Before Sin, there was no death. If Adam and Eve and the animals had genitals, it would only a matter of time before reproduction would cause Earth to became over populated had nobody sinned. Am I missing something here?
If you look at the earth, humans are the only species on earth that over populates the earth to the point of upsetting the natural balance, even though all the animals have genitals. Genitals is not the operative variable.
What human have, that animals do not have, is will and choice apart from natural instinct. The rest of the animals only have natural instinct. This allows them to find their sweet spot and natural ecosystem ratio. Humans, via will and choice, do not have the same innate limitation of natural limits; at a conscious level. Human can choose to exceed natural limits, based on choices that are beyond natural instinct; man made rules of good and evil. In the case of over population, the human learned pleasure of sex is more important than over population; pleasure is good and lack of pleasure is evil. Animals do not think that way. Their pleasure centers tend to animate seasonally and based on food supply. To an animal, it is not having sex to help forget about the bad things. They have a more reasonable metric for maintaining species balance.
This wld card, that separates humans from animals can be modeled as a function of humans having two centers of consciousness; inner self and ego, with the ego center connected to the symbolism of Adam and Eve. All animals have is an inner self. This natural center of animal consciousness is in touch with natural instinct via the long road of evolution and DNA. This natural selection connection allows animals to reproduce, but in ways that integrate them with nature, at the proper natural ratios, that allow stable natural ecosystems. These behavior were naturally selected over eons; optimized. The ego depends on learn human knowledge of good and evil for proper human social behavior.
In modern lingo, consciousness is more like software, while the output expressions of the body is like hardware; program and machine. If we were watching a new machine perform, we cannot easily tell all the details of the software, by just the output. One could write another program that can do very similar things, but it may not match the original program. Different venders offer similar cell phones, but the operating systems can be very different.
The original machine program, may be the product of many years of development and on the job modification, with added features and bug updates. The new reversed engineered may do the same basics, but it is still in the early development stage; natural selection versus ego centric reverse engineering. The inner self is closer to prefect, since it have been developed over eons through natural selection; God given. The ego was reverse engineered; will and choice, with parameters that reflected the will and choice of ego-centric developers, who were trying to copy and improve the original with do-loops of good and evil. We ended up with two operating systems; inner self and ego, that do not mess, but often tend to conflict when run together.
As a modern example of the Adam and Eve cross roads, of the two trees or the two operating systems; natural or life, and manmade; knowledge of good and evil do-loops and do-not-loops, nearly all humans are born with a biological sex; male or female. This can be inferred by physical analysis of the DNA. This body output is connected to the inner self operating system. Fake news and Liberal theology now say that biological sex is evil and transgender is the new good; use this do-loop via will and choice; copy behavior.
The females or Eve, tends to accept this new fad, first; Liberal mothers. They coax the males; sons and husbands, to accept this ego-centric knowledge of good and evil. This Liberal theology is trying to reverse engineer an aspect of child development; add unnatural chemicals. Death comes into the world. Long data says, even after willfully transitioning, there is still a problem with death by suicide. What had benefited the ego, in the short term; secondary program for the superego of Liberal Culture, causes a drift away from natural instinct and the inner self. This causes a lingering internal division. The machine is fighting against itself; isometric exhaustion.
If we go back to will and choice, and this internal division, between the natural and the manmade center; instinct versus ego-centric knowledge of good and evil, the internal division causes over an ego overcompensation, leading to overpopulation; fanaticism overcompensates for doubt. Someone in harmony with nature is more laid back unit nature calls in cycles. I have a summer cycle. Over compensation cannot sit still; bugs in the machine.