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Demons - Is There Evidence They Exist?


Veteran Member
Sorry you can't remember it. I found it rather rude and dismissive. I assumed you did it because you didn't want to answer my question, so no worries.
i remember. I never flat out called you a liar.
If your memory is as sharp as your claims, you should have no trouble finding the exact quote.
On the other hand, if there is no truth to your claims, you wouldn't in a billion years be able to quote nPeace flat out calling you a liar.

I said to you that I want to believe in as many true things as possible while not believing in as many false things as possible.
And you told me that I don't.

And here you are implying that I'm a liar now. Cool beans.

Because I pointed out that you haven't connected the dots between "bad things are happening in the world" and "demons are responsible for bad things happening in the world. Numerous others have pointed this out to you as well.
It's a simple thing Skeptic. Just prove your claim.
Here you are saying I haven't provide evidence. You haven't provided any proof of your assertions.


Well-Known Member
From your scientists...
Not my scientists, everyone's scientists.

They're presenting alternative hypotheses in response to the hypotheses about dark matter. Note that they're using the same evidence and seeking to work out consistent conclusions that fit with it. They don't have a predetermined conclusion they're pushing regardless of what any evidence suggests.

I did.
Strange, the OP covers every detail, and you are saying you don't see it.
Has anyone replying seen it? Have you considered the possibility that you're wrong rather than everyone else?

Do I need a hypothesis?
In this context, yes. In truth, we come up with countless casual hypotheses all the time. When you're crossing the road and working out if a gap in the traffic is big enough for you to safely cross, you're essentially testing a hypothesis.

You're presenting something much more formal and structured here and you do at least need to try to explain exactly what it is you're saying you have evidence for. You need to describe these demons and explain how you think they have the effects you're claiming.

I think you just exposed what you are looking for.
Strawman argument - a fallacious argument that distorts an opposing stance in order to make it easier to attack or refute.
If I was coming up with the argument you'd have a point, but I'm trying to get you to explain your argument. If you can't do that without describing something fallacious that is easily refuted, that isn't a strawman, it's just wrong.


Veteran Member
Not my scientists, everyone's scientists.

They're presenting alternative hypotheses in response to the hypotheses about dark matter. Note that they're using the same evidence and seeking to work out consistent conclusions that fit with it. They don't have a predetermined conclusion they're pushing regardless of what any evidence suggests.
Okay. All you have to do is show me where I have posted a predetermined conclusion.
I don't mean just claim it, but demonstrate how it's a predetermined conclusion.

Has anyone replying seen it? Have you considered the possibility that you're wrong rather than everyone else?
If you don't understand something, you can ask to have it explained.
I know what I posted. Why do you think your claim is right?
I'm up against all skeptics so, it's expected "everyone" of them will be biased.

In this context, yes. In truth, we come up with countless casual hypotheses all the time. When you're crossing the road and working out if a gap in the traffic is big enough for you to safely cross, you're essentially testing a hypothesis.

You're presenting something much more formal and structured here and you do at least need to try to explain exactly what it is you're saying you have evidence for. You need to describe these demons and explain how you think they have the effects you're claiming.
Read the OP.
I am not responsible for anyone's special blindness. All of that is right there in the OP. Seriously?
You're working too hard at these strawman.
It amounts to wasting time. If you don't want to address anything, feel free to say nothing.

If I was coming up with the argument you'd have a point, but I'm trying to get you to explain your argument. If you can't do that without describing something fallacious that is easily refuted, that isn't a strawman, it's just wrong.
Huh. You weren't able to address the point. Since then you have been doing your best to avoid it - creating unnecessary strawman.


Premium Member
From your scientists...
there are other approaches to make sense of why galaxies behave so strangely. Our new study, published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, shows that, by tweaking the laws of gravity on the enormous scales of galaxies, we may not actually need dark matter after all.

Perhaps you have heard of the other explanation.
I heard at least two.

What's your point?
Are you saying that other explanation being possible, renders all not evidences?
What exactly are you saying, because if this is another joke, I'll laugh.

I did.
Strange, the OP covers every detail, and you are saying you don't see it.
I believe we need special glasses for special blindness. I have neither.

Okay. Scientists do that.
They challenge each other's interpretation.

