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Did God Create This ???

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Veteran Member
Uh, yes, there is. Radioactive decay is not something that just decides to throw off a subatomic particle on just a whim. It can be boiled down to exact mathematical formulas. If you have issues with this then you need to prove that there is a real error in these formulas with scientific or mathematical evidence.
Theories, which cannot be verified and stated as proof.

I cannot measure something with a tape measure unless I can actually place the tape measure from one end to the other.

I cannot measure anything, with any device, in terms of millions of years, then verify/prove that measurement accurate, simply because we have no reference point to verify/prove it's measurement in human history, by written records, artifacts/objects from that time period, etc.
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Theories, which cannot be verified and stated as proof.

I cannot measure something with a tape measure unless I can actually place the tape measure from one end to the other.

I cannot measure anything, with any device, in terms of millions of years, then verify/prove that measurement accurate, simply because we have no reference point to verify it's measurement in human history, by written records, artifacts/objects from that time, etc.
You also probably cannot look inside the combustion chamber of your motorcycle and watch the fuel-air mixture ignite. Does that mean that you don't know how your bike works?

In the case of both radiometric dating and internal combustion engines, we use indirect data to figure out what's going on.


Veteran Member
Again, The Grand Canyon. When it comes to geology, I think I'll have to trust the educated geologists over kooky, dishonest bible thumpers. They know more and better than you do. Sorry.

Try again.

Most Christians still think the earth is only 6,000 years old, which Niagara Falls proves to be untrue.

I, of course, subscribe to young earth theories, however we know the earth is more than 6,000 years old, simply because Niagara Falls has been eroding for approximately 12,500 years.

Here is one young earth creation theory, the Grand Canyon, a young earth creation theory time piece.

The Age of the Earth - The Grand Canyon as a Creationist Clock: Ryan McGillivray
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Veteran Member
You also probably cannot look inside the combustion chamber of your motorcycle and watch the fuel-air mixture ignite. Does that mean that you don't know how your bike works?

In the case of both radiometric dating and internal combustion engines, we use indirect data to figure out what's going on.
But it cannot be verified, therefore it remains a mathematical theory, not fact or proof of a million year old earth.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member

Try again.

Misusing terms makes you look like an imbecile. If you came outside and seen leaves lying upon the ground, would it be "just theory" that they came from a tree since you didn't actually witness them fall? The rational, intelligent course of action is to assume what the data and evidence suggests.
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Veteran Member
I have proof of a young earth...

Polonium 214, 218, 210 and radon 222 halos have all been found imbedded in granite....

Polonium-214 ~~~~~~~ 164 microseconds
Polonium-218 ~~~~~~~ 3.05 minutes
Radon-222 ~~~~~~~~~~ 3.8 days
Polonium-210 ~~~~~~~ 138 days

...and these have not.

Radium-226 ~~~~~~~~~1,600 years
Thorium-230 ~~~~~~~~ 80,000 years
Uranium-234 ~~~~~~~~ 250,000 years
Uranium-238 ~~~~~~~~ 4,500,000,000 years

Show me one of these halos imbedded in granite and then I'll believe the earth is more than 13,000 years old.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I have proof of a young earth...

Polonium 214, 218, 210 and radon 222 halos have all been found imbedded in granite....

Polonium-214 ~~~~~~~ 164 microseconds
Polonium-218 ~~~~~~~ 3.05 minutes
Radon-222 ~~~~~~~~~~ 3.8 days
Polonium-210 ~~~~~~~ 138 days

...and these have not.

Radium-226 ~~~~~~~~~1,600 years
Thorium-230 ~~~~~~~~ 80,000 years
Uranium-234 ~~~~~~~~ 250,000 years
Uranium-238 ~~~~~~~~ 4,500,000,000 years

Show me one of these halos imbedded in granite and then I'll believe the earth is more than 13,000 years old.


Try again.

