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Demons, is there any evidence they even exist?

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
I get your point but that’s not what Wiccan witches that I’ve listened to have said after they get saved, renounce that life and are born again. The ones I’ve listened to like Jenny Weaver and others say for sure it was demonic.

If you get all your information about a religion from ex-members of that religion, you're probably going to get a biased take.
Based on my spiritual beliefs and personal experiences, not all spirits are inherently evil. For the record, I don't expect others to believe me or accept what I say about my experiences, and it doesn't bother me if they don't. Any skepticism or religious objections to what I believe and experience have no bearing whatsoever on the fact that I've lived with psychic mediumship for the past 43 years. My mediumship initially revealed itself when I was six years old and I saw the spirit of an elderly man (read about it here). Over the last fifteen years, I've demonstrated my mediumship by giving readings to many people who don't believe in the paranormal, and none of them remained skeptical that psychic mediumship is real or that earthbound human spirits can interact with and communicate with the living after I revealed personal information that was only known between them and their deceased loved one. FYI, I've included links to my previous posts in this thread as references to my personal experiences that I've already shared, either in my own threads or in other threads.

Well, I believe you and your account with spirits and your mediumship. Your explanation is different than the way I see this but your experience is consistent with the biblical view of mediums and spirits. Thanks for sharing

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
Based on my spiritual beliefs and personal experiences, not all spirits are inherently evil. For the record, I don't expect others to believe me or accept what I say about my experiences, and it doesn't bother me if they don't. Any skepticism or religious objections to what I believe and experience have no bearing whatsoever on the fact that I've lived with psychic mediumship for the past 43 years. My mediumship initially revealed itself when I was six years old and I saw the spirit of an elderly man (read about it here). Over the last fifteen years, I've demonstrated my mediumship by giving readings to many people who don't believe in the paranormal, and none of them remained skeptical that psychic mediumship is real or that earthbound human spirits can interact with and communicate with the living after I revealed personal information that was only known between them and their deceased loved one. FYI, I've included links to my previous posts in this thread as references to my personal experiences that I've already shared, either in my own threads or in other threads.

Happy for you to "read" me and see what you come up with! :)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I already answered this, I thought. In general no, I don't believe them. Though I'd want to evaluate claims case by case rather than write people off automatically.
Ok just mentioning because many people here seem to be more than familiar with the spirits, yet others proclaim rather loudly they don't believe in God, gods, angels, demons or any of that.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I have one more question, not to pressure you, but I have known people (here and otherwise) that loudly proclaim their association with demons and who are witches. When I was young I was not a believer in God or demons in particular. I worked at a publishing house and the receptionist was very nice and she told me she was a witch. I had never heard of such a thing outside of cartoons so I was surprised. She spoke of it as if it were something normal.
I feel I have been annoyed by demons since childhood, but I am mentally I’ll, so…

My brother went through a Wiccan phase. I’m good with that. Blessed be. From my personal experience, it seems like it is the “least of these “, theological minorities, who are the superior moral agents.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I feel I have been annoyed by demons since childhood, but I am mentally I’ll, so…

My brother went through a Wiccan phase. I’m good with that. Blessed be. From my personal experience, it seems like it is the “least of these “, theological minorities, who are the superior moral agents.
As I told someone recently, God can help a person but they have to want help. No one can help someone but God in the fine sense.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Happy for you to "read" me and see what you come up with! :)

I don't give readings online or over the phone. I prefer to talk to people face-to-face if I have a message from a spirit or if I pick up unusual vibes from another person. My abilities as an empath and as a psychic medium are stronger when I meet and converse with someone in person. I can also sense and connect with a spirit by touching or holding an object in my hand. It's called Psychometry. Finally, I can sense when someone is troubled (whether it is a personal issue or if there is a spirit involved) when I talk to them on the phone or online, but I never relay my feelings online or on the phone. I know other mediums who feel comfortable giving readings either on the phone or online, but that's not what I do. I think it may be widely assumed that all mediums communicate with and interact with the dead in the same way, but we do not, and our mediumship may differ as well (I explained mine in previous posts here and here). I have specific methods that are comfortable for me, and other psychic mediums have specific methods that are comfortable for them.
Ok just mentioning because many people here seem to be more than familiar with the spirits, yet others proclaim rather loudly they don't believe in God, gods, angels, demons or any of that.
There you go we finally got the demonic spirits to share although they aren’t admitting that and why it’s called the occult for me, the Bible also describes mediums and spiritist, those who consult the dead as such.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't give readings online or over the phone. I prefer to talk to people face-to-face if I have a message from a spirit or if I pick up unusual vibes from another person. My abilities as an empath and as a psychic medium are stronger when I meet and converse with someone in person. I can also sense and connect with a spirit by touching or holding an object in my hand. It's called Psychometry. Finally, I can sense when someone is troubled (whether it is a personal issue or if there is a spirit involved) when I talk to them on the phone or online, but I never relay my feelings online or on the phone. I know other mediums who feel comfortable giving readings either on the phone or online, but that's not what I do. I think it may be widely assumed that all mediums communicate with and interact with the dead in the same way, but we do not, and our mediumship may differ as well (I explained mine in previous posts here and here). I have specific methods that are comfortable for me, and other psychic mediums have specific methods that are comfortable for them.