Do I need a hypothesis?
Okay, so I am in a violent gang, dealing drugs and guns.
My homeboy calls me up and says, 'Yo, boy. Heads up. Two hit men are heading over to your nest. Fly high or, roll."
I reply, "Wait. I haven't worked out a hypothesis for the scientists to test yet. You know, everything - absolutely everything - must be confirmed by science. Where you been living man? I'll sit here and think of one."

Actually, I only need two things.
Evidence that I have a reliable source of information, and evidence supporting that, based on knowledge.
I'm not in a science lab.

You have not provided 'evidence' from a reliable source. 'Based on knowledge?!?!?!' No,
I only repeat to people who say they can't see what's given to them.
Hence, I follow circles created by others.

I think you just exposed what you are looking for.
Strawman argument - a fallacious argument that distorts an opposing stance in order to make it easier to attack or refute.

No strawman here, Demons, Gods, and supernatural events are subjective religious beliefs not confirmed nor demonstrated by independent sources.

I refute the existence of Demons simply based on academic standards, and Methodological Naturalism, which both require objective evidence to demonstrate, verify, and confirm supernatural claims. I would consider the existence of Demons to be a supernatural claim that lacks the objective evidence required.

Though in academics some appeal to other reasons.


Veteran Member
Cite your sources that
A)evolution is not agreed on by many
B)Noah's flood as mythology is not agreed on by many.

Then *if* you can do that explain why your ad-populum fallacy is relevant.
Are you aware of how many people disagree with the scientific community?
They say the reason is due to the public not knowing much about science,

Why would you not expect disagreements coming from people who don't know much about the Bible, or Christianity?
People ask for evidence of demons.
Is there any evidence? Yes, there is.

First, we must understand what a demon is.
What are demons?

In the Bible, a demon is defined as an angel of God, that is debased. That is, a rebel angel.
An angel, is a higher form of life - a spirit being.
Thus, an angel is a life form, far more intelligent, and far more powerful than anything, known to man.

In another thread, I tried to help an individual grasp that. Was I successful? :D
Reasonableness is required. Let's see how many are. ;)
  1. are unable to be physically detected, since they are invisible, and not affected by matter (Scientists have not yet observed dark matter directly. It doesn't interact with baryonic matter and it's completely invisible to light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making dark matter impossible to detect with current instruments)
  2. can affect matter, unknowingly, except one is aware of their design (All galaxies appear to be dominated by [Dark Matter. In] fact, galaxies are thought to form inside immense halos of dark matter)

Simply put... no puny instrument of man can detect a spirit being.
Does that mean, demons do not exist? No more than scientists believe Dark Matter, and Dark Energy are out there.
There are two ways to detect dark matter:
  1. Indirect detection: Scientists use indirect methods to detect dark matter. For example, they look for the effects of dark matter on visible matter, such as the gravitational pull of dark matter on stars and galaxies. Another indirect method is to look for gamma rays, the highest energy form of light, which are released when two dark matter particles collide.
  2. Direct detection: Scientists are also trying to detect dark matter directly. They are looking for the rare occasions when a dark matter particle collides with an atom in a detector on Earth.
Of course, the scientists are not seeing Dark Matter, but looking for what effects indicate the presence of Dark Matter.
The do so, based on their current understanding of how matter would, or should interact... according to their best educated guess.

The same is true of demons, and detecting their presence.
The Bible reveals knowledge about demons. It tells us, they are in opposition to God, and seeking to lead mankind in opposition to God.
Are they having success? What evidence do we have of their activity?

Recently, in the News... in almost every region, talk has been around the level of increased crime.
Persons say this is due to a range of factors, such as, COVID public health measures such as travel restrictions, school closures, lockdowns, and curfews, COVID sickness and death itself, and less aggressive police practices in response to Black Lives Matter and other organized criticisms of police use of force.

These factors are not applicable in many lands where increasing crime is a problem.
Also, they do not explain the mentality of individuals to commit evil acts on their fellowman.
Appart from this, the world has become increasingly chaotic over the last century.

Bible students recognize the increased lawlessness, and problems as evidence of demonic interference. These are signs they were instructed to expect, and look for.
The Bible says, at Revelation 12.
7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. 9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.​
12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”​
(Revelation 12:7-12)

So, it's a matter of knowing what to look for. If you aren't a scientist with knowledge of what to look for, you would never consider any notion of Dark Matter.
Likewise, if you are not a Bible student, and don't know what to look for, you would never give thought to the presence or influence of demons.

