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Did God Create This ???

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Veteran Member
If you see someone in need, help them, if you have the means to help others, do so, otherwise we will all stand guilty before God, for not helping those who were hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, etc.

We need to do our part to help God.

We are God's hands, feet, eyes, mouth, ears, etc.

Jewel - Hands


I smell something....
If you see someone in need, help them, if you have the means to help others, do so, otherwise we will all stand guilty before God, for not helping those who were hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, etc.

We need to do our part to help God.

We are God's hands, feet, eyes, mouth, ears, etc.

Jewel - Hands
You didn't answer the question yet.


Veteran Member
Christ gives unto every man a certain weakness or weaknesses.

This could present itself a physical, mental or a spiritual form or in any number of forms. Our job is to overcome our "weaknesses" so that we can become "strong" in the eyes of the Lord.

How many of us have physical, mental or spiritual challenges that can or have either made or broken us ???

Ether 12: 27
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
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Veteran Member
You didn't answer the question yet.
Yes I did, God gives us the chance to make this world a better place, he's not going to hold our hands and do it for us.

God wants strong people in his kingdom, not weak ones.

Where there is hate, we offer love, in the name of Christ.
Where there is hunger and thirst we offer food and drink.
Where there is evil we offer good.
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Mother Heathen
Fair enough, but...

I've worked with, dated, been friends/associated with girls with faces nearly as beautiful and/or as beautiful as the opening post photo, so they definitely do exist, so that said, did God create this or was it just a set of random events ???

God created her.

And man created the airbrush.:D


I smell something....
Yes I did, God gives us the chance to make this world a better place, he's not going to hold our hands and do it for us.

God wants strong people in his kingdom, not weak ones.

Where there is hate, we love and defend ourselves.
Where there is hunger and thirst we offer food and drink.
Where there is evil we do good.
So G_d created those that I posted to give us a chance to help them? Is that what you are saying? Why does a Calvin Klein model need help anyways?


Veteran Member
God created her.

And man created the airbrush.:D...
...with God's help. If it weren't for God, the airbrush would not have been invented. :D

"All things were created spiritually in heaven before they were created physically on earth," according to LDS doctrine.

God gives us the ability to create something beautiful, but without him we can do nothing, agreed ???


Veteran Member
So G_d created those that I posted to give us a chance to help them? Is that what you are saying? Why does a Calvin Klein model need help anyways?
I believe God gives us "challenges" for our own growth or for the growth of others.

If I see someone in need, for instance, someone who is sick, I have compassion on that person, becasue I have been sick myself and can't help but want to help.

If there were no opposing forces to overcome we would become weak and die.

Without gravity (an example of an opposing force) we would become weak and die.

Without evil in the world, we would not know good, and we would forever be in a state of innocense, not knowing or experiencing any joy.

"Men are that they might have joy."

2 Ne. 2: 25
Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.
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Veteran Member
We have to know what it's like to be hungry and thirsty in order to appreciate being filled.

We have to know what pain is like in order to know pleasure.

We have to taste something bitter in order to enjoy something sweet.

We have to know hate in order to know what it feels like to be loved.

We have to experience ugliness in order to appreciate beauty.

It's only temporary...


I smell something....
I believe God gives us "challenges" for our own growth or for the growth of others.

If I see someone in need, for instance someone who is sick, I have compassion on that person, becasue I have been sick myself and can't help but want to help.

If there were no opposition to overcome we would become weak and die.

Without gravity (an example of an opposing force) we would become weak and die.

Without evil in the world we would not know good, and we would forever be in a state of innocense, not knowing or experiencing any joy.

"Men are that they might have joy."

2 Ne. 2: 25
Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.
I think we are having a communication problem here. The answer you gave would work good if I asked you "does G_d want us to help this person?" But I asked you "did G_d create these people?" So I will ask it again. Did G_d create that which I posted? Usually a yes or no would work for that type of question.:D


Veteran Member
Jesus himself (God and creator of this world in human form) was not beautiful. So this is proof that something that is not beautiful is and was created by God.

This scripture is a prophecy of who Jesus Christ would be.

Christ, who is God, did not walk among men in a beautiful human form, even though he was capable of creating for himself a beautiful body.

Christ has decended below all things.

D&C 88: 6
He that ascended up on high, as also he descended below all things, in that he comprehended all things, that he might be in all and through all things, the light of truth;

D&C 122: 8
The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?

Isa. 53: 2
For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

Mosiah 14: 2
For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground; he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him.

Christ created all things, not just those things that are beautiful. He himself came to earth in a body that was not beautiful, so that dispoves that God only creates beautiful things.

I use examples of beauty in this thread to show his ability to create something of beauty, in the human form, in the earth, in the skies, in plants and animals, etc.

There are no end to Christ's works and His creations.
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Veteran Member
Google "Fire Rainbow" if you don't think this is a real photo.

