That's the main reason why God created us, it's to test us, to know who would worship him with HIS choice not under any kind of force or pressure, and do you really think we are here because of a very rare coincidence?
Correction man created gods and goddesses. Humans (and from all evidence available about how social brains work the could be occurring in other animals as more evidence accumulates) project anthropomorphic attributes to other living and non-living things. In order to deal with questions that humans could not answer and to help with social control humans anthropomorphized characteristics to a being they cannot see, demonstrate or show evidence for but which created answers that decreased stress and anxiety which is beneficial for survival.
As humans learned more there became less and less need for an anthropomorphized supernatural being to explain things. The theory of evolution so eloquently started by Darwin has grown and expanded finally explaining the nature of life in this world. Recently the science of psychiatry and psychology have embraced evolutionary theory rethinking what psychological disorders are with improved treatment.
Humans are hear not by coincidence but by a long process of genetic and epigenetic changes conferring advantages to survival just as all other life on this planet has, each in their own way special.
And it is time to lose the Him and his, it should be her and hers, or him and her instead.