See, I can play that lame game, too. Seriously though I can't help but suspect that you've just copied and pasted from a seedy and dubious creationist propaganda site. Perhaps you could cite a credible, peer reviewed science journal as a source? Sources and citations are very important if you want your claims to be seen as valid.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
Only when God commands it, otherwise we are under the law to take "save it be one wife" and "concubines ye shall have none" as was in the case of Solomon who "took unto himself concubines" which the Lord has commanded him and us not to do.

Well, being that I am not Mormon I'll stick to the good ol' Scriptures and not the BOM. Yah doesn't have a problem with man having multiple wives as long as he is not a King or ruler where it is said not to have to many but how many is too many? I guess 700 wives from other nations and 300 concubines of the daughters of Yisrael was a bit much even for the man of Shlomo's stature. ;)

Shlomo was King and it is said that a King not to have to many wives because there was a chance that the women would talk you into things that would be a sin. This happened to Shlomo. He ended up building in high places for his wives from other nations to worship their pagan diety's. David on the other hand did not have to many wives but rather commited adultery, covetness and murder to obtain the wife of Uri-YAH which was Bathsheba. The number of wives is not the issue but a man that isn't strong enough to stand his ground and keep with the word of Yah is.

Berachiah Ben Yisrael

Active Member
I'm gonna need a mod to delete these discussions from this thread.

Here's the new thread: http://www.religiousforums.com/foru...urch-jesus-christ-latter-day.html#post1393894

I've transferred all I want out of this thread, concerning polygamy, and into another thread, so I'll delete my posts concerning polygamy and I hope others would do the same thanks.

Thats cool but I won't be needing it. I could care less what the LDS believe and was only asking you a question and didn't intend to be bombarded by the peanut section. :D


Veteran Member
Well, being that I am not Mormon I'll stick to the good ol' Scriptures and not the BOM. Yah doesn't have a problem with man having multiple wives as long as he is not a King or ruler where it is said not to have to many but how many is too many? I guess 700 wives from other nations and 300 concubines of the daughters of Yisrael was a bit much even for the man of Shlomo's stature. ;)

Shlomo was King and it is said that a King not to have to many wives because there was a chance that the women would talk you into things that would be a sin. This happened to Shlomo. He ended up building in high places for his wives from other nations to worship their pagan diety's. David on the other hand did not have to many wives but rather commited adultery, covetness and murder to obtain the wife of Uri-YAH which was Bathsheba. The number of wives is not the issue but a man that isn't strong enough to stand his ground and keep with the word of Yah is.
I need to correct myself by quoting this scripture.

Solomon did not sin, save in those things which he received not of the Lord.

See the verse in red.

D&C 132: 1, 38
1 Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you my servant Joseph, that inasmuch as you have inquired of my hand to know and understand wherein I, the Lord, justified my servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as also Moses, David and Solomon, my servants, as touching the principle and doctrine of their having many wives and concubines—

• • •
38 David also received many wives and concubines, and also Solomon and Moses my servants, as also many others of my servants, from the beginning of creation until this time; and in nothing did they sin save in those things which they received not of me.
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Wonder Woman
Just because something was not seen doesn't mean there isn't evidence that it happened. There is plenty of evidence that the earth is billions of years old. There doesn't need to be witnesses for it to be fact.

Try this: If a woman was found dead of multiple stab wounds laying in her bed and her husband was found dead by a bullet to the head through the mouth with a bloody knife in one hand, the gun in the other, and drenched in her and his blood. What do you think happened? Would it matter that there were no witnesses?

You ask for proof that the earth is older than 13,000 years old. You have been given oodles and oodles of proof and yet you just sit there and say "no, not good enough" and discount everything presented to you saying that there CAN'T be anything. YES there can. You don't WANT to believe you are wrong so you just BELIEVE that there can't be any proof that you are. You will deny EVERYTHING presented to you, no matter how accurate it is. Father Heathen is right. I truly believe that if there were such a thing as a time machine, if time travel were indeed possible, and someone were to take you back prior to 13,000 years you would STILL deny.