Well that's disappointing. :( I was hoping you'd make me a believer! :p

Debater Slayer

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We did? When did that happen?

Do you think I'm a demon? :oops:
I don’t think any person on here is a demon, but do believe demons speak through people. Like I said I believe demons are spirits without bodies that crave human beings so they can express themselves.
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Veteran Member
28 children all at the same time. From different families, and locations... and the best explanation is that all of them were starved. That's should be the joke of the year.
No doubt that was swiftly brushed under the carpet, and forgotten. No further investigation required.
Did you hear from anyone here on this?

That aside, the fact that a teacher could take something to school which is considered to be associated with divination, is disturbing.
I hope those parents "demanding answers regarding why one of the boards was used by students when they were supposed to be learning" took that issue to the hilt.
They deserve answers.

I hope they learned something from this though. Check on what these schools are doing with your children, and move them when you find lazy teachers.
Can you imagine they have children watching TV and movies at school.
One would have to be blind to not see how backwards this world has become.
It's like a world of walking puppets.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
This isn't about what I think. I can neither prove that certain things exists or don't, but I admit that. What the tactic of asking me what I think of some other issue is used for is to avoid the burden of proof that others cannot meet and shift it to someone else. Me in this case. You or I are not the topic of this thread. It is a thread about the evidence for the existence of demons. Evidence that no one has provided and clearly cannot. That is the only thing that should be being discussed. So what I think about another poster or their interests is irrelevant.

I've seen similar strategies and actions employed by posters of certain groups that are consistent and across the board. The plethora of logical fallacies that you, me and others are assailed with covers most of those known, formal and informal. Pointing those out is addressed as an insult when it is not. I've been told I was insulting when there was no insult except that which I received for that matter. I have seen the same happen to others. In some cases, it seems to me as if all I am going to get are childish retorts and run around. Again, I have seen the same evidence of it happening to others. Passive aggressive attempts to demean to do it without penalty. The shifting of the burden of proof is common. If successful, it relieves the shifter of defending their position and they can now go on the attack. That is the point of continually employing this strategy. Keep the conversation alive so the particular opinion is always out there as the "default explanation" and turn the attack.

I'm not really interested in abetting the swap and relieving those that cannot meet their burden of proof for their claims. I'm not interested in listening to those that use such tactics instead of the honorable debate these things should be. I don't perceive any real interest in what I think. I see it as another ploy.

What I believe or do not believe is unimportant to what is claimed and consistently failed to be given support by those that are supposed to hold a position where such tactics should be an anathema. But instead, rely on the worst features of debate to be sustained.

I wouldn't council anyone to not believe what they believe. I don't pretend to hold that authority. I hold beliefs of my own. But what is claimed in the public space, that is open for debate and discussion and a demand for evidence to sustain the claims.

I appreciate your response and I think we would have an honest and friendly discussion if it ever came to that.
Certainly what a person says he is, claims to believe and think is the issue here.


Veteran Member
I believe we would have more respect for scientists if they were not so blinded by science that they can't see reality.

By any chance, are you a 'stand up comedian'?

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
I can see their influence all through this thread and also see doors people have opened for them to enter into their lives yes even speak through. And will leave it at that.
I can too. If by influence you mean fixating on them. Believing you can see them or their influence when you can't tell anyone how that is possible or what leads you to that.

Maybe the influence is a fixation on demons or the concept rather than on God to the point you see them everywhere no matter whether they are there or not.

How can I say that I am not talking to demons telling them what I think?

Just because someone might claim things on here doesn't mean that they aren't demons or influenced by them.

Good grief, I better leave this thread now. Demons may be trying to influence me to see them where they are not and not see them where there are.

Who can know?

Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
We did? When did that happen?

Do you think I'm a demon? :oops:
It seems that the main criteria for determining if someone is a demon or under the influence of demons is whether you agree or disagree with those that appear fixated on seeing demons everywhere and with no particular reason guiding that vision other than they believe demons exist...without any apparent reason.

Questioning "their interpretation" of the Bible seems to be the main piece of evidence supporting demons or demonic influence as near as I can tell.