Thus, despite what skeptics and unbelievers say, there is evidence of demonic activity.
Why don't you invite some demons to your home. Say the magic words "Please " and "thank-you" when inviting them directly to yourself!

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
From your scientists...
there are other approaches to make sense of why galaxies behave so strangely. Our new study, published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, shows that, by tweaking the laws of gravity on the enormous scales of galaxies, we may not actually need dark matter after all.

Perhaps you have heard of the other explanation.
I heard at least two.

What's your point?
Are you saying that other explanation being possible, renders all not evidences?
What exactly are you saying, because if this is another joke, I'll laugh.
Maybe like Dark Matter, we don't need demons to explain the bad things that happen in the world.
I did.
Strange, the OP covers every detail, and you are saying you don't see it.
I believe we need special glasses for special blindness. I have neither.
No you didn't. You haven't presented any evidence to support the existence and actions of demons. What you claim is there isn't seen, because it is not there.
Okay. Scientists do that.
They challenge each other's interpretation.
Beyond your attempt at false equivalence between Dark Matter and Demons, I cannot challenge your evidence. There has to be evidence in order to challenge it. Scientists do not do that. They present evidence.
Do I need a hypothesis?
You don't have evidence to test to formulate a hypothesis. It would be circular logic if you tried.
Okay, so I am in a violent gang, dealing drugs and guns.
My homeboy calls me up and says, 'Yo, boy. Heads up. Two hit men are heading over to your nest. Fly high or, roll."
I reply, "Wait. I haven't worked out a hypothesis for the scientists to test yet. You know, everything - absolutely everything - must be confirmed by science. Where you been living man? I'll sit here and think of one."
Interesting and irrelevant nonsense. A "homeboy" in a violent gang would have a model of the story you concocted with knowledge of outcomes and actions. He has an hypothesis and knows it has been tested.
Actually, I only need two things.
Evidence that I have a reliable source of information, and evidence supporting that, based on knowledge.
I'm not in a science lab.
You don't have that. If people have knowledge of demons, that means evidence for them exists. Yet you cannot share that evidence. It doesn't exist. Subjective experience is not valid evidence that can be shared.
I only repeat to people who say they can't see what's given to them.
Nothing given to be seen. Speculation, false equivalence, what you believe and so forth are not evidence supporting the existence and actions of demons.
Hence, I follow circles created by others.
Not by others.
I think you just exposed what you are looking for.
Strawman argument - a fallacious argument that distorts an opposing stance in order to make it easier to attack or refute.
That doesn't appear to be the case. He is suggesting that your lack of evidence should lead you to at least claim you don't know if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Are you aware of how many people disagree with the scientific community?
They say the reason is due to the public not knowing much about science,

Why would you not expect disagreements coming from people who don't know much about the Bible, or Christianity?
Irrelevant to your claim that not many agree that evolution is true and that not many agree that Noah's global flood was a myth

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Irrelevant to your claim that not many agree that evolution is true and that not many agree that Noah's global flood was a myth
I missed that post you are responding to. It seems to be trying to equate a difference in opinion on a survey to indicate some sort of basis to randomly deny science. A fairly illogical position to take given the many factors that might drive those differences that have nothing to do with the validity of the areas the questions are referencing.

According to surveys, many of the people that are Christian and know the Bible do accept science. So, knowledge of the Bible doesn't seem to be a limiting factor in accepting science except for groups that demand (practically deify the Bible in my opinion) adherence to literal interpretations of scripture.


Well-Known Member
Okay. All you have to do is show me where I have posted a predetermined conclusion.
In your OP where you present the definition of demons from (your interpretation of) the Bible. Since you consider the Bible as the unquestionable word of God, that is a conclusion that you are just asserting on the basis of that belief alone.

If you don't understand something, you can ask to have it explained.
I have repeatedly asked you to explain what you claim to have evidence of. Exactly what is a demon and how would they have the effects you're describing (preferably without reference to scripture but in your own words based on direct evidence). Again, "I don't know" is always a valid answer to any question.

Why do you think your claim is right?
I'm still not making any claims. This isn't an argument between two different positions, however much you want to turn it in to one. This is you presenting an idea for discussion. It is perfectly viable to challenge or question any aspects of that idea or how you're going about presenting it without dismissing the idea as a whole or offering an overall alternative.

I am not responsible for anyone's special blindness. All of that is right there in the OP. Seriously?
But if you're going to accuse everyone else of having it (but conveniently, you not), you are responsible for supporting that accusation. Why isn't it even possible that your OP doesn't explain the idea as perfectly as you imagine it does?