Veteran Member
Just because something was not seen doesn't mean there isn't evidence that it happened. There is plenty of evidence that the earth is billions of years old. There doesn't need to be witnesses for it to be fact.
By that same reasoning then, there doesn't need to be a witness, or witnesses, to prove God's existance as fact either, even though we do have witnesses of God's existance, but scientists to do not have witnesses that the earth is millions or billions of years old, not even one written record, but we do have written records of many men who have seen God, including Joseph Smith.

You ask for proof that the earth is older than 13,000 years old. You have been given oodles and oodles of proof
Theories rather.,,

and yet you just sit there and say "no, not good enough" and discount everything presented to you saying that there CAN'T be anything. YES there can. You don't WANT to believe you are wrong so you just BELIEVE that there can't be any proof that you are. You will deny EVERYTHING presented to you, no matter how accurate it is. Father Heathen is right. I truly believe that if there were such a thing as a time machine, if time travel were indeed possible, and someone were to take you back prior to 13,000 years you would STILL deny.
Then it would no longer be a theory, but fact or proof of an "X" year old earth, but since we have no witness, all theories of a million or billion year old earth are just that, theories.
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Well-Known Member
Niagra Falls has been eroding the canyon wall (flowing) for about 12,000 years, according to geologists.

Here is one young earth creation theory, the Grand Canyon, a young earth creation theory time piece.

The Age of the Earth - The Grand Canyon as a Creationist Clock: Ryan McGillivray

I'm curious why you accept the word of geologists that Niagara Falls has been eroding for about 12,000 years but you don't accept their word that the Grand Canyon has been eroding for millions of years.

First 1,000 year period of creation (starts 11,000 BC) 13,000 years ago
Earth was without form and void
Water was upon the whole face of the earth
Light created

Second 1,000 year period starts 10,000 BC (12,000 years ago)
Firmament/heavens/skies created
Waters divided between earth and the firmament/heavens/skies
Rains start falling and Rivers start flowing

Third 1,000 year period starts 9,000 BC (11,000 years ago)
Land and waters divided
Dry land appears and seas form
Plants and trees of all kinds created

Fourth 1,000 year period starts 8,000 BC (10,000 years ago)
Sun, moon and stars created
Day and night begins

Fifth 1,000 year period starts 7,000 BC
All creatures of the sea and skies created

Sixth 1,000 year period starts 6,000 BC
All creatures of the land created
Adam and Eve created

Seventh 1,000 year period starts 5,000 BC
God rested from all his labors
Adam and Eve commanded not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil

4,000 B.C. (6,000 years ago)
Adam and Eve fell

33 B.C. (2,000 years ago)
Christ dies for the world's sins

2,000 A.D.
Christ begins to prepare the earth and it's inhabitants for his 1,000 year reign

First day of creation (waters upon the face of the earth) 13,000 to 12,000 years ago
Niagra Falls 12,500 years old
Water starts flowing 12,000 years ago
Vegetation created (third day of creation) 11,000 to 10,000 years ago
Oldest living tree ~ 9,550 years old
Adam and Eve Fell (cast out of the Garden of Eden) ~ 6,000 years ago
Christ atones for the sins of the world ~ 2,000 years ago

Christ will rule and reign on earth for the next 1,000 years
I notice you left Noah's Flood out of your time line here. If it occurred after Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden, then how can the oldest living tree be 9,550 years old?


Well-Known Member
By that same reasoning then, there doesn't need to be a witness, or witnesses, to prove God's existance as fact either, even though we do have witnesses of God's existance, but scientists to do not have witnesses that the earth is millions or billions of years old, not even one written record, but we do have written records of many men who have seen God, including Joseph Smith.
The problem with this argument is that for every witness that has seen the God of the bible, there are two or three witnesses that have seen other Gods. If you expect us to accept your witnesses you would also have to accept these since you haven't shown why yours are any more reliable.
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