In order for this to occur, the clouds have to be cirrus, containing the right ammount of ice crystals, and the sun at 58 degrees.
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Veteran Member
I think we are having a communication problem here. The answer you gave would work good if I asked you "does G_d want us to help this person?" But I asked you "did G_d create these people?" So I will ask it again. Did G_d create that which I posted? Usually a yes or no would work for that type of question.:D
Yes, God created hunger, thirst, disease, sickness, death, etc.

God created all that we see on earth.

If we don't like what we see we can change it with God's help. Christ showed us an example of this by miraculously feeding 5,000 people, healing all manner of diseases and sicknesses, blindness, defness, paralisis, mental disorders, etc.

Christ showed us how to overcome this world, but we cannot do it ourselves, we need his help, he's just waiting to see if we will take some sort of action first.

We take action to do all we can, then Christ steps in and does the rest.
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I smell something....
Yes, God created hunger, thirst, disease, sickness, death, etc.

God created all that we see on earth.

If we don't like what we see we can change it with God's help. Christ showed us an example of this by miraculously feeding 5,000 people, healing all manner of diseases and sicknesses, blindness, defness, paralisis, mental disorders, etc.

Christ showed us how to overcome this world, but we cannot do it ourselves, we need his help, he's just waiting to see if we will take some sort of action first.

We take action to do all we can, then Christ steps in and does the rest.
Thank you for answering my question.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
We all have imperfect bodies, even the most beautiful person on earth does not have a perfected body. I've seen a demon and an angel, they both had perfect faces, not like we see on earth.

We will all obtain perfect bodies sooner or later, this is a free gift, because of Christ's sacrifice for us all.

Christ overcame death for us, which was a condition that obviously did not exist prior to the fall.

This life is not perfect, there is no perfection in this life, because of the fall.

You didn't answer the question.


Veteran Member
You didn't answer the question.
There was no ugliness in God's creations prior to the fall, everything was perfect.

No pain, disease, sickness, death, ugliness, sin, etc.

People need to get over it, these are the current conditions of this earth, "opposition in ALL things".

Ugliness is not the result of sin, it's a condition of this world that helps us appreciate beauty. Christ had "no beauty that we should desire him," according to Isaiah. (see: Isaiah 53Mosiah 14)

There are many ugly beautiful people and likewise there are many beautiful ugly people.

Without ugliness we cannot ever know or appreciate beauty, it's part of our education process that helps us become MORE like God in every way.

God will "give us the desires of our hearts," eventually, either in this life or the next.

This life is temporary.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, God created hunger, thirst, disease, sickness, death, etc.

You have demostrable evidence to prove this I assume? God talked to you or made himself known to you and put the picture of the sexed up supermodel in your mind to come here and post for us to finally know there is a god. Is that your argument?

Your perception of beuty has to do with upbringing and conditioning and some argue phi... (hee hee)

If we don't like what we see we can change it with God's help. Christ showed us an example of this by miraculously feeding 5,000 people, healing all manner of diseases and sicknesses, blindness, defness, paralisis, mental disorders, etc.

Christ did not show you, me or anyone else alive today anything. Christ most likely existed but perhaps not. If he did exist it was as a man not as a super savant healer and master of magic or channeler of theological mystic powers. He may have been a great man and teacher who died for his beliefs. Most modern biblical scholars discount claims of miraculous magic powers. Extroadinary claims require extroadinary evidence and in this instance there is little to behold.

The tales of jesus of course come from the bible and mainly matthew, mark, luke and john. The Bible is the collection of religious writings of Judaism and of Christianity. We then have translations and derived from them interpretations. Your interpretation is one and so is many others and all possible since none of the interpretations can be proven. While we could easily argue translation, interpretation is another matter and the 1000s of religions and varied views and beliefs of jesus are a testament to that.

Was this just a reinvention of earlier beliefs? Were pagan rituals adopted for christianity?

Did god? What about is there a god? And whatever experience you have a personal revalation of what you percieve to be the most powerful being in the universe singling you out, you must know there are many others who say the exact same thing and have completely different religions and beliefs than you do.

I take it you just outright reject evolution because the world is just too beutiful and complex to not have a creator. (Which is a lot easier to rationalize if you are already conditioned to accept and acknowledge god as a fact ) Are you an authoritarian? (Would you agree that you seem to have some of these traits: conventionalism, authoritarian submission, authoritarian aggression, anti-intraception, superstition and stereotypy, power and "toughness", destructiveness and cynicism, projectivity, and exaggerated concerns over sex.)

You can take my questions rhetorically if it pleases you. Your argument that she is just too beutiful to not be created by god and you know she is not perfect because you have seen the perfect form of demons, angels, pixies or whatever mythological creatures you claim first hand knowledge of is ridiculous.


Veteran Member
You have demostrable evidence to prove this I assume? God talked to you or made himself known to you and put the picture of the sexed up supermodel in your mind to come here and post for us to finally know there is a god. Is that your argument?