Huh. You weren't able to address the point. Since then you have been doing your best to avoid it - creating unnecessary strawman.
I've only been trying to address the point. You say you have evidence for demons but I'm not convinced your evidence does support the existence of demons. I've been trying to get you to clarify your claim to better understand and explain why we have these different opinions.

Why don't you want to engage in that discussion? It could help you refine or better explain your ideas in the future and possibly more likely convince people (even if not me).


Veteran Member
Are you aware of how many people disagree with the scientific community?

Are you aware that it matters not what the unqualified think about subjects they aren't educated in?
I'll trust the scientific community on scientific subjects over unqualified Average Joe's opinions every day of the week.

They say the reason is due to the public not knowing much about science,

Coupled with misinformation and a priori beliefs and all that jazz.
It's pretty well known. Who cares.

Why would you not expect disagreements coming from people who don't know much about the Bible, or Christianity?
Here's the difference.....
It's not just among those who don't know much about the bible.
Hence why we have +30.000 christian denominations.

We don't have +30.000 versions of biology.


Veteran Member
Irrelevant to your claim that not many agree that evolution is true and that not many agree that Noah's global flood was a myth
My claim? I never said that, so not only is your statement irrelevant to anything I said, it seems to be just said, because you have nothing meaningful to say.


Veteran Member
In your OP where you present the definition of demons from (your interpretation of) the Bible. Since you consider the Bible as the unquestionable word of God, that is a conclusion that you are just asserting on the basis of that belief alone.
An interpretation, is not predetermined on the basis of knowledge.
If scientists interpret facts based on knowledge of star systems, did they predetermine their conclusion of those facts? No.

I have repeatedly asked you to explain what you claim to have evidence of. Exactly what is a demon and how would they have the effects you're describing (preferably without reference to scripture but in your own words based on direct evidence). Again, "I don't know" is always a valid answer to any question.
You can't be serious. I'm convinced you are all over the place because you just want to avoid what you just don't want to face - the facts that are too irrefutable for you to deny.
Until you face them, we are going nowhere.

I'm still not making any claims. This isn't an argument between two different positions, however much you want to turn it in to one. This is you presenting an idea for discussion. It is perfectly viable to challenge or question any aspects of that idea or how you're going about presenting it without dismissing the idea as a whole or offering an overall alternative.
You probably aren't making claims, What are you doing?

But if you're going to accuse everyone else of having it (but conveniently, you not), you are responsible for supporting that accusation. Why isn't it even possible that your OP doesn't explain the idea as perfectly as you imagine it does?
It's not possible, because, it steps through each point, in baby steps, and from the beginning it was clear to all who read it, seeing that
  • persons started saying it was not evidence, which we discovered, they were really asking for proof, rather than evidence, which is not proof.
  • persons started looking for weaknesses that they could attack, but when that failed, they back peddled, and started claiming that I need to provide this, I need to provide that, which they actually read. Yes, namely HonestJoe.
I can show you where you did this.
Take here for example...
You might need to re-read your own OP then, because there you specifically quoted an increase in crime as evidence for the existence of demons. You need to establish clearer measures of the changes you're suggesting and a clear timeline over which those changes have occurred.

It became an exercise of what I need to do.
Each one, I clearly explained, and showed where I did, and what did you do? Go in circles.

I've only been trying to address the point. You say you have evidence for demons but I'm not convinced your evidence does support the existence of demons. I've been trying to get you to clarify your claim to better understand and explain why we have these different opinions.
Ha Ha. How would you like it explained. Ga Ga Goo Goo?
There is no simpler way to break that down, without getting ridiculously elementary.

Why don't you want to engage in that discussion?

It could help you refine or better explain your ideas in the future and possibly more likely convince people (even if not me).
Please, have a go at it. Break it down for me.
I'll be sure to let you know where you make a mess of it.


Well-Known Member
People ask for evidence of demons.
Is there any evidence? Yes, there is.

First, we must understand what a demon is.
What are demons?

In the Bible, a demon is defined as an angel of God, that is debased. That is, a rebel angel.
An angel, is a higher form of life - a spirit being.
Thus, an angel is a life form, far more intelligent, and far more powerful than anything, known to man.

