Dear journal,
It's Sunday, and I thought about church for the first time in a long while. Even upon returning to faith, I've only gone back to church services a handful of times. (that's over a nearly two years span of time) But, I thought about church today and even listening to a sermon on the internet. But, then I decided against it, or the day just got busy, and I didn't bother. But, there are these heart string pulls every now and then, where I want to return to the familiar. I think this could be why we read about so many women who stay with abusers, in marriages. They take beatings for a lifetime, but never leave, or they try to leave...and then...return, to the familiar. Leaving the familiar is hard, so hard. I'm not saying religion is anywhere equal to being beaten by a lover for a lifetime, but just the mindset of returning to the familiar, that is the same way of thinking, or so it seems.
It is likely because the familiar, even if it's not healthy for us, brings us some sense of comfort. Just searching my soul for answers still, and finding that there's a lot I've kept inside.
I miss you grandma, and wish you were here to talk all this out with, although you'd tell me to go back to Jesus. You never liked me being an atheist.
My grandmother can't hear me or read this, but it is comforting to write something for her.