You have consistently harped on this, and I see it as your ulterior motive manner to hoard 'Special Knowledge' to yourself and other 'intellectual types' like yourself
Goswami is a bona fide theoretical physicist who, in spite of his QM credentials, still must not know much about it. Chopra, besides being a credentialed medical doctor
In fact, unless you are in the habit of reading scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect's name
The last I read, Goswami's first experiment has been duplicated and confirmed three more times by separate labs in different locations. I am surprised that you would use experiments done in parapsychology as a reference against Goswami, who just happens to be a bona-fide physicist.
Why does any of this matter? Why do you reference scientific research, theories and technical terminology at all? If it's not necessary, because you can understand reality without even reading actual scientific research (and instead rely on descriptions you've found somewhere or youtube videos), then why do so?
Your problem here is that, for all the techno-minutieae you broadcast about QM, you fail to understand QM and its characteristics as an integrated and seamless feature of Reality itself.
If you reference scientific research (directly or not) whether to explain how your understanding of reality is consistent with science or for any other reason, then you are relying on centuries of work from brilliant minds devoting their lives to technical minutia. And this research is only possible because people spent years studying in order to learn things required just to understand research already done, let alone produce their own.
don't have a basic understanding of Reality to begin with
Not just that, but I further read this (and you are not the only one) as the old underlying game of egotistical one upmanship operating under the color of authority.
I'm not the one claiming to understand reality. You are. I'm claiming to know something about certain scientific fields and research. You reference these.
This is the big difference between us. You use many of the same sources that I do, and when you don't you frequently rely indirectly on such sources. Yet I don't claim to be privy to whatever "special knowledge" you have through whatever practices and/or training you've used. I have freely admitted more than once the limitations to my "special knowledge". You do not do this. You use (again, directly or indirectly) the sources I use for my "special knowledge" without bothering to do what I have done to understand them. Even worse, you accuse me of being some kind of elitist hoarder of knowledge I've gained through sources you rely on, yet you when I say you don't understand these sources you claim I lack your understanding of reality. That article in the journal
Physics Essays which you cite? You can buy it. You can spend money and get it. You don't.
And as for me and hoarding "specialized knowledge", I go out of my way to find links that are free when it would be far, far, easier just to use studies from journals that I have access to and others don't.
I rarely start threads, but of those I have, one is specifically about how to access material so that others can share my "specialized knowledge" who might otherwise not realize they could. Another is on my concern that schools aren't adequately providing education which would make it easier to understand the sources I rely on for my "specialized knowledge".
If I can't find a source that can be accessed for free, I will always (usually without being asked, but definitely if asked) provide a reference anyway which at least allows anyone interested to check out where I am getting my "specialized knowledge" from and obtain it.
And as for how I obtained my "specialized knowledge"? Most of it is from spending almost all of whatever money I have for luxury items on technical books, monographs, volumes, and textbooks. As I don't make a lot of money, this is possible for most. And it isn't even necessary if one doesn't mind getting books through interlibrary loans.
I have dedicated post after post to answering questions others have which I happen to know something about (and I am not talking about debates in which I explain something; I'm talking about answering requests for answers to specific questions about things I know something about).
If you go to my photo albums here, you'll find I have only two. One is "other" and is filled with graphs, figures, and pages I've scanned from some book to help my explain my position, or answer a question, or in some other way provide access to the sources for my "specialized knowledge" that I paid for, just so that others need not.
Bottom line is that it is not a matter of factual knowledge
Great. Stop then referencing scientific research then. It's irrelevant at best.
If my bottom line statements accurately reflect what is behind them
They don't.
That is all I, or most people need to know, or are interested in,
Most people who are interested in quantum physics or consciousness do not tell physicists and neuroscientists that they don't understand the brain or quantum physics. They learn what they are interested in and hope that the simplified version is adequate.
You, on the other hand, "learn" what you are interested in knowing, and then tell people who know far more than you do how they misunderstand their own field.
I'm not an expert on wood finishing. So I wouldn't tell that you're doing it wrong or missing the big picture. I have a basic understanding I learned from some experience in school and over the years. If I needed a professional job done, I'd hire a professional like you. And I wouldn't tell them that they were wrong because I saw a youtube clip where someone said something about never using shellac without first sanding with some specific extremely high grit sandpaper.
There is absolutely no need to go into further detail, unless you are a scientist
Or unless you want to tell a scientist that they're wrong.
We have the meat of the experiment, and that is what is important to most people.
Which is why most people are wrong about most things science related. I have spent an enormous amount of time on this forum alone explaining why neuroscience or behavioral studies were poorly done and don't show anything, all because someone read some simplified, sensationalist article with a catchy headline. Which isn't there fault.
But to insist that the simplified version combined with some basic knowledge means you know enough to tell someone who has a lot more than that why you are wrong is entirely different.
Let it be noted that you choose to focus on me rather than the information about the experiment and its implications
I didn't. I focused on the state of communication between specialists and laypersons ("you" can mean "people in general"). I started with "I see this a lot". I didn't mean "I see you do this a lot" or I'd have said that. This is not the first time that someone has read an article about an experiment here. I've gone over this before with other such articles in great detail. I can show you such posts if you wish.