that enables us to know the truth without making it overpowering in a sense that takes away our “free will” to freely choose one way or another. It’s neither an overpowering truth that forces us to be another gear in the machine nor ambiguous in a sense that let us go astray. It’s a balance on a knife-edge, only our “free will” can tilt it one way or another.
You’re free to choose. Not all choices are equal. Your choice shall make the ultimate difference for you. Not for anyone else. At the time all facts are known beyond doubt, there is no going back. There are no second chances. It will be requested but it will not be granted simply because “you is you”, IOW, If you repeat or go through the exact same test again, you will make the exact same choices. “Who you are” is permanent and your “ultimate destination” is also permanent and it must be consistent with who you are. Life is short. Choose when you still can.