In another thread, I tried to help an individual grasp that. Was I successful? :D
Reasonableness is required. Let's see how many are. ;)
  1. are unable to be physically detected, since they are invisible, and not affected by matter (Scientists have not yet observed dark matter directly. It doesn't interact with baryonic matter and it's completely invisible to light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making dark matter impossible to detect with current instruments)
  2. can affect matter, unknowingly, except one is aware of their design (All galaxies appear to be dominated by [Dark Matter. In] fact, galaxies are thought to form inside immense halos of dark matter)

Simply put... no puny instrument of man can detect a spirit being.
Does that mean, demons do not exist? No more than scientists believe Dark Matter, and Dark Energy are out there.
There are two ways to detect dark matter:
  1. Indirect detection: Scientists use indirect methods to detect dark matter. For example, they look for the effects of dark matter on visible matter, such as the gravitational pull of dark matter on stars and galaxies. Another indirect method is to look for gamma rays, the highest energy form of light, which are released when two dark matter particles collide.
  2. Direct detection: Scientists are also trying to detect dark matter directly. They are looking for the rare occasions when a dark matter particle collides with an atom in a detector on Earth.
Of course, the scientists are not seeing Dark Matter, but looking for what effects indicate the presence of Dark Matter.
The do so, based on their current understanding of how matter would, or should interact... according to their best educated guess.

The same is true of demons, and detecting their presence.
The Bible reveals knowledge about demons. It tells us, they are in opposition to God, and seeking to lead mankind in opposition to God.
Are they having success? What evidence do we have of their activity?

Recently, in the News... in almost every region, talk has been around the level of increased crime.
Persons say this is due to a range of factors, such as, COVID public health measures such as travel restrictions, school closures, lockdowns, and curfews, COVID sickness and death itself, and less aggressive police practices in response to Black Lives Matter and other organized criticisms of police use of force.

These factors are not applicable in many lands where increasing crime is a problem.
Also, they do not explain the mentality of individuals to commit evil acts on their fellowman.
Appart from this, the world has become increasingly chaotic over the last century.

Bible students recognize the increased lawlessness, and problems as evidence of demonic interference. These are signs they were instructed to expect, and look for.
The Bible says, at Revelation 12.
7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. 9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.​
12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”​
(Revelation 12:7-12)

So, it's a matter of knowing what to look for. If you aren't a scientist with knowledge of what to look for, you would never consider any notion of Dark Matter.
Likewise, if you are not a Bible student, and don't know what to look for, you would never give thought to the presence or influence of demons.

Thus, despite what skeptics and unbelievers say, there is evidence of demonic activity.
Demons, Dark Matter and Dark energy all appear to be connected to the second law. In the case of demons the second; 2, is the binarius or Satan.

The second law states that the entropy of the universe has to increase. While an increase in entropy will absorb free energy. If we put these two together, if entropy has to increase and it absorbs free energy, then the free energy of the universe is decreasing with time. This affected is scientifically connected to perpetual motion not being possible. There is always irretrievable lost energy due to the 2nd Law.

If we apply energy conservation, this energy bleeding from the universe, which is not longer available to the universe to do work; like perpetual motion, should be conserved. We see it as dark matter, dark energy and demons.

If tradition, haunted places that are populated by ghosts and demons tend to feel colder. This is the endothermic nature of increasing entropy, as it absorbs energy. Such a haunted place would a place where the lost energy is stored and building like a pool being filled.

The red shift of the expanding universe is essentially causing photon energy to decrease. Moving to longer and longer wavelength creates photons of lower and lower energy value; energy disappears. It reflects the increasing entropy associated with the expansion. Since the 2nd law is a driver; has to increase, dark energy and dark matter are two affects, which can affect normal matter and energy; red shift, and material cooling; lost free energy.

The BB expansion, but starting with extreme compression had nearly zero entropy. The expansion with create more variety and allow entropy to increase, which then pools dark matter and dark energy. Physics sort of has the cause and affect backwards since they do not place the entropic potential first.

Life, brain and consciousness are unique forms of matter in our universe, in that they constantly undergo entropy increase, mostly through metabolism, which increases the entropy of food molecules. The firing of neurons to energize our memory also increases entropy and adds to the pool of lost energy. The idea of ghosts forming from life, within the lost energy pool. does have some second law connection to life and consciousness.

This topic is demons forming from consciousness. It comes from the brain processing the dark side of law and knowledge of good and evil. Law of good and evil is similar to a magnetic in that each has two poles, which are north and south for the magnet and good and evil for law.

In physics a magnetic monopole does not exist. Two poles, like good and evil, always come in pairs. As good is defined an opposite or evil is also implied. As beauty become more splendid, the opposite pole also become defined with entropic based neural processed demons appearing within the unconscious mind, to become conscious for others, to reinforce, for the entropic pool of lost energy; cultural mythology.

Today in Hollywood, horror movies are reflected evil of demons from the good in society, which appear in the brain's of Anarchists. These creative images are reinforced bu other through exposure and memory and added to the long list of cultural demons. The processing factor is what I call the Satan subroutine designed for entropy increase to fill the pools of dark energy.


Veteran Member
Are you aware that it matters not what the unqualified think about subjects they aren't educated in?
I'll trust the scientific community on scientific subjects over unqualified Average Joe's opinions every day of the week.

Coupled with misinformation and a priori beliefs and all that jazz.
It's pretty well known. Who cares.

Here's the difference.....
It's not just among those who don't know much about the bible.
Hence why we have +30.000 christian denominations.

We don't have +30.000 versions of biology.
There is only one version of true Christianity. Jesus did not institute, preach, nor direct +30,000. ;)
Fraudulent science is not science, right? Neither is fraudulent or imitation Christianity, Christianity.


Well-Known Member
An interpretation, is not predetermined on the basis of knowledge.
The predetermination is that if it is in the Bible, it must be true. That is clearly your starting point.

You probably aren't making claims, What are you doing?
I already told you; trying to have a discussion about the assertion in your OP. I don't think the evidence you presented in the OP supports your conclusion at all.

It became an exercise of what I need to do.
Why shouldn't it be? You're the one claiming t have evidence for a conclusion, so you need to present that evidence in a way others can understand.

Ha Ha. How would you like it explained. Ga Ga Goo Goo?
I'm not asking for simplification of what you've already posted, I'm asking for more detail and complexity. The scripture you're relying on doesn't describe anything clearly or consistently enough to be taken alone, you need more than that to support any conclusion.

Please, have a go at it. Break it down for me.
I'll be sure to let you know where you make a mess of it.
The point is I still don't know what kind of demon concept you're talking about. Different proponents will take the same sources as you and yet come up with vastly different ideas or beliefs. I didn't want to guess as what you're thinking and put words in to your mouth. I'll give it a go if you insist though.

"Demons are fallen angels, spiritual beings and so not detectable by material human means. At some point in human history (1914?), the war in heaven led to demons coming to Earth and since them some or all bad things that happen to us (at least from the viewpoint of the developed world) are caused by demons by some unknown mechanism. Why God allowed all of this is a mystery.

You are one of the people who can somehow detect their influence, consistent with what is written in the Bible and that is your evidence thy exist. Anyone who questions or challenges your conclusion simply can't see this evidence because they're wilfully blind to the spiritual world due to denying God."


Veteran Member
There is only one version of true Christianity. Jesus did not institute, preach, nor direct +30,000. ;)

Severe case of head in sand.

Fraudulent science is not science, right? Neither is fraudulent or imitation Christianity, Christianity.
The difference, off course, is that non-fraudulent science is demonstrable. We can use independent verifiable evidence to distinguish them.
We can't do that with the many many many many versions of christianity.

All claim to have the "right" version. None can demonstrate they have.

I can only repeat myself: there are no +30.000 versions of evolution theory. But there are such number of versions of christianity.
And that's just christianity off course.... To be fair, we would have to pile on all other religions and their denominations as well.
And each of them claims to have "the only Truth (tm)".


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Evidence for Superman would be seeing physically, like seeing a man flying, etc.
That cannot be compared to evidence that is not of a physical nature.
So, sorry. That's just a lame excuse for denying real evidence.
You're trying too hard... and coming up empty.
Evidence of not physical nature? You mean like the invisible fairies in my garden?


- viole

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
There is only one version of true Christianity. Jesus did not institute, preach, nor direct +30,000. ;)
Fraudulent science is not science, right? Neither is fraudulent or imitation Christianity, Christianity.
Are you claiming that you know versions of Christianity that are fraudulent?

You are making the comparison with the distinction between science and false science that is made on the basis of evidence, testing and falsifiability. So you must mean you have evidence to know the difference between "true" and fraudulent Christianity.

What are the criteria to make this determination?

I think people should know what you seem to be claiming to know.