What is the evidence in favor of consciousness emerging?
Emergence has a technical meaning that differs from what we connote or denote by "emerging".
Science can only theorize as to what consciousness even is
Scientists can do what scientists do: take a word that describes a phenomenon and model the phenomenon.
Has science found the answers as to what life and consciousness is, or do they only theorize about it?
It's meaningless to ask whether scientists have found the answers to questions that are trivially answerable. Life is defined as that which lives. The word "consciousness" is precisely what consciousness is. What we do is try to determine what dynamics, properties, physics, etc., are involved in that which we denote by consciousness.
If it is truly only scientific theory
As opposed to? Scientific speculation? Scientists use the word "theory" to (among other things) refer to an explanatory model and/or framework that tells us e.g., how something works.
then It is not proven to be fact
Proof is a word used in mathematics (including logic). It involves the derivation of formal statements according to predetermined rules of some formal language (like predicate calculus). To "prove" anything requires a system in which any arbitrary string of symbols that represent either variables or operators are defined within that system and exist only within that system. We do not "prove" things about how systems in "real life" work, we develop explanatory frameworks (theories and/or models) that inform us as to how these systems work.
There is no one who can justly say that the alternate theory of consciousnes being everywhere is false.
Everyone can. It's false by definition.
It may be perfectly natural for consciousness to exist everywhere.
No, just utterly meaningless. It's like saying that empathy exists everywhere or hatred exists everywhere. It ascribes to systems things that are defined such that they cannot be properties of such systems nor attributed universally. Consciousness is necessarily singular. It denotes that awareness of "I/me" (agency, self-awareness, etc.) and allows us to speak of conscious entities as those capable not merely of subjective experience but as a singular, metacognitive property of a system irreducibly aware of such experience.
It is my opinion and my belief that consciousness is that very same animating force that causes energy forms to have chemical reactions to begin with
So not only is you opinion that consciousness is something that has no relation to what the word means, you also use "energy" and "chemical reactions" in ways that have nothing to do with chemistry or physics. Got it.
Consciousness, In my opinion, is the Animating Factor of the Universe.
Then you aren't conscious. And as you argue that you are not conscious, then you have no experience of what you are communicating nor any ability to assert anything you are aware of. Alternatively, you can do all of this because your are conscious, which means you are simply incorrectly using the term.