Your perception of beuty has to do with upbringing and conditioning and some argue phi... (hee hee)
I've seen a human demon and a human angel. We are all human, angels and demons alike. The demon had a perfect human face, the angel likewise, yet one was in torment the other in an exalted perfect state of joy. I FELT the feelings of both as hate, anger and lonliness shot through me while the image of the demon came and went as quickly as a flash of a camera. Likewise I felt Love, joy and a sense of wholeness, as if nothing was broken, when the angel's image flashed before my eyes as fast as the flash of a camera light.

They were both humans, both equally beautiful. Beauty has nothing to do with good or evil.

God has created beauty and ugliness for his divine purposes, to educate us.

The point of this thread was to point out God's ability to create something of beauty, not just ugliness, sickness, disease, etc.

Christ did not show you, me or anyone else alive today anything. Christ most likely existed but perhaps not. If he did exist it was as a man not as a super savant healer and master of magic or channeler of theological mystic powers. He may have been a great man and teacher who died for his beliefs. Most modern biblical scholars discount claims of miraculous magic powers. Extroadinary claims require extroadinary evidence and in this instance there is little to behold.

The tales of jesus of course come from the bible and mainly matthew, mark, luke and john. The Bible is the collection of religious writings of Judaism and of Christianity. We then have translations and derived from them interpretations. Your interpretation is one and so is many others and all possible since none of the interpretations can be proven. While we could easily argue translation, interpretation is another matter and the 1000s of religions and varied views and beliefs of jesus are a testament to that.

Was this just a reinvention of earlier beliefs? Were pagan rituals adopted for christianity?

Did god? What about is there a god? And whatever experience you have a personal revalation of what you percieve to be the most powerful being in the universe singling you out, you must know there are many others who say the exact same thing and have completely different religions and beliefs than you do.

I take it you just outright reject evolution because the world is just too beutiful and complex to not have a creator. (Which is a lot easier to rationalize if you are already conditioned to accept and acknowledge god as a fact ) Are you an authoritarian? (Would you agree that you seem to have some of these traits: conventionalism, authoritarian submission, authoritarian aggression, anti-intraception, superstition and stereotypy, power and "toughness", destructiveness and cynicism, projectivity, and exaggerated concerns over sex.)

You can take my questions rhetorically if it pleases you. Your argument that she is just too beutiful to not be created by god and you know she is not perfect because you have seen the perfect form of demons, angels, pixies or whatever mythological creatures you claim first hand knowledge of is ridiculous.
The opening post face is NOT perfect. I have seen perfection in the human face. I tried to do a Google search to find what I had seen in the spirit, with my spirit eyes. That airbrushed image in the opening post comes close, but still not exactly what I saw.

Visionaries who have seen Mary say she is more beautiful than what we see on earth, I agree, I only got a taste of it, but I saw what I saw. I saw into the next world for just a second. I can't reproduce that image in my mind.

There are many that have seen into the spirit realm. Joseph Smith was one of them.

Google Bernadette Soubirous and read or listen to her accounts of her visions and conversations with Mary. Also read the accounts of the three children of Fatima, Portugal.

I am not a product of my environment. I am in no way your typical Christian.

There is a film called "Burnadette" and another called "The Miracle of our Lady Fatima". Rent these films and watch them. Netflix has them both.
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Well-Known Member
I've seen a human demon and a human angel. We are all human, angels and demons alike. The demon had a perfect human face, the angel likewise, yet one was in torment the other in an exalted perfect state of joy. I FELT the feelings of both as hate, anger and lonliness shot through me while the image of the demon came and went as quickly as a flash of a camera. Likewise I felt Love, joy and a sense of wholeness, as if nothing was broken, when the angel's image flashed before my eyes as fast as the flash of a camera light.

They were both humans, both equally beautiful. Beauty has nothing to do with good or evil.

God has created beauty and ugliness for his divine purposes, to educate us.

The point of this thread was to point out God's ability to create something of beauty, not just ugliness, sickness, disease, etc.

The opening post face is NOT perfect. I have seen perfection in the human face. I tried to do a Google search to find what I had seen in the spirit, with my spirit eyes. That airbrushed image in the opening post comes close, but still not exactly what I saw.

Visionaries who have seen Mary say she is more beautiful than what we see on earth, I agree, I only got a taste of it, but I saw what I saw. I saw into the next world for just a second. I can't reproduce that image in my mind.

There are many that have seen into the spirit realm. Joseph Smith was one of them.

Google Bernadette Soubirous and read or listen to her accounts of her visions and conversations with Mary. Also read the accounts of the three children of Fatima, Portugal.

I am not a product of my environment. I am in no way your typical Christian.

There is a film called "Burnadette" and another called "The Miracle of our Lady Fatima". Rent these films and watch them. Netflix has them both.

I'll watch both movies if you'll read and reply to the words I actually posted just once. Continuing to attempt to illuminate me on your puported observance of both an angel and a demon is like trying to convince you once rode a unicorn and met an efreeti... Its utter nonsense if this is your literal